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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Winnebago Forest Preserve had the Kish designated as a navigatable water way in the county.
  2. I don't much care for that guy, and I never pay much attention to him. What's he gonna do? Those cement chunks never really produce much anyway. As long as you were all in your kayaks there's nothing he can say. And yes he does own both sides.
  3. Glad to see a good turnout. Sorry I missed it. Maybe I'll try to toss together another Kish outing a few weeks from now. I would like to get some folks out to exercise the arms instead of the legs. ? Thanks to all who filled in to lead a group. Much appreciated.
  4. This is true. I really do hope to make make it, but I can't commit to it just yet.
  5. Ya, that's the way I do it. Ha! Good one John.
  6. Interesting. Officer Cox checked me for a fishing license but was mainly out enforcing the April 1 thru June 15 Catch and Release only on smallmouth bass regulation while serving as a IDNR officer before becoming a RKFDPD officer.
  7. This years raffle..... This year we are raffling off a Perception Pescador Pro 120 sit on top fishing kayak! Second prize is a Sun Dolphin 3 seat Scout Leinenkugel canoe with trolling motor mount! Tickets are $5.00 each or five for $20.00 Tickets will be sold until the drawing at 5:00 pm Saturday, July 28th. Drawing is on July 28th at 5:00 pm during the paddle fest. Need not be present to win.
  8. I agree. Looks like it came up and is already going back down, and the south branch looks to be uneffected.
  9. I was too at one point. Then on the night of 7/19/18 we got a crap load of rain and my interest began to dwindle. Keeping an eye on the levels.
  10. Anybody interested in this fest please PM me for more info. Camping is available on Friday night also if. Let me know if you are interested and we can try to set up a plan. Fun event with damn good music Click > https://www.facebook.com/events/177737529566031/
  11. FUNDING FOR THIS STREAMGAGE MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE AFTER 9/30/2018. IF A NEW FUNDING SOURCE IS NOT FOUND BY THEN, SOME OBSERVATIONS MAY BE DISCONTINUED. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The annual cost is $14,400 per year. I We are working hard to find alternate sources of funds to keep the gages running. Hopefully the funding cut will be rescinded, we should know by late July. And if the cut is real, hopefully we will find an alternate source of funds. Again, thank you for your concern and input. Gary Johnson
  12. Anybody use this gage? - http://waterdata.usgs.gov/il/nwis/uv?site_no=05550001
  13. Isn't It Funny how some people feel the need to buy a new kayak and ruin the fishing for the rest of us by bringing tons of rain and high water levels? I hope they buy a damn snow blower right before winter too.
  14. CC sent out. Sorry Mike. I was in the Sylvania Wilderness last week and have been busy with taking care of mom and my own health issues since returning. Hope the CC helps.
  15. I like the blockheads but so far this year nothing seems to out fish the Jude Bug.
  16. I have never heard of any such thing. There is a cast and compare on Sept 18th I believe.
  17. Pay no attention to him, sometimes he forgets his pills.
  18. Welcome! Interesting pic. Looks to be about a 17 incher. Nice! > http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/calendar/event/821-apple-river-wade-outing/
  19. That would have to come in a 20oz bottle.
  20. We have Kishwaukee Blue, a white wine, which is pretty good. I usually down a bottle in the Fall, kind of an end of the season thing I like to do. - http://www.prairiestatewinery.com/whites.html
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