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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. 6wt. You really don't need to cast the big stuff on the Kish. Poppers, Clousers, Wooly buggers, and Deceivers attract Kishwaukee smallmouth. Chances are you'll end up casting only the Poppers and Clousers but the WB's and Decievers seem to work well when the first two don't. All flies mentioned above are simple ties so be sure to let the wife know that the fly rod doesn't work unless it comes with a fly tying kit.
  2. Terry Dodge


    - My pants are on fire!
  3. Yes. Jude's the one with the big ears and bad hair cut.
  4. Terry Dodge


    The only Coosa I'm considering is maybe the silent auction Coosa at the Bronzeback Blowout.
  5. Terry Dodge


    Thanks but I'm looking to get a SOT kayak.
  6. ....and real good coffee. The strawberry crepes are to die for. We'll grab some tables by the huge fireplace. Everybody wear a cardigan sweater and we'll try to look like distinguished lads.
  7. The menu - http://www.bensonstone.com/pdf/cafe_menu_2012.pdf Map it - http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=hearthrock+cafe+rockford+il&fb=1&gl=us&hq=hearthrock+cafe&hnear=0x8808b9cdfd0300db:0xacad897828f6780,Rockford,+IL&cid=0,0,4597648065297743258&sa=X&ei=AbjdUO_ICMX0qwG-nIHYBw&ved=0CIsBEPwSMAM
  8. Might be ugly but it does appear to be a chick magnet.
  9. Terry Dodge


    Okay, so by not tracking well you mean that the nose would probably wobble from side to side with each stroke of the yak stick, which would translate into me using more effort and struggling to keep up with you in you torpedo Tarpon 120 much like I did in my 'toon? So I take it that tracking is an important thing to consider if I plan to head up stream?
  10. Terry Dodge


    Track? Does that mean that I won't be able to paddle grease lightnin' fast?
  11. Terry Dodge


    Okay, I think i've got my options down to three (3). All are from Wilderness Systems. The first is a Ride 115 Advance AKS Angler Kayak that is loaded that goes for $899.... http://www.kayakcity.com/wilderness-systems-ride-115-advance-akc-angler-kayak/ The second is a near loaded (fish package) Ride 115, minus the slide trax bait caster rod holder which is going for $825.... http://www.kayakcity.com/wilderness-systems-ride-115-kayak-2012-closeout/ The third is a Tarpon 100 that goes for $725 (Advanced Angler package) and has me wondering if this is all the yak I need?..... http://www.kayakcity.com/wilderness-systems-tarpon-100-kayak-2012-closeout/ Any thoughts or pros & cons on my choices?
  12. Got mine today. Very nice! Great job. Look forward to meeting Mr. Jeff Little at the 2013 Blowout.
  13. Growing up I was (and still am) a big fan of REO Speedwagon. I recently received a box set of some classic REO albums (in cd) and was just wondering if anybody might know what kind of fish is on the cover of the "You Can Tune A Piano But You Can't Tuna Fish"?
  14. HA! I just went to YouTube and typed in Justin Bieber and this video came up. I (unlike you) have no idea what any of the names of his songs are or that he was even in a movie. I guess if anybody needs any info on the Bieb's, you're the guy to talk to. I never knew that about you, Paul.
  15. Oh man! You gotta figure out a way to her back. PM me and we'll toss around some ideas.
  16. I still Googling "Macro mode" in search of answers.
  17. If you get my package deal above, that would leave about $60 left over from the $200 you figured on spending. I'll toss in a one (1) hour wade outing with me that will include all the smallmouth fishing info your exploded head can handle and.... a green crayon.
  18. Jude, You're not much of a camera person so I would start off cheap and work up as your picture taking techniques advance. Something like this is good to start out with.....http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2382901,00.asp I would also look into getting something like this for your wade only days. This can be ordered with a steel spike on the bottom end and a camera mount bolt on the top end. Of course you can always put a mount on your yak. http://www.brazos-walking-sticks.com/free-form-hickory-walking-stick/
  19. Total of 15 in attendance. Mike - That's a nice looking fly. Thanks for sharing.
  20. I'm sorry. Let me try that again.... That looks pretty good. It won't catch fish but it does look pretty good.
  21. If you have yet to take the poll, please do so. The sooner you take it, the sooner you can take your poll down to the river and do some fishing. Get it? Poll as in fishing pole. See how I did a little play with words on that?
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