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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. We will meet at Cherry Valley cafe in Cherry Valley Illinois at 9:00AM on Dec. 16th.
  2. The Bronzeback Newsletter January (Web-Only) Edition has been sent to your email accounts. Full color. Enjoy.
  3. http://paolistorage.com/Home.html
  4. The Early Show was live. Check it out.... > https://www.facebook.com/pg/illinoissmallmouthalliance/videos/
  5. I greatly appreciate the offer but I suggest you give the 3 books to Scott. Reading books, magazines, news papers and such is quite a struggle for me with my failing eyesight. Again, thanks.
  6. Thanks for pointing that out. I may go back and edit that info in. I thumb the smallmouth and hold it in the water, pull the tripod/camera out of my vest, set it on the bank at it's lowest setting, turn camera on/select timer/select 10 seconds, ready myself and my catch, camera ready light flashes 3-2-1, lift catch, camera triggers. It's a pretty fast operation. This is why it is important to know how to use your camera and settings. I don't even need to look at my camera while doing all of the mentioned above.
  7. It could be that you pushed a couple keys at the same time and change the setting for just the ISA site. I did this just the other day on Facebook. I wanted to type a continuous line (above the dash) and I mistakenly held down my Command Key and the Line Key at the same time instead of the Shift Key and Line Key. For whatever reason it shrunk the size of Facebook and only Facebook. All other sites were fine. I rebooted my computer and that fixed the problem. I didn't even know that could be done by pushing two keys at the same time. Now I try to pay more attention to what I'm doing.
  8. After seeing some pics on the ISA Facebook Page with smallmouth being laid on the ground for the shot, I felt there was a good stage and opportunity education. As your Conservation Director, and in accordance to our ISA Mission, I plan to run an education campaign on the Facebook Page to educate the public. The Plan is to post one (1) note per month thru the winter season. Here is Novembers Note that was just posted > https://www.facebook.com/notes/terry-j-dodge/cr-cpr-practice-practice-practice-an-isa-conservation-education-article/10155808065489299/
  9. Still having the problem?
  10. Sounds neat but I can't for the life of me figure out why they would through running into the mix?
  11. Well it seems you are getting the CC's so you'll get the newsletter. The Aug and Sept. CC's were the last two sent out.
  12. Did you receive the Constant Contact (CC) on email address updating? Do you receive any CC?
  13. If they are still in usable condition I would label them with a description of what they are and drop them off at a Goodwill or Salvation Army store. Recycle/Reuse both the same.
  14. I have decided to step up and take on the task and duties of being your ISA Conservation Director. I hope to build up some excitement about conservation and implement a couple new ideas into our conservation program. I'm sure most of you have seen my little battle with Kilbuck Creek over the last few years (more on that later). I promis I will work just as hard as your Conservation Director. Currently I have a couple projects started and would like to have them finished up, presented to the ISA Leadership Board, and implemented into our program 2018. I could use a few volunteers for brainstorming discussions and planning to get these 2 projects done. Let me know. I look forward and am excited to work with you into the future.
  15. No More Water Usage Stamp Canoes and kayaks will go back to the 3 year registration. The Department will be able to move away from the WUS. To apply for a new registration, paperwork would be filed with the Department for a 3 year registration (cost is the same, WUS was $6 per year, canoe or kayak is $18 for 3 years). To renew, they can complete the process online, which usually only takes a week to arrive in the mail. Titling will remain optional for those who want it, but removing titling will speed up the new registration process significantly.
  16. 11:16am Leaving house now. See you at the park.
  17. I'll bring my pontoon for you to use if you want. If not, no big deal. Pontoons are good for people who lean more towards wading. Float, beach it, wade. If I remember correctly, you kind of know the Kish so the pontoon might be more your style.
  18. Jude is probably not going to be fishing with us on Saturday but does hope to join in the Saturday night campfire. 9 ish in the AM or PM? I won't be unlocking the gate to the Camp Kish Park until about noon on Friday. I was told that it might be a good idea to bring toilet paper. THERE IS CAMPING ON FRIDAY NIGHT Sorry, I guess people got confused from my "CRUNCH TIME" post. With people coming from out of town and there ended up being no decision or discussion on meeting at Cherry Valley Cafe, I made the decision of everyone meeting at the park on Saturday. I ran out and bought some eggs and sausage to put in your bellies if you would like. Nothing fancy. Also bought some dogs and chips for afterwards so nobody has to drive too far on an empty belly. If you are coming from out of town to spend the day on the Kish, please try to be to the park by 9:30AM on Saturday at the very latest. Earlier if you want some chow. I hope everything is clear. Campers are as follows.... Terry (Fri & Sat) Scott (Fri & Sat) Ken (Fri & Sat) Ben (Fri & Sat) Kevin (Fri. night only ?)
  19. There is camping Friday night. Nobody had commented on your question of breakfast at CVC on Saturday so I made the decision to meet at the Camp Kish Park. I will have eggs and stuff for people at the camp if they would like. If some of you want to have breakfast at CVC on Saturday morning then have at it, just try to be at the park at 9am. Or plan and go out yourselves if that's what you want to do. Wading is fine. I will wade with you if you would like? Don't want anybody to be on their own, unless they wanna be.
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