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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Could something like this be helpful? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tape.measure&hl=en
  2. Going by the bill of his cap, my guess would be 19 to 20 inches. Does he still have that hat?
  3. Well the NW Region held it's first fly tying event of the year at the Hearth Rock Cafe in Rockford. The event had a total of 7 participants (5 fly tiers and 2 hair bow tiers) and started off with a light breakfast. Jude showed how to tie the famous Jude-Bug followed by Tim with his Gurgler, Mike G with a Fluke type fly and ending with my Killbug. We had two spouses at our table who tied up some hair ribbon bows. Everyone seemed to get a chuckle out of my 20lbs base for for fly vise but hey, it WILL NOT tip over or move while tying flies. It was a good time and a nice way to spend some Winter downtime. I enjoy these get togethers where the spouses come along. We had a float last year where a couple spouses came along and had a good time so I'm thinking about planning a "spouse appreciation" float on this Kish later this year. They do put up with all our crap throughout the year. Fun times for all.
  4. Burnin' the midnight oil does make these cold polar vortex days pass a bit more quickly. I do like the Blue gill color.
  5. Have not sent as of yet so you can do to me what you want.
  6. I'll put in a reservation for 12. And to copy the great Chicago Regions Ed B. TWO (2) MORE DAYS!!!
  7. If I were to call them by their full name........ Kilbuck Creek Killbugs
  8. I hear a lot of talk about Seattle's defense but I really believe that Payton is going to tear them. Manning is playing too damn good right now. I just have to believe that as good as Payton is playing right now and as strong as his arm still is this far into the season and as framing smart as the guy is, there's just no stopping him at this point. Much like M. Jordan with the Bulls, we are very lucky to be able to watch a player such as Manning. He will never be topped.
  9. Really. Hope you get a chance to watch it first. Jim - Should I count the Harry Murray person as your wife?
  10. Kilbugs are done and ready for shipment. PM me an address please.
  11. You don't have to tie flies, you can come for breakfast and smallmouth talk.
  12. Rob, When you edit names into the list why don't you below the list add a "Last Updated" date. It probably really isn't necessary but it keeps you working. Have a nice day.
  13. Would like to have a final count by Thursday.
  14. Jim - Yes, looks as if we are on the same "thought train". Who do you pick to win the Super Bowl?
  15. I'll give this a try. Put me down for Killbug
  16. The same exact fly or is different variations of the same fly acceptable?
  17. I like to go through Brad Miller at http://www.flybass.biz for my fly fishing needs. He has tested a lot of equipment and will give you good honest answers are anything. He's not afraid to say that he doesn't like something. Be sure to mention you're with the ISA if you talk with him.
  18. Okay, let's put together a list of attendees..... 1. Terry & wife (?) 2. Tim & wife 3. Mike G 4. Jude & ? 5. Jim S 6. Jordan & Kelly 7. Wes & Connie (will edit in more names as they confirm) My guy at the Hearth Rock says that he can reserve tables for us if we are a large group. Please let me know if you plan to attend.
  19. Saturday, March 8 at 9am Fly Tying - NW Region BassBugger Wannabes We will meet at the Hearth Rock Cafe, 1100 11th St. Rockford, IL. for some breakfast and fly tying. (BYOB) Contact Terry for more info... http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showuser=877
  20. Saturday, May 31 at 8am. (host Terry) Float Outing We'll start with breakfast at 8am. sharp at Cherry Valley Cafe, 216 E State St. Cherry Valley, IL. After breakfast we'll hit the Kishwaukee River from Belvidere to Cherry Valley. This is an all day float so you might want to pack a lunch or bring something to snack on. In the past we have had problems with the water levels this time of year. Keep an eye on the Forums. Contact Terry for more info. http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showuser=877
  21. On Saturday April 12, 2014, @ 11am. the NW Region will be conducting an open to the public smallmouth fishing seminar at Ken-Rock Community Center in Rockford IL. (click for info) http://isakenrockfishing.blogspot.com
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