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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Hey Jude, Are we bringing lawn chairs or would you like me to bring a blanket for the two of us to sit on? I'll be at you place around 5:30am., or earlier if you would like. Is anybody else going to ride along? If so............SHOTGUN!
  2. My wife says that she can't make fudge during the Summer months. Then I dropped to my knees and begged her and she said that she would give it a try. I'll bring spoons. (She'll probably smack me for saying that) (better?)
  3. My home water is running about 5 1/2 inches below the norm and although I have not taken an actual temp. reading, I would have to say (by feel when wading) the water temp. is in the mid 70's. On the video in Ryan's link it says that the Fox is 4 feet below the norm. Is that for real? My home water flow is normally at 5.75 for this time of year. Right now it's at 5.23 but the problem is, it's been running at this level for a couple months now. I think what little bit of rain we have gotten over the last couple weeks has helped cool and clear up the river. We still need a good full days rain. What they say in the Fox River video sounds to me like they are making it sound worse than it really is. Don't get me wrong, I understand that we are at record lows across the state but to say that 9 inches of rain to bring the Fox up to norm sounds way off base to me. Are they considering run-off? I would think about 4 inches of rain should do the trick. The Fox is not a river that I'm familiar with so "I" may be way off base.
  4. I guess I'll just consider myself lucky.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCOY4x8_b54 Contact Ed B for more info - http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showuser=21
  6. Much like you, I find myself to be very unhappy with the quality of the above mentioned items also. I think some of us ISA members need to get together and design boots, wading shoes and waders that actually work and last. The above mentioned items are not designed for "hard-core" fishermen.
  7. How much ya wanna bet Jude brings a frisbee?
  8. #1 - Much like Eric I'm very confident. What few smallies I have landed have given the usual healthy strong fight and have all released with the same healthy strong, with a bit of an attitude, kick that soaks the face and glasses. #2 - Personally I have found this "condensing the fish-in-a-barrel" thing to not be true. I have fished many areas on my home water where the fish should be condensed only to find that it's just not so. I have pulled 2 to 3 smallmouth out of these areas but that's it. I believe this may have been true maybe a month/month and a half ago for a short period of time. Not so at this time. #3 - The conditions are tough out there with the low levels and high water/air temps. Smallmouth (much like the Borg of Star Trek's "Next Generation") adapt very well. As of the last couple of weeks I have been finding the smallmouth in their usual summer time spots. Not where I think (or where people may think) they should be bunched up and condensed at. #4 pt1. - No, I don't think you are needlessly concerned. I think most of us are a little concerned but I have yet to see that the Borg, I'm sorry, the smallmouth, have been affected by the conditions. #4 pt2. - Apparently smallmouth are much tougher than you thought. They are the Borg after all. It probably won't be long before they assimilate us into their collective. Resistance is futile
  9. Called up my pop and asked if he would like to make a run to Potawattamie with me to snap a couple shots of riches rocks ( ) and do a bit of bank fishing. Fishing wasn't all that great, or I should say the fishing wasn't great at all. Not much flow to the Kish in that area. We both got skunked. Rocks have been placed but it looks to me that they may have underestimated the amount needed by a couple loads.......... What the heck do I know.
  10. The hook gap does make a difference especially with poppers. I have had all kinds of misses on poppers due to hook gap. I like a bit longer shank also. I mostly tie on a Jude-Bug anymore. The slender body and longer shank allow for more and better hook ups. WOW! Did I just really say all that? I do have an idea for Jude to try on the Jude-Bug. I'll talk to him about it sometime.
  11. BIG TOM!!! Congrats and what a great guy to make the donation. Thank you.
  12. Thanks! I hate { } seeing the words "Jude's Yak Stick" on the Forums Index.
  13. I'm thinking that I will be there and I'll bring fudge. Really. My wife makes the bestest peanut butter fudge in all the land.
  14. That's all I've been doing. I'll pull one or two out of areas like that but that's it. No big numbers really.
  15. You would think! I have yet to find these large numbers in the Kish.
  16. JIM!!!! HA! That was good. Paul ~ I'm with Jude.. "hole marshal"? really? Can Jude put in for the "19th hole marshal" next year?
  17. Sounds great! I was going to propose doing this but in a breakfast type in the N.W. Region next Spring. It's hard to schedule an outing in the Spring with the weather and water levels, so I was thinking a breakfast picnic at one of the forest preserves and then members could hit the water or banks, float or wade, all depending on what the weather and water levels are like. Word is Paul makes a mean gravy for biscuits. Sounds good to me. I'll have to check my schedule (wife) but if I am able to do this then I'll bring the towels.
  18. I wouldn't think the guy has any buddies or anybody.
  19. Here's a few pics of the outing. Paul can follow up with the report... Paul and Deb hit a little pool. Jim and Tim take on the rocky Apple after a short break for jerky and sausage. Paul with one of our biggest catches. Tim and Paul looking for bigger smallies. Paul and Tim again! Again! Paul and Tim leading the way. I had a great time. Thanks Paul for putting this together.
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