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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. I think it would be great if the site could some how list within the information, of the person posting, the region the member is in. I think this would help with members getting to know each other better and maybe snowball into bigger turn-outs in our outings. Mike G ISA member Group: Registrants Region: Northwest Posts: 1,105 Joined: 01-May 07
  2. Hey! That ain't right! I was trimming some of mine also. I prefer not to trim them. It could be co-inky-dink but I found that I had more action with the untrimmed flies. It is kind of strange how we never saw this stuff until about a year after I was using it. I believe Brad Miller has one on his FlyBass.com site also. Thanks for looking out for me Mike G.
  3. You didn't say nothing about my "YAK" thingy! All that learnin' I did was just a waste.
  4. Seem to have a lot of time on your hands. Not fishing much I take it? I do have to say that I'm surprised you don't list your yak info on your page.
  5. Very nice, Eric! I like how you have people click on words like mine and view to go to other links. Not sure how you are doing that but I'll figure it out. Don't tell me.
  6. Norm! I just saw this post of yours. Not sure how I missed it. Boy that brings back memories. I can remember touring with that bunch of chimps. Good times. The fun part was sitting down with them for a few beers after each show. Thanks for posting.
  7. No biggie. It is the holiday season plus the announcement didn't make it into the Bronzeback. I will take this opportunity to start pushing our NW Feb 2012 meeting. I have lined up a speaker from the IEPA that is going to touch base on things we should look for, things we should be concerned with, take questions and give answers and maybe even have a slide show presentation! Yes friends, I said a possible slide show presentation! That means pictures. That means even Jude should be able to follow along. More details to follow.
  8. I'm kind of thinking there will NOT be a pizza party meeting @ Gander Mnt. today (12/17). The meeting announcement seemed to have gotten lost in the shuffle and didn't make it into the Nov/Dec issue of the Bronzeback Bulletin. Sorry for this. Please keep an eye on the Forum for info. on a January 2012 meeting. Merry Christmas.
  9. Terry Dodge


    Why would they ask Eric?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLfAf4RItuQ&feature=g-upl
  11. ........also post here if you plan to attend so Paul knows how much Pizza to order. I'm in! Come on North West guys, this is a good chance to get a good lay-out of the store for when they have their "After Christmas Sale'.
  12. I would just like to see others play around with it a little bit. See what kind of stuff other people come up with. Make it your own. The "Live Chat" is something I have yet to test out. It's a chat room that holds up to 12 people on video chat. It may hold more than 12 if no video is used. I just not sure until it's tested. I was thinking it might be cool to have a coffee chat session some morning this winter. Just a few of us shooting the crap about smallmouth over some coffee. Bring your own of course.
  13. Sweet! Kind of makes a person feel proud to be part of the ISA.
  14. Up-dated my "About Me" page. Check it out.
  15. That's a nice site. I have that on my "About Me" page on my profile.
  16. So I take it you have used this "Water Shed"? But not too happy with it?
  17. Combed yarn float and fly jig.........(?)
  18. Anybody ever use fly dry dressing (!), dry fly dressing? I got this stuff called Gink and was wondering if it might work on yarn? I know, you probably think I'm an idiot. I've never used any kind of fly dry dressing mainly because I never fish with dry flies. Just wondering if it might keep the yarn from getting overly soaked.
  19. 11/04/11 Stopped by Kilbuck today just to see how things were looking. Looks normal considering the rain we've had this week. As I got out of my jeep to take a look a truck pulled up and out popped Karen Rivera from the IDNR. Said she was in the area checking up on another problem and thought she would stop by and see how the Kilbuck was. That was nice of her.
  20. I hike in from Rotary F.P., this too is a scenic hike during the fall season. It's about a 15 to 20 minute hike but it is not a strenuous hike at all. I do like to float my 'toon to the area and beach it on one of the many islands and wade the area. PM me for more info if you would like.
  21. As tall as you are........I would have been wet up to my bald spot. Ha! What we do to catch a fish.
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