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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Not this time. Times are already set, flyers already made. I don't want to toss something new in and cause a state of confusion. Which is easy to do with us northwest guys.
  2. Besides that anyway, I thought it was wabbit season?
  3. Most of the Kish is forest preserve property. I'm pretty sure they don't allow hunting as of yet.
  4. Rockford Gander Mountain 3068 McFarland Rd, Rockford, IL 61114 The Lodge Room is in the far back corner of the store where the restrooms, grills and coolers are are. Kind of makes one wonder if there is anything in those coolers, considering the close location to the restrooms.
  5. Don't use a lighter. I tried that and kept burning my line in two. Rub the line down with Icy Hot. Think about it.
  6. I clicked on this because I thought it was going to be Super Hero Flys. Anybody ever try to tie up a Superman or Batman fly?
  7. Dana lives in Washington. Here's a message Dana left on Facebook shortly after the storm.......
  8. Good to hear. I don't like "prodding" but won't hesitate to do so when I see something out of the norm. Thanks for the report, Jude. Contacting your local EPA office is easy. All it takes is a phone call or an email and they will get right back with you. Don't be afraid to report something you think isn't right.
  9. Supposedly EPA tested the water on Kilbuck and found nothing harmful. One of the charges in court is for water pollution, which is being charged by the EPA. (does that make sense?)
  10. WOW! I just received a call fromIllinois State Senator, Steve Stadelman's office on the email I sent to him about the problems with Kilbuck Creek. The person (Tim) thanked me on behalf of Steve Stadelman for the email and informed me that there was not much more that could be done at the moment as there are two charges against the company involved in court now. He did inform me that a bridge has been, or is being, constructed over the creek that in the past trucks were just driving through. Nice to know that Steve and his office are doing things right.
  11. Thanks, and Happy Veterans Day.
  12. Welcome, Forrest. It sounds like you are going to fit in just fine.
  13. WCFPD is going to take a look at it amd get back with me. They kind of think this is probably a bad thing for the Kilbuck.
  14. I take these are bad things being that they are dams. I was informed by another ISA member of a beaver dam on a creek of ours here in the NW Region. Today I took a little wade in search of a couple Fall smallies (no luck) and saw the dam with my own eye. Really amazing, but I'm kind of thinking I need to contact the forest preserve district about it, or will 2014's high Spring waters take care of to? This is not the dam but is very similar in size to the one in this picture....
  15. Mike, Do you ever get blisters inside that head of yours?
  16. That, and plus October is kind of "lazy days" fishing. We get out at some point. Early morning is not necessary, the weather changes quite often, plus with the earlier night fall, it kind of limits time for any kind of real scheduling of anything.
  17. I think a lot of people like to go at October solo. I don't know that to be fact, it's just the feeling I've gotten from the Forums over the years. Kip - I'm sure you know if you'd like to fish up here in the NW Region, all you need do is contact one of us.
  18. Is there any interest in learning to navigate an on line fishing log called Fish Swami? http://www.onlinefishinglog.com/index.html I myself am not much for keeping a fishing log, but I have dabbled in it. Fish Swami is an excellent online log that I do know how to navigate somewhat pretty well. If you like to keep a log then I'm sure you would like this. Once you set it up the way you want, filling out the log is simple. This would be a good project to pass the winter months. Ley me know. ~Terry NOTE: This is not just for fly guys. Spin gear and tackle is included.
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