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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Terry Dodge

    Fly Snaps

    Thanks for posting this Jim. Looks and sounds like something I need to get.
  2. I thought these looked pretty cool.... http://www.nucanoe.com/
  3. Isn't that how it's suppose to look? That is a marabou muddler, right? I think that's how it's suppose to look. Nice job.
  4. Just passing on some info that might want to be read. Don't forget to vote. http://www.wcfpd.org/governance/candidates-answers/
  5. That's the way I see it. If you use a whip then you probably don't need to use head cement or super glue. I think I do the multiple half hitches top with super glue. If I'm looking for a smoother, shinier head then I'll use head cement. All I'm trying to state is that If a person is going to coat the head of a fly with head cement or super glue then I don't think the whip is necessary.
  6. We gotta hear this again? That was so long ago. I could see bragging for maybe a month but what you are now doing could almost be considered as sick. Catching all dinks? Yes, change it up. If nothing then, switch back and get some dinks.
  7. Seems to be a lot of that going around. At least you were CAUGHTING fish. Glad to hear you guys had fun.
  8. Well it didn't just break by it's self! You gotta figure this out man.
  9. But if a person dabs head cement or super glue or what have you on the head, then what is the purpose of the whip?
  10. Very good video. Lots of info. It's like you've done this before. I have never understood why people bother with a whip. Maybe somebody can sell me on the idea of using one at our December NW Region fly tying meeting. Thanks for posting.
  11. Wow! I don't think you should have started that report off by saying "No luck". Sounds like a good outing to me. Nice pic. That smallie looks a little chunky.
  12. I better not hear "Duck, Dodge & Hide" Clousers.
  13. My wife. So a snippet of hair from my wife's head mixed with the lint from the bottom of my wallet would make what kind of Clouser?
  14. Sad. Just think about the story of his alien abduction expierance this carp had to tell all his fish friends.
  15. Oh what the heck........... Put me down for a "Bowser Clouser"
  16. Really? Now we have to put up with jokes like that? There has to be some kind of Forums rule about jokes like that. Where's Eric?
  17. Gots me stuff. Ordered all sparkle fur in grey, red, turquoise and white. They all look good. I'll have to sit at my bench and do some work.
  18. I will prove "Everyone" wrong. Gots me a spot all picked out.
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