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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. ronk! How have you been? How's fishin'? I have only seen about two (2) reports from you so far this year. You must be doing about as good as me. I can'ty land big fish.
  2. There is a low water alga bloom occurring on the Kishwaukee River south branch in Winnebago County. It started Saturday (8/3) and will probably last a week or two. Just so you know.
  3. As "frustrating" as it may seem, sometimes that's just the way it is. I just came off my worst fishing weekend of the year thus far. I have no idea how many times I stood alone in that river this past weekend saying out loud "I can't believe this!" (probably not as many times as Jonn can say "Massive!") The water levels finally got down to where I want them, took a vacation day from work Friday, and pretty much got blanked the entire weekend. That's just the way it goes sometimes.
  4. Well the rain held off so the Apple should be in prime conditions come Saturday. Make sure your wading boots are in good shape. See ya Saturday.
  5. Ed B would like everyone to know that the July 13th, 8:00am, Float Your Boat at Jericho Lake in Aurora is still on. This is a great event for anyone looking to buy for the first or up grade.
  6. Make sure to get the instruction sheet. You can not affix the stamp to your craft without the instruction sheet. There is an adhesive with the instruction sheet that transfers to the stamp to make it adhere to your craft. You can not put the stamp on your craft without it. Tim G did not get the instruction sheet and now here's trying to get a hold of Jude to borrow his duct tape. Be sure to get the instruction sheet when purchasing your stamp.
  7. Rockford got nailed this morning. Either learn how to fish high waters, go on a trip else where, or hang up your gear for the next month or so.
  8. Told the gentleman that picked it up that I worked at Estwing and would get him a tool if he would like. He informed me that he was a bow hunter and would love to have a new Estwing hatchet as the one he uses now id too big for his back pack. Done. He also mentioned how he could tell it was a new rod and reel and liked that it was loaded up with braided line and rigged with a TR tube, just the way he likes it.
  9. Got it back! As I was leaving that day, a person in a forest preserve maintenance vehicle drove past me as I loaded up my gear. I took a chance and drove to the maintenance building on Monday and sure enough they had it.
  10. I don't spend big cash on fishing equipment. It was a GXS Titanium combo that ran about 100 bucks.
  11. Wanted.... The rod and reel I leaned up against the side of my car and drove off without putting in the car on Friday, June 21, 2013. Also Wanted.... A brain.
  12. Yes, while at Gander Mountain in Rockford last week I asked about the stickers and they too said July 1.
  13. I've seen all 3 in the last 3 days but I didn't see you. We hadda been standing right next to each other.
  14. They (IDNR) must honor your "up to date Illinois registration stickers" through their expiration date.
  15. I have noticed lots of work being done with existing ditches which drain to the Kish. and also creating new ditches draining to the Kish. I believe all this work is being done for the new I-39 industrial park being constructed. Just wondering if any other Northwest Region folk are seeing this?
  16. Interesting. I'm thinking you're going to have to add a foam disk right behind the eye and inside the cup to get the pop.
  17. We'll be doing an outing there on Saturday July 13. A pair of good sturdy wading boots is a must. Something high for ankle support.
  18. Terry Dodge

    making eyes

    Make one for me.
  19. I'll go with D and E. Maybe a faster or slower retrieve or longer/shorter pauses is the answer.
  20. Love Your River Day (FOTKR) Saturday, June 8 - Friends Of The Kishwaukee River (FOTKR) will be holding their second annual "Love Your River Day" at Espenscheid F.P. in Winnebago County. The ISA NW Region will participate and help out with this event. Watch the Forums for more info as it becomes available. ============================================= I plan to just paddle for this event. I know there are a few NW Regioners that will be out of town on this day but if anybody else that is left in the area would like to join me that would be great. I believe FPTKR plans on having some kind of float for treasure hunt with prizes that is suppose to entice people to pick up trash. Trash I collect will be given to a kid.
  21. Consider it done. My friend is building a house and at this time it is still not complete. I'm sure Gordon can find a corner to nap down in.
  22. The original email was sent to Jim on the 14th. You're a week late. I would hope the situation has been taken care of. Plus, your inheritance check could take up to 10 days in the mailing system once it has been processed. I have a friend that moved to the Philippines last year. If Gordon is still there let me know and I'll see if I can hook him up with a crib until he gets things straightened out.
  23. You should see his method of looking for my lures on the bottom.
  24. Nice pics and thanks for the reminder to be careful out there. I did notice in the first pic there is a spin combo attached to the tree. Did you happen to grab it? The thing that has amazed me this year is that all the big trees that were down in my creek last year have all completely disappeared. I have yet to find any evidence that they ever existed. Where'd they go? Also, when you look up and see that clump of dried weeds hanging from a branch 8 feet above your head. WOW!
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