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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. I, Terry Jay Dodge, ordered a Jackson Coosa around Jan. 19, 2013. Not paid in full yet, just put 5h's down to start the order. Could be here in another week, could be here by the end of March. My garage doesn't look like Eric's, so I hope it's not here in another week. This Coosa is being purchased at the Loves Park location. Just so you know.
  2. Oh, HEY! We will have a raffle pack at this meeting. The pack includes: 1- ISA hat 1- ISA conservation t-shirt 1- Friends of the Kishwaukee River / ISA trash bag Being we are a small group, let's make the price $2.00 for a chance to win. All $$$ collected will go towards the NW/Chi Region picnic on April 27.
  3. On Saturday @ 12pm. (noon), Feb. 2nd. The NW Region will hold a social meeting at the American Legion, Robert Carlson Post 1207, 1011 S. Alpine Road. This meeting will be a discussion on plans for the up-coming, March 23rd. ISA Seminar @ Ken-Rock Community Center and also the 2013 "Love Your River Day" held by the Friends Of The Kishwaukee River, scheduled for June 8th. 2013. We will also start planning for our 2013 NW Region outings for the year. https://maps.google....003915,0.010332
  4. Congrats! Those do look nice.
  5. Terry Dodge


    The plan is to mainly use it on the Rock River above the Fordam dam.
  6. Something I tossed together to post on a number of Facebook pages....
  7. Myself, Mike G. and Scott where in the room. We just stood and stared at each other.
  8. Enter the chat by way of the "More" tab at the top of your screen or (I think) you can use this........ (just click "agree") http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?app=ipchat
  9. Terry Dodge


    Yes there is and I would like to thank everyone for their input. What's done is done. I bought a Coosa. I was bouncing back and forth from the Coosa and The WS Ride-115. I liked both yaks and was kind of leaning towards the WS Ride-115 and thought I was going to go with that so I could save a couple hundred. Being that this is what I consider to be a large purchase, I informed my wife that I would be getting the Ride. She was a bit surprised. She has listened to me talk about getting a Coosa for a couple years. We stopped by Rutabaga's in Madison and I showed her both kayaks. She liked Jackson's color options better than what WS offered. The Coosa was ordered in Blackwidow. Sorry Eric. It should be here by the end of March. Being such a large purchase I gave her the power of color choice.
  10. Not that you or anybody else cares what I think but I, myself, prefer the desktop. Get the MAC, you don't need the bother of Windows.
  11. I don't see how anybody could try to talk you out of getting a MAC. I got mine last year and all computer problems I was having went away and I have had no issues since getting the MAC. Easy to use also. For some reason some people think it's hard to switch over to a MAC. I don't understand why they think this. I got mine in Madison at the Apple store. If you get one let me know and we can be MAC buddies and have pijama parties and listen to record albums.
  12. Jude sleeps 'til noon so there's a chance for bright conversation in the ISA Chatroom @ 8am. tomorrow morning.
  13. On Saturday @ 12pm. (noon), Feb. 2nd. The NW Region will hold a social meeting at the American Legion, Robert Carlson Post 1207, 1011 S. Alpine Road. This meeting will be a discussion on plans for the up-coming, March 23rd. ISA Seminar @ Ken-Rock Community Center and also the 2013 "Love Your River Day" held by the Friends Of The Kishwaukee River, scheduled for June 8th. 2013. We will also start planning for our 2013 NW Region outings for the year. https://maps.google....003915,0.010332
  14. I was just thinking on my way home from work tonight that I forgot to post a time, and of course Jude would be the one to point it out. IT'S A BAR! Open to close of course. Let's say 12pm. That would be noon o'clock for you, Jude. I'll add it to the announcement.
  15. Only about a 45 minute wait for the info..... On Saturday @ 12pm. (noon), Feb. 2nd. The NW Region will hold a social meeting at the American Legion, Robert Carlson Post 1207, 1011 S. Alpine Road. This meeting will be a discussion on plans for the up-coming, March 23rd. ISA Seminar @ Ken-Rock Community Center and also the 2013 "Love Your River Day" held by the Friends Of The Kishwaukee River, scheduled for June 8th. 2013. We will also start planning for our 2013 NW Region outings for the year. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=203674955003766918642.0004d3f8c524b4d8a677b&msa=0&ll=42.257365,-89.028203&spn=0.003915,0.010332
  16. Info on it's way. Keep an eye here for up-coming information.
  17. No. And welcome back. Got 'er all figured out, did ya?
  18. So would this make it easier for people who purchased a non-powered vessel at a garage sale to obtain a sticker without a bill of sales?
  19. It was a wash! As a matter of fact, I could have sat but-naked washing myself in the middle of the place and not one (1) ISA NW Region member would have seen me. I was the only one there. Even naked the Biscuits & Gravy tasted great. Your lose.
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