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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. What a space case. Sorry, I couldn't pass that up. It's a joke!
  2. Welcome, Jim! Please join us on Saturday, Feb. 17th at the Cherry Valley Cafe for some good food, smallmouth talk, and meet other ISA NW Region members. It would be great to meet you.
  3. The Rockford Boat and Fishing Show will be happening on this same day. Something to do afterwards for anybody that might want to go. http://www.landroproductions.com/
  4. NW Region 3rd. Saturday Breakfast Meet at Cherry Valley Cafe in Cherry Valley. IL. @ 9AM. Word is there might be a van load of Chicago area driving up to join us. GREAT! If you plan to attend please let me know ASAP so I can reserve space at the cafe. Good smallmouth talk, good friends, good food +A Great Time. See you there.
  5. Welcome! I have been with my wife for 32 years and have learned not to pay attention to the things that she says. Keep chasing the smallies!
  6. Welcome! It seems we are building a Kish Army in this year of 2018. I don't much care for that Ed Buric guy so I thought I would post on this one. Be sure to track me down at the Blowout. Look forward to meeting you.
  7. Welcome. You sound like a good pick up. Looking forward to meeting you.
  8. We had a BIG breakfast at the Cherry Vally Cafe. There were 10 of us seated around the table and it was nice to see a couple new face (Norm Perkins and Mike Gillig) from the Chicago area join us. I have always want to meet that Norm fellow. Nice guy. Glad the two of the them could make the trip. There air was full of smallmouth talk, laughter and the sent of the best damn biscuits & gravy this side of the ol' Mississipp. Thanks to all who came and enjoyed the morn. Looking forward to Feb. 17.
  9. It's going to be interesting. Happy new year to all.
  10. Welcome! Those are some nice looking fish and pics. I look forward to reading your reports Looks like you float in a NuCanoe? What kind of camera are you using?
  11. The practice of catch and release is a practice. Thanks for posting.
  12. Just checked the river gage for the Kish. Looks like it is flowing at a good level. Too bad it's too cold outside. Photo test....
  13. Looks like Tim Curry to me... .
  14. This Saturday at 9AM, Cherry Valley Cafe. Good food, smallmouth talk, and photo posting training class by Jude. See ya there.
  15. SHhhhhh. Just let him be happy.
  16. That's some nice looking water you have there. You're a lucky man. Wish I had friends.
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