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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Rob, Thanks for setting this up. I'll be sure to add the info to future Constant Contact e-News.
  2. 30! WOW!! Great numbers. Congrats on a very successful meeting. Anybody take any pics?
  3. Message received from IDNR's Karen Rivera.... "Our folks in Springfield are also investigating. I sent that information to our office of Environmental Damage and they are looking into it. They will likely look at the permit and look at any or all complaints and water quality investigations." Thanks Karen!
  4. I hear that she can be difficult to get a hold of. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mike!
  5. Held the Kilbuck Creek Breakfast Meet today and had a good turnout. There were 8 of us at the table and the food was pretty damn good. Things we discussed were having a sit-down meeting with the IEPA. This staining and sedimentation build up in Kilbuck Creek is a problem and does not appear to be going away, and neither are we. We feel a meeting with the IEPA will save us all, including the IEPA, from just performing a song & dance routine of filling reports and complaints that gets nothing accomplished but wasting time. We plan to put a lot of focus on the Black Sandshell Mussel that inhabits the lower stretch of the Kish that is being effected by the stainings. The Black Sandshell Mussel is an endangered species. Also, we discussed having signs made up to put along the banks of the Buck that will encourage people to file a report with the EPA if the creek does not look right. It should also be noted that I will be attempting to contact Cindy Skrunkrud who is an advocate of the Kishwaukee River. Cindy is the Clean Water Program Director of the Illinois chapter of the Sierra Club. She works with Sierra Club members, citizens, public officials and business leaders throughout Illinois to advocate for sustainable development/redevelopment, improved wastewater treatment, industrial pollution prevention, protection of natural and agricultural lands, and river restoration to better protect the water quality of our state's lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands. Sounds like a good person to have on our team. Don't be afraid to contact me and find out when the next Kilbuck Meet will be. This resource is yours whether you use it or not. It's time to take it back. THANKS to all who attended today.
  6. Looks like we might have a nice gaggle of folks show up. All are welcome. See you at 9am. @ the 11th, Street Cafe.
  7. I think Norm did. Cool link. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Yes, that would seem to be the course of action for 2017. The more that complain, the better. I should probably have signs made up and posted on Kilbuck's banks... "If it doesn't look right, it's not. Report it. IEPA 815-987-7760"
  9. First of all, Welcome to the ISA!!! Just taking that first step and recognizing that there is something wrong with Kilbuck is a step in the right direction. Thanks! It has been bit frustrating for me knowing that something is wrong the creek but being the only one to ever file a complaint with the IEPA. That changed this year (Nov. 28, 2016) when another local fisherman filed a complaint and then the IEPA called me on the fisherman's recommendation looking for answers. The more people who become aware of this problem the better. Hope to see you at this meet... I am planning to have a breakfast meeting get together (byob) at 9am. on Saturday, January 14, 2017 @ the 11th, Street Cafe at the corner of Hwy-251 and Blackhawk Rd. The meeting is for all who are concerned with what is happening with Kilbuck Creek. I will just be going over the history of when this all began, and to bring everybody up to speed of what is going on as for as who has been contacted and what is being done. Please try to attend if you can. I would love to fill the cafe. It's our World and our water, and it's time for this to stop. More info to come Again thanks for caring and hope to see on the 1/14/17 We'll talk.
  10. Hey Rich, Can you make that thing "Wacky"?
  11. It's 1:34am on 1/1/17 and I'm up working on some Kilbuck stuff. This is how I rung in the New Year.
  12. Will do. PB on the fly rod, 4/17/2016 (18 1/4") > PB with the spin gear (19 1/4"), 6/1/2016 >
  13. I am planning to have a breakfast meeting get together (byob) at 9am. on Saturday, January 14, 2017 @ the 11th, Street Cafe at the corner of Hwy-251 and Blackhawk Rd. The meeting is for all who are concerned with what is happening with Kilbuck Creek. I will just be going over the history of when this all began, and to bring everybody up to speed of what is going on bow as for as who has been contacted and what is being done. Please try to attend if you can. I would love to fill the cafe. It's our World and our water, and it's time for this to stop. More info to come.
  14. Click on your name on the upper right hand side of this screen, next to "sign out". Click on "MY Profile", once on your profile page click "Edit Profile". About half way down click on "Edit About Me Page". If you want to add a pic like I have then you'll have to use a photobucket link.
  15. And fishthefox.com is very nice! Wix is pretty simple to work with. An 8 year old could do it with ease. I think your boys would have fun building their own wixsite. Every thing is drag and drop. Simple. I'm sure there are a lot of things that I could still do but just have not got around to it yet.
  16. It is fun! And very simple to do. FREE!!! You and your family should put together a wixsite to keep a fun log of your family adventures. I think your boys would get a kick out of it.
  17. I like to update my Profile Page here on the iSA website at the end of each year. Play around with it and show us what you can come up with. Most of us don't do much fishing this time of year so you ain't got nutting' better to do, Show us what you got.
  18. Thanks Mike! If I understand how the samplings work, this 2016 score of 50 ( down from 2011 score of 51) will be combined with the score of the EPA sampling team's findings (water sample and bug study) of the same sites for a combined total score, which in the end gives the creek it's rating, which has been rated as a Class B stream over the years.
  19. Looks like Karen and her team will be sampling this area in June of 2017 > Which surprised me since they just did their samplings this past Summer of the Kishwaukee River watershed. She also sent me their findings from the 2016 sampling of Kilbuck, one sampling site was 9 miles upstream of the landfill the other site was Kilbuck Bluffs, which is about 2miles downstream of the landfill. I think the site (Hwy-251) I suggested to her to be sampled in June could be interesting. Why? Because there is a old mill dam on Kilbuck Creek. Kilbuck Bluffs is below the dam. Anybody know what Karen means when she tells me that Kilbuck received an IBI of 50?
  20. Congrats! I see the 2016 model comes equipped with a wading boot to slowly work your way down stream. Neat!
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