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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. That was only on sale for 35 hours and 56 minutes. Gotta be fast on this site.
  2. DANG! Sorry to hear of your mishaps but glad to hear that you did get into fish and it all wasn't for nothing.
  3. August 25, 7:00am. A few ISA members meet at a quaint cafe in the small village of Cherry Valley, IL. for some mediocre biscuits & gravy and some smallmouth talk. Seated @ the Breakfast Table, 7:05am. Deb C. - Bill K. - Tim G. - Jude - Kip O. - Paul T. - Paul T Sr. - Paul T's son (probably named Paul T III. [?]) and myself. Smallmouth Talk, 7:06am. All kinds of stuff was being tossed around the table on how best to fish for the smallmouth bass in the NW Region. After a very long discussion it was finally decided that we would hit the Kishwaukee River in search of BIG bronzebacks and the best way to achieve this would be to go at it with spin gear. Big smallmouth can't be caught on a fly rod. Not Drafted: I could only choose about 5 other skilled smallmouth folk to go on this outing, so a few seated at the breakfast table would have to be cut. Jude was the first to go just because he's Jude and then the Paul T. boys would follow, only because the stretch I planned to hit was kind of near a skeet shooting range and I didn't want a bunch of people screaming "PAUL!" in the area. Dream Team: Terry D. - Deb C. - Bill K. - Tim G. - Kip O. Outing Spot #1 Things started off kind of slow until Kip landed the first smallie of the day that taped at 14 inches. I believe he was using some kind of double tailed twister looking thing in a greenish color. Kip and myself were leading the pack so I'm not sure what was going on with Deb, Bill and Tim in the back. Word was they were getting into some fish. Kip and I waded our way down stream to some islands where I landed a 16 inch smallmouth on a white Chug Bug. On the wade down I was casting a black buzz bait and was catching numerous 2 inch smallmouths that would thankfully shack themselves free before I could take them to hand. These fish don't count. By the time Deb, Bill and Tim made it to the islands, Kip and I had landed a couple more fish a piece that were in the 12 inch range. From the islands, Tim, Kip and Bill continued down stream while Deb and I hung around the islands area and then started to slowly make our way back up stream. Deb was landing dink after dink after dink after dink after dink, using some kind of wormy looking thing. After all her hard work she finally hooked into 12 inch smallmouth that put up a nice fight. I believe Deb landed 22 smallmouth all over 6 inches with the two biggest @ 11 and 12 inches. Bill K. made his way back up stream to where Deb and I were. On his way back up he managed to hook into and land the biggest fish of the day that went 16.5 inches. Way to go Bill! Bill's big one was caught using a brownish beaver tail looking thing that he believe he picked up at the Rockford fishing show a couple of years ago. Deb and Bill decide to call it a day and the three of us start the hike back to our cars. On the way back we put our numbers together and came up with a total smallmouth count of 60. After Bill and Deb left, I hung out by the cars for a bit waiting for Tim and Kip. I wasn't done yet and I was hoping they would still want to hit it also. Outing Spot #2 After getting ourselves some chicken strips at a near-by truck stop, Tim, Kip and Myself head out for more action. To be honest with you, the rest of the day is kind of a blur. We got into a few more fish but not like what we saw at spot #1. I landed a nice 15 incher on a Blaze popper that was on a dead drift as I was chatting with Kip. Kip landed a nice 12 incher, after a cold spell, to end his day. I believe he popped that puppy on one of those noisy buzz baits. Tim got a couple more and we called it a day. After putting the numbers together I come up with a total count of 72 smallmouth caught. The future smallmouth population looks to be very strong for the Kishwaukee River. I want to thank everyone who came out. I had a great time! 10 hours of smallmouth fish. Can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday. If anyone else from the outing has pictures or info that I may have left out please post them here. Kip with a 14"er Me and 16 The gang Deb with a 12
  4. Getting up early is an option, it's just an option you don't like. Congrats to you Ben.
  5. Okay, so as of now we have a total of 11. Some will only join us for breakfast and smallmouth talk and some will also do the breakfast and then hit the Kish looking for some smallmouth action. I think Deb is going to join us around 8am. Lets try to be seated at 7am so we can choke down some of those biscuits & gravy and hit the water. Last I checked the temp for Saturday is suppose to get into the low 90's. I've got a feeling a buzz bait will be the big taker. If anyone else would care to join us please make a post here. Paul T. is going to be fishing on limited time as he has some kind of Fantasy Football Draft going on later in the day. I got some news for you Paul. We'll be doing some drafting too.............. See ya in the morning.
  6. UPDATED 8/23 (that's Thursday for you slow people), 11:00am So who all's in? From the posts it looks like........ 1.) Terry 2.) Bill K. 3.) Tim G. 4.) Ben K. - OUT 5.) Deb C. 6.) Kip Olsen 7.) Paul T. (limited time) 8.) Jim R. - maybe Jude, Pat D., Paul T. Sr - in for breakfast out for fishing. Paul T. Sr (?) Anyone else? Also it should be noted that Cherry Valley Days music festival will be going on for anyone that might be interested after our outing. http://www.valleydays.com/index.html Cherry Valley Cafe map - https://plus.google....out?gl=us&hl=en The weather outlook for Saturday is calling for highs in the low 90's and a 10% chance rain or thunderstorms.
  7. I work 2nd. shift. People don't much care for 2nd shifters.
  8. I got it. I just wasn't sure if Jude was going to fish or not. "Oh no you dint" tells me nothing.
  9. So who all's in? From the posts it looks like........ 1.) Terry 2.) Jim S. 3.) Tim G. 4.) Ben K. (please confirm one more time) 5.) Deb C. 6.) Paul T. (limited time) 7.) Jude - in for breakfast out for fishing 8.) Jim R. - maybe 9.) Dan C. - maybe (he contacted me via email) Keven D. - out. (just showing Mr. Goodmanii some support.) Anyone else? I believe my father will join us at the breakfast table for some eats and smallmouth talk. What about Paul T Sr.? Also it should be noted that Cherry Valley Days music festival will be going on for anyone that might be interested after our outing. http://www.valleydays.com/index.html The weather outlook for Saturday is calling for highs in the mid 80's and a 25% chance rain or thunderstorms.
  10. Friends Of The Kishwaukee River (FOTKR) president Jim Johannsen has accepted a new job outside of the Kishwaukee River area. JoAnn Hudson a Cherry Valley Village Trustee asked me to post the opening here on the ISA site. If there is anyone that would like to fill the position and head up FOTKR, just shoot me a PM for more info and if interested I'll put you in touch with JoAnn. Thanks. FOTKR - http://kishwaukeeriver.org/
  11. That's how I thought it was suppose to work but for some odd reason it wasn't doing it. No big deal, I'm just messing around with things on the site.
  12. Kevin gets it. When you click on your name at the top of the screen and the window pops up, there a box where you can up date "What's on your mind". I thought when updating what was on my mind and after clicking the "Update" box that info would then transfer to your profile page as you new status but I guess they are two different things. Which is fine but I was just wondering when a person does do the "What's on your mind" thing and updates it, where the heck does it go? Who can see it? If this info is being sent to China then I'm gonna have to start watching what I say.
  13. Just looking for answers of how this site operates.
  14. I changed my mind, or so I thought and the statement I made did not appear where I thought it would. So now I'm confused on where it actually went I will await an answer if someone possible could. "What's on my mind" is to what I refer It hurts my brain when I can't understand. Does it not appear on "Status Updates"? I thought it would but that thought was damned. I would just like to know so I can sleep thru the night knowing my minds thoughts are all safe and all sound. I suppose Eric would know the answer I seek if he could ever set that baitcaster down.
  15. Not sure why this is here.
  16. The water temp is fine right now. I went out today (8/15) on a wet wade and felt fine....and I'm on blood thinners. Landed 8 today on top water. 3 biggest went, 2 @ 15" and 1 @ 13". Gage PRY12 CURRENT 08/16/2012 06:30 am 5.22ft, 0.127cfs
  17. Jim J will be all over this. He wants to be a fly guy.
  18. Really? This is a wade outing but if you can find anyone else that would like to float, I'm sure we can get you shuttled around. (tgoodmanii seems to be afraid of maybe getting cold. ) We can do breakfast at the "mediocre biscuits n gravy" place but I would like to make a motion to meet at 7am. instead of the usual 8am. I also received a call from a former ISA member Dan C. that plans to attend.
  19. On August 25th- the NW Region will sponsor a wade fishing outing on the Kishwaukee River. We will meet for breakfast or at one of the parks in the Rockford area. Then we will break up into groups and explore many of the forest preserves in the area. Contact Terry Dodge for more details 815-397-2595. NOTE: For those who might have concerns, the Kish is running about 5 to 6 inches below the norm for this time of year. Recent rains and the drop in over-night temps have cooled the water temp greatly. The smallmouth bite has picked up over the last week or so. (see Smallmouth Fishing Reports - http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showforum=31). Weather Outlook: A look ahead at the weather for the 25th. calls for temps in the low to mid 70's, with maybe a chance of very light precipitation. Kishwaukee River water level/clarity condition - Fair to Good
  20. Had a great time and I had a hard time fishing the Fox. That whole weed thing you guys got going on there was a challenge. The Fox is a great looking river. Might have to make it over and down that way more often. Thanks Ed for putting the picnic together.
  21. Hey Jude, Are we bringing lawn chairs or would you like me to bring a blanket for the two of us to sit on? I'll be at you place around 5:30am., or earlier if you would like. Is anybody else going to ride along? If so............SHOTGUN!
  22. My wife says that she can't make fudge during the Summer months. Then I dropped to my knees and begged her and she said that she would give it a try. I'll bring spoons. (She'll probably smack me for saying that) (better?)
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