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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. WOW! Thanks. I'll let you know if it works.
  2. It is a CGR and funny you should mention that. I seem to have a problem. When I first tried to put the rod together each section was very tight and would not butt up to each other. I then lubed with petroleum gel and the first section slid on and off smoothly. The top section not so much. The top section is about 1/4" from butting up and now will not pull off. I have tried everything and can not budge it. Any ideas of what I should do? I've thought of using it carefully for a bit to see if it would work itself loose but don't want to break it. The fact being that I won it at the Blowout I am unsure if I can exchange it at Cabela's for another? I have yet to use it and am leery of doing so.
  3. I have paired with a 5wt. Cabela's 3 piece fiberglass rod I won at the Blowout this year. I do plan to use it.
  4. I also refurbished my Gramp's old 1948 Ocean Cite #35 fly reel. It's taken me a while but I got it done. Turned out pretty good. Here's a bit of history on it (needs to be updated) > http://duckdodge62.wixsite.com/tdsmh/single-post/2015/12/06/OC-35-Grampas-Reel
  5. Garbage bag ties or colored pipe cleaners will take care of that.
  6. I have not sat down to tie since my eye surgery 5 years ago. I have been seeing a lot of flies using foam as the main ingredient. In past years I have played around with ear plugs trying to come up with a good recipe, only to have failed because i didn't much care for whatever the heck it was I came up with. I examined the way a farm hopper was tied that was given to me to try, and then it hit me. I think it's a winner. It's a simple tie and I'm sure there's much I can do to improve on it. This is what I came up with.....
  7. Thanks, Norm. Here is a 2017 Picture Log I have been keeping and keep up to date. > http://duckdodge62.wixsite.com/tdsmh/copy-of-2017-eyes-on-kilbuck
  8. It's happening again! I thought I was going to chase some smallies until I saw this.... Upstream of the landfill..... Put in a call to my EPA guy (cell phone) waiting to hear back. @ HWY 251....
  9. He's right! This outing is..... CANCELLED See you June 24th. > Click Here
  10. Probably not going to happen, not for sure. I will make the call come Thursday. The Rockford/Belvidere area lucked out a little bit and didn't get hit as hard as the were predicting. If this float does happen it will be from Belvedere to Cherry Valley. Need the BVD gage to get down around 3.25ft. > http://wx.aerisweather.com/rivers/gauge/BVDI2.html
  11. May 6th. is the last date I can do. After that I'm a little busy and then we're pretty strong into the spawn time period, and I don't like to bother them for about 3 weeks during that time.
  12. Well we have yet to receive much rain. the gage has gone up .02 and sits at 7.09ft. This is a good level to float but the weather outlook isn't all that great with rain and dropping temps. > http://www.wifr.com/weather I hate to do this but let's push it back another week to May 6th. Rescheduled for Saturday May 6th.
  13. As of Wednesday @ 5:30am. The gage sits at 7.07ft. Rains are working their way into the area, so now we must sit back and watch what Mother Nature has in store for us. Keep an eye on the gage > http://wx.aerisweather.com/rivers/gauge/PRYI2.html
  14. Nice outing, report and pics. These cold nights are a bummer.
  15. Wednesday is the "tell all' day. Keep your fingers crossed.
  16. April 29, Saturday - Float Outing (Kish) Breakout those paddles and wet the tips. We will meet at the Cherry Valley Cafe at 7:00 AM for some breakfast eats and then float the Kish from Cherry Valley’s Baumann Park to New Milford’s Atwood Park. This is an all day trip but there is a halfway take-out at Kishwaukee River Forest Preserve for those who may not have all day. Cherry Valley Cafe is located at 216 E State St, Cherry Valley, IL 61016
  17. After analyzing the conditions for Saturday, April 22, and for the week leading into April 29, I have decided to postpone the 22nd. and roll this float over to Saturday, April 29. Rescheduled for Saturday April 29
  18. The Kish crested at 9.59ft. which is about 4 feet over it's normal Summer time flow. We have a damn good chance of rain fall for Wednesday and Thursday this week and at this point any amount of rain would be a killer. Also the air temp is to tumble down by the weekend. When you add it all up, it's just not looking too good. I move that we push the float date back to either April 29 or May 6th. to allow the waters to recede. Please share your thoughts.
  19. 1) Yep. 2) Have not been hanging around the Kish because at the level it is flowing, I would think it would be brown and stirred up. 3) Was there a third question?
  20. I believe Norm or Kevin D got the first of 2017, didn't they?
  21. April 22, Saturday - Float Outing (Kish) Breakout those paddles and wet the tips. We will meet at the Cherry Valley Cafe at 7:00 AM for some breakfast eats and then float the Kish from Cherry Valley’s Baumann Park to New Milford’s Atwood Park. This is an all day trip but there is a halfway take-out at Kishwaukee River Forest Preserve for those who may not have all day. Cherry Valley Cafe is located at 216 E State St, Cherry Valley, IL 61016 It's either this or stay home and mow your grass. Which is it? ---------------------------------------------- After analyzing the conditions for Saturday, April 22, and for the week leading into April 29, I have decided to postpone the 22nd. and roll this float over to Saturday, April 29. Rescheduled for Saturday April 29
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