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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Gots me stuff. Ordered all sparkle fur in grey, red, turquoise and white. They all look good. I'll have to sit at my bench and do some work.
  2. I will prove "Everyone" wrong. Gots me a spot all picked out.
  3. Try contacting Brad Miller of FlyBass.com here on the ISA site ( http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showuser=1507 )
  4. Ordered mines. Thanks for the link, Mr. Mike.
  5. Sorry but I don't think I'll be making this float trip.
  6. Trying to use the "Blog" part of the ISA site. Not sure if I'm doing it right but I thought I'd give it a shot. Let me know if it's working and please share your thoughts.
  7. .......and what (may I ask) is Mr. Paul going to be floating in? I have to ask since I have never seen Paul float.
  8. I take it this is about a 5 to 5 1/2 mile float?
  9. On September 22nd the NW Region will host and outing on the Rock River. This could be a wade outing or possibly a boating outing since we do have several members with boats. Look for details as get closer to the event date. The Rock River does offer a good fall smallmouth & multi-species bite when the water cools and the pleasure boaters leave. The water clears up nicely while the smallmouth evacuate the smaller tribs and put on the feedbag for fall. Call Paul Trybul 815-703-2651 for more details.
  10. Anybody wanna be in the moving pictures? You could be a star. (email I received) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Terry, I am hoping you can help me recruit a fisherman to be in a TV advertisement for the Winnebago County Forest Preserve District. Do you know anyone who could be available to be at Blackhawk Springs Forest Preserve in the late afternoon on Tuesday, September 18th? I would like this person to pose on the bank of the river with fishing gear and speak a few brief lines on camera.(Ideally, hauling in a spectacular catch, too!) The format will be testimonials from various people on what they value about the WCFPD. Each person will answer the question: “What do you value about the Winnebago County forest preserves?” I will provide a couple of scripted lines. They don’t need to stick to the script exactly. It will be very brief, since this is a 30-second commercial. If you can think of anyone who would be willing to do this, I would love their contact information. Thanks so much for your help! Jamie B. Johannsen Director of Marketing and Community Relations Winnebago County Forest Preserve District 5500 Northrock Drive Rockford, IL 61103 815/877-6100 Fax: 815/877-6100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If interested contact Jamie or if you would like PM me and I'll let her know.
  11. Anybody wanna be in the moving pictures? You could be a star. (email I received) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Terry, I am hoping you can help me recruit a fisherman to be in a TV advertisement for the Winnebago County Forest Preserve District. Do you know anyone who could be available to be at Blackhawk Springs Forest Preserve in the late afternoon on Tuesday, September 18th? I would like this person to pose on the bank of the river with fishing gear and speak a few brief lines on camera.(Ideally, hauling in a spectacular catch, too!) The format will be testimonials from various people on what they value about the WCFPD. Each person will answer the question: “What do you value about the Winnebago County forest preserves?” I will provide a couple of scripted lines. They don’t need to stick to the script exactly. It will be very brief, since this is a 30-second commercial. If you can think of anyone who would be willing to do this, I would love their contact information. Thanks so much for your help! Jamie B. Johannsen Director of Marketing and Community Relations Winnebago County Forest Preserve District 5500 Northrock Drive Rockford, IL 61103 815/877-6100 Fax: 815/877-6100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If interested contact Jamie or if you would like PM me and I'll let her know.
  12. Looks good, Josh. Be sure to use lots of crystal flash on them Clousers. Bob does. Was that you last Sunday wading in my section of the Kish again? You're the only other person I've seen in that area this year.
  13. I'm surprised they charge for Bears games on NFL Ticket.
  14. Really? Really? I do have to admit that I did spook a fish out of one of these. These rivers are a changing'. (sounds like a Bob Dylan song)
  15. Thanks for your info Norm. Now that the Kish has this stuff do you think it's something that will return every year, or do you think it's just something that has popped up this year due to low levels and chances are it won't return unless the levels go low again?
  16. Meat Marinade Whistle. Or.... Meat Whistle Marinade.
  17. What is this stuff............ ......and should I be hitting it? This stuff is new (this year) to the Kish. In some areas it's all over the place. Is this good for a river? Bad for a river? Good for smallmouth? Bad for smallmouth? What is this stuff?!!!
  18. Why? Rabbit ears do still work. I know.
  19. Thanks, Tim. I'll work on getting something set up for next year. Keep in mind that we have an ISA Fly Fishing show coming up on Nov. 10. This would be a good event for beginners to attend. I believe last year they had casting lanes to sample dif. wt rods, not sure if there was any help/mentoring going on but if you contact John Loebach here on the site I'm sure he can give you more info.
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