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Everything posted by Kev-mo

  1. No 4's go fish! Got out last night for a couple hours on a rapidly falling but still chocolatey and chugging flow. The grass has gone to seed so no allergies. One well fed 12/13 on plastic in seam and one dink on a crank in slack. After not being out for over a month I'll take it!
  2. Kev-mo

    bug spray

    One of the scout kids said his Off worked good. In looking online though I don't like what the precaution tab says... Again in looking online the Theracell looks better and safer. However both seem to assume you are sitting in one place so it's doubtful either would work for hiking or fishing unless your sitting in one place "polishing rocks".
  3. Sure... mess with the one guy that still hasn't gotten a bite on that particular bait yet. I do have glow sticks and bacon in the freezer. How do you wrap the bacon around the stick? Is this a topwater presentation or worked on the bottom?
  4. No 5's but a 20 would be nice Norm is right about adapting. You just have to get out and check things out (safely of course). The fish still need to eat (just like winter). I personally can't beat the shoreline as I'm allergic to whatever that tall grass is when it's pollenating(sp?) and that usually coincides with the better part of June. Until the water drops or the grass is done; does anyone have any 3's?
  5. I fished it once for just a bit several years ago when we were there for camping for cub scouts. Pretty weedy (milfoil?). Picked up a few bass on a black buzzbait. I liked the looks of it and wanted to explore more but no time. The four lakes area looks pretty good too. I was there once (didn't fish) but it sure looked fishy...
  6. You can get a Vexilar or any of the other brands people use for ice fishing. They might have a package deal where it can be used for ice fishing with an option to mount/use on a boat. I think they have several different transducer types with regard to cone angle etc. They'll be pricey though. You still may want to think about going Scott's route. Back when the Vex's first came out I couldn't really justify the expense so I bought a Hummingbird flasher and an extra portable transducer with the suction cup. I also bought one the blue plastic ice boxes that hold the battery and you can mount the flasher on. Worked fine for ice fishing and could use it on a boat no problem. Unless you got a really good seal though the suction cup would come off now and again. I guess it depends on how your friend is going to use it. If they'll never or rarely go ice fishing I would opt for Scott's idea. You could really trick it out and customize a real nice box to hold the unit and battery and make a real nice bracket to hold the tranducer. I'm not knocking Scott's 1x2 or tackle box as it works. Just thinking something customized would be nicer as it's a gift. I think the batteries can be found for less than $30 on sale. The only thing I didn't like was the cords that came with my unit were very long (to fit on a boat) so you might need to take that in to consideration when picking out a box. If you do go this route make sure everything is clamped in the box and the box can be bungeed or clamped to the boat so in case of rough seas etc nothing will go overboard.
  7. That's a nice story Norm. Not everyone would go and sit at the river like you did looking out for people. Gary you would be shocked at what's out there... I too had some trepidation at joining several years ago but was fortunate enough to meet and get to know a few members (Don, Norm, Jonn) and based on that along with going to a Blow Out I saw nothing but good things that were completely opposite of what I heard.
  8. Already read mine (good stuff) and I agree a great shot! I'm also going through a lot of my tackle and weeding out a lot of stuff this year (for different reasons than Rich) although I did enjoy that read.
  9. Possibly to make a stronger case, bigger fines etc. You would think one extra limit would be enough but maybe not enough to really come down hard and make an example/statement about what happens when you overharvest.
  10. I'm no expert on either the Dupe or the Kish. Here's an 18.5 from each. I'm holding the Dupe fish (Sept 08) closer to the camera than the Kish fish (April 09). Same camera, same original pixel size and same pixel reduction. Beyond the dupe fish closer to the camera they look pretty similar to me. Maybe I got lucky and caught the exception on the Kish. I don't know... just putting in my 1 cent. dupe kish
  11. Mike I just re-checked BPS and Cabelas and did not see the ones I'm looking for. I'll just have to pay shipping or wait until I find them. Thanks Phil Thanks for the info. I saw some other jigs I liked. Maybe I'll pick up a pack of each and play. Rich It almost seems as if you are trying to subtley bring me over to what some have referred to as the "dark side". The force seems to be strong with you
  12. Guess my post was ambiguous... looking for Charlie Brewer lead jig heads. Sure do appreciate the offer Mike!
  13. How much was shipping? I'm kind of anti-shipping charge oriented if I can help it. GATS is nowhere near my house but I do pass close enough in my travels that it's thriftier to wait until the next time I'm out that way and stop in. If it comes down to it I'll order from Charlies site if I have to. I'm mostly looking for other places that carry them that I don't know of or a similar substitute people like.
  14. Sorry... the lead jig heads.
  15. I'm looking for the classic sliders (the bigger ones). It doesn't appear BPS has them anymore, GATS was out when I stopped recently, last couple times I stopped at Strictly Fishing they didn't have any. Short of ordering direct who else might carry them? Has anyone tried the pro series or ewg on the sliders? I only heard a couple negatives on the pro. Anything else similar design wise that you tried and like? Thanks
  16. I'll be duct taping a net to a broom stick. Five dollars per fish per net job Seriously, if you have longer net bring it.
  17. Chris You could probably paddle your yak around the harbor.
  18. The fish eat very well in the dupe. I'll have to take and send you a picture come summer of the weeds. I think you'd be shocked by how weedy it gets. There are plenty of places for forage to hide in the weeds. Now what happens in winter is still something I am trying to dissect. Btw most everything isn't even connected to Lake Michigan with regard to drain off etc. It seems like I am catching less fish than I did several years ago but I can't say it's a direct correlation to less fish. I got out less last year. It was a different year weather wise and I didn't adjust. I've been playing around the last couple/few years with different and larger baits. I threw a baitcaster all last year which meant very little in the way of finesse baits. I haven't thrown some specific baits at the dupe in 2-3 years and I used to throw them a lot catching a lot of fish. A few sections I frequent had a lot of shoreline wood washed away from high water events from 2008 on that really hasn't been replaced. If you put just the above together leaving out all other variables you would expect me to catch less. Less outings also equals less of a chance for quality unless you hit the mother lode just right. I'm not saying there isn't a decline but maybe take a look at your own habits also. I know I'm going back to some basics this year just to see. Btw how long does a fish live under utopian condintions after it hits 18 inches, 2 years, 4 years? Just curious. Perhaps all those 18's I and others caught 3 years ago went to fish heaven.
  19. To add to the follow up; it started out with nice weather but towards mid morning the cold front finally showed up and got a little chilly and pretty rainy. The kids and their parents really stuck it out though. Saw a decent amount of fish caught and some happy kids. Jim picked up a good amount of garbage. I had a nice conversation with the one volunteer Ed mentioned. I let him know a little more of what the ISA does and he was seemed intrigued. Really nice guy, hope he joins. I kept trying to place a couple that was also volunteering and we finally figured out that it was at the Rosemont show where I saw them when I worked last year. Small world at times... Went back Monday with my kids and my oldest managed one trout despite the sunshine. He had to catch and prepare a fish as part of his fishing merit badge for scouts and this worked out nicely. He didn't mind cleaning the fish but then when I had him battering he was pretty grossed out when the egg and flour got all sticky on his hands. Quite comical.
  20. Yeah, you got me too. I'm only half paying attention right now. Even had to edit for poor proof reading. Too bad at least number two couldn't become a reality.
  21. has not set their status

  22. It would also be an easier issue if they stopped letting people build right next to the river and leaving buffer zones. Wait a minute, that would help with flooding too. That makes too much sense
  23. Possibly... remind me the week before and I'll see where I'm at with my schedule.
  24. This was my third or fourth one and they were all equally enjoyable with great speakers each time. Nice to put faces to names and meet some new people. Thanks to all those who set everything up each year!! Jim was as enjoyable as ever during the raffle
  25. Third vote for Corens and yes that is the correct number.
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