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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Thanks, but I ain't done nothing yet. I guess I shouldn't say that because I did manage to get a bridge installed after the 2011 event that keeps trucks from driving thru the creek. Small steps.
  2. The EPA said to me that they need to make sure this staining stuff is not some kind of natural happening. The satellite image from 2013-2014 that I discovered last week I believe pretty much proves this is not something natural. Here's my breakdown of the satellite image.... http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu280/terrydodge/c8cfa861-b27d-4cf2-839b-26353daf6850_zpscf2l75pt.jpg I have fished this section of the creek more times than I can count. I know this section. First with the orange box. It appears to me with the squiggly white lines on both sides of bridge that this area is a bit choppy when normally it is not. The red "x' marks the "Unnamed Tributary" used for discharge. Moving on to the blue bubble. it appears that the discharge is coming in so strong that it has backwashed upstream. Discharge coming in this strong might be the cause of the turbulent look. If you look closely in the green circle you can see a submerged sandbar which I think cancels out any idea of a rain/storm event causing the "Unnamed Tributary" to be discharging at such a high vholocity to cause backwash and turbulent conditions. This satellite image really bothers me. I don't think any permit would allow this. And this is the second time they have been busted via satellite image. From the 2011 incident > But it's okay, they have permits.
  3. Not sure if I can answer your question, or even acknowledge your reply, or existence. You guys might laugh, but a lot of emails I receive are tagged at the bottom with some sort of disclaimer notice that scares me.
  4. Okay, so here is where I'm at with this staining/pollution issue on Kilbuck Creek. I have seen the permit for discharge. I just kind of glanced over it for the time being, I'll read more into it when I have time. The fact is they can get permits which allow for discharge or storm run-off, whatever. They are using 4 to 5 little "Unnamed Tributaries" to do this with. Should these "Unnamed Tributaries" have some type of natural filtering system to help filter discharge/storm run-off before entering Kilbuck Creek. They may be able to get permits, but I believe they could improve on their practices to to lift them up above the state of piss poor that I think they are at now. I'm not going to shut them down, I get that and that has never been my intent. I just want to be sure that they are doing things in the BEST way possible. I DO NOT believe that they are. Your thoughts.....
  5. I reached out to Debbie Compton on this. She might know somebody. If so, I'll put you two in touch with each other.
  6. You can't fish in the Winter because it's too darn cold.
  7. The city of Rockford has a problem with reporting actual newsworthy material. They (Rockford media) like to focus on "positive news" and try very hard not to report on anything negative. Probably a big part of the reason Rockford is now the most dangerous city in the United States of America, according to the FBI. I do plan to approach the Rockford media at some point sooner or later. The thing is, I have to do ALL the work for them and have all my ducks in line for them to show any interest, and my approach has to be friendly and well mannered or they won't bat an eye. Right now I don't think I'm in that kind of state.
  8. I would also like to say that since releasing the video over the weekend on social media and all, I am quite pleased with all the responses that I have received. It could turnout to be an interesting week.
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll start making a list.
  10. I did once again report (last week) this problem to Senator Steve Stabelman. His office called me on Friday of last week and said that they had spoken with the IEPA regional office. The EPA informed the senator's people that they are looking into the problem but that it could take some time. Pretty much what I expected to hear, but glad the senator's office contacted the EPA. Keep 'em on their toes.
  11. Thanks men! I don't believe c it would take long for the EPA to figure out that if a bunch of us were to call in, that it would be an organized call in. If I remember correctly they ask for your address and phone number and other such info. All I know is that this staining/pollution is not right, not acceptable, and NOBODY is going to tell me otherwise. (I used a real big period, did you guys get that?)
  12. Failing eyesight. I no longer tie. I try every now and then but always end up with a big mess.
  13. Put in a lot of hours today (12/3/16) in the field, on the internet, and making contacts. All in all it was a good. Very pleased with what I got accomplished. I feel now is the time to go at this with everything I've got. When opportunities present themselves you've got to grab 'em up by the throat. I'll keep you all updated as things happen.
  14. So I was on the IEPA website today looking for info. I saw that they had a Geographic Search for their Document Explorer. This map they use is THE most up to date map I have ever seen. Here is a screenshot image of the exact spot I was at this morning...... Oh, and here is a link to their map if your interested > http://external.epa.illinois.gov/DocumentExplorer/Geography
  15. 12/03/16 - 1 of thePoint of entries. I believe this to be normal every day run off, not a discharging event.
  16. This Kilbuck thing is not going to go away. A local fisherman contacted me on my website on Nov. 28th. and reported the blueish/gray staining of Kilbuck at the mouth of the Kish where it dumps into the Rock. This has got to stop. You might ask..... "What the hell you going to do about it, Terry?" I'm on it. Looking at going a different direction from the path I have been on over the last few years. I am building a group of supporters to discuss different angles to approach this problem. Thinking outside of the box type of stuff. I can tell you this....... After returning home from work last night (11:45pm), my wife informed that the EPA called the house wanting to talk with me about Kilbuck Creek. They have received reports and want to get to the bottom of this thing and they were told that I was the guy to talk to. Looking forward to that convo. I am NOT going to get too excited as my dealings with the EPA over the last couple of years have been disappointing at best. Anybody interested in being on the support team please contact me.
  17. You can find our results here > http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=13794
  18. Jerry plays at the Kishwaukee River Paddle Fest every year. Good guy! I enjoyed his music very much this year, and it was nice to sit around a campfire swiggin' on beers and shooting the crap. Looking forward to the same next year. You should come up.
  19. Dick G. shared a couple cd mixes with me that contain all songs about rivers. I love it! Got me to thinking what other songs are out there. If you got a favorite share it here. Styx - Boat On The River.... https://youtu.be/lEYUXnPeFsM
  20. A message from Dick Dragiewicz ----------------- Hi Terry, Want to bring you up to date on the status of the proposed sulfide mine that would be located next to the Menominee River and ask for some help. In early September, 2016 the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) issued a DRAFT mine permit to Aquila Resources Inc (the mine developer). As part of the process the MDEQ provides a 60 day period for comments from interested parties. They have also arranged a Public Hearing on this mine permit that is scheduled for October 6th, next week Thursday. MDEQ is supposed make its decision on approving or denying this permit by December 1, 2016. If they approve the mine it'll be a disaster for the river and Lake Michigan and our great smallmouth bass fishing. Myself and others will be at this Public Hearing to voice our opposition to this mine and deliver written comments. My friend Ron Hendriksen heads up Front 40 a mine opposition group located in Stephenson, MI. I've been working with him and others to get citizens motivated to express their opposition to this mine. Yesterday he asked me for some help. This is where I need your help. He wants individuals and organizations to write letters/notes that oppose the mine that would be delivered to the MDEQ at the Public Hearing. So, I'm asking several fishing and environmental groups/clubs to write these letters. Who should I contact at the ISA to request this letter. Is it you or someone else? I have plenty of material explaining the risks of this mine to share with whoever writes the letter. Also my article about this matter that you published in the Bronzeback Magazine in May has plenty of info. Let me know if the ISA will support the opposition to the proposed mine that would be next to (within 100 to 150 feet) the Menominee River. Call or write with questions/comments/etc. Thanks, Dick Dragiewicz obiobiobi@ameritech.net 847-498-3260 Home 847-924-9299 Cell
  21. This is how we look from what I can gather..... 1) PaulT - In 2) Terry - In 3) PaulT Sr. - In 4) Scott - In 5) EricG - In 6) KenS - In Ben K - ? Jude - I never really know what he is trying to say. (?)
  22. https://vimeo.com/183354357
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