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ISA Officer
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Everything posted by Kev-mo

  1. Did you try contacting Google? I'm being completely serious with this next statement; did you Google it? I would imagine you are not the first to encounter this and there has to be information somewhere in the interweb on this.
  2. Rich, LOL Mike, looks interesting... how much potential does the open design have for a fish do the right twist and shout combo to twist a lure off the clip? Just curious... I've had a few snaps fail on me over the years (only a few) but it is still annoying... I tried the Norman speed clip and that is great for crank baits or closed loop spinners/buzzbaits but it would not work with all my jigs. I checked out the new Z chatter and it seems the Fastach clip has the flat surface of the blade to keep it from twisting off. While it seems unlikely a fish could twist off that was my first thought after seeing it.
  3. I wrecked one in the Kank also... lost my balance and the current took me down. Manged to dry it out by just letting it sit for a couple days. I did lose the star key so had to get a new phone despite everything else working. A death march with Rego huh... I've been on several of those. You think I would have learned my lesson after the first couple always a good time and fish are caught so I guess that's why I go back.
  4. Thought this was rather interesting... http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20140922-green-snot-takes-over-worlds-rivers
  5. As Scott said it was a good presentation and greatly exceeded any preconceived expectations I had for the outing. It was refreshing to hear someone speak with such passion about their work. Learned a lot plus Jessi was pretty funny at times!
  6. Looks like I am able to attend this guided tour which is conducted by a non-ISA member. Wonder if the river is flowing...?
  7. I guess loop as I usually use a snap. Although with the R I can use something to close it (tubing, wrap it, etc.). Once that loop is there you can't open it back up provided you wanted to for whatever reason...
  8. Supposed to warm up and possibly rain some this weekend. Almost 50 on Sunday if the forecast holds... I would think that should get some fish of the smallmouth variety biting on any of the regions rivers provided conditions don't go to the extreme of too much rain etc.
  9. I would be interested also. Hopefully it happens on a day/time I can attend.
  10. I don't know about copper on the water but my brother had a pair of Oakleys years ago that were copper colored/tinted and these seemed to be the best tint for the sun when it is low on the horizon and blinding you while driving. Any thoughts on that? Also quick question regarding; "The golden rule is: always try to use the least amount of magnification possible in order to achieve your desired task at hand. " Is this because the eye(s) get lazy if you don't make them work?
  11. That is more elequent than what I wanted to say... so I'll follow your lead and say "remember the Lorax".
  12. To add to the mix; they are great buzzbaits, the design is so simple yet functions awesomely! The owner is a nice guy too. I had an order mix-up last year and chatted a bit via email. He told me to just keep the wrong order (donated half to this years blowout). They have a couple sales each year including one around Black/Bronze Friday. Great time to stuff your own stocking...
  13. I've got a pair of the Simms Guide Leather that are a few years old so I guess they are the older style. They are decent boots. Skosh heavy but good traction and great ankle support. I also have a pair of Patagonia RiverWalkers that were on clearance a couple years ago. I get good traction w/those and they are pretty light. I like these for wet wading or lots of walking. The best boots I ever owned were the old tan colored leather Simms Guide with the sticky sole and build in studs from like 6-7 years ago. Those boots rocked and I was very disappointed that Simms went away from that set up to the vibram soles. The sole was also stitched to the boot body instead of just glued. I'd like to see those come back... I like the looks of the Simms Rivershed Boot. Those would be on my list to look at when I need another pair. Would also look at Orvis and LL Bean. (jmo's)
  14. Great video! I also like the one PRN did about the proposed coal mine. I have so much I want to rant about now... glad Mark posted. Hope everyone signs the petition.
  15. I thought all mono and braided super lines floated... I like the regular power pro for super lines. I've heard good things about Sufix mono. Most recently used McCoy myself. Used BPS brand once many years ago 14 lb. test, stuff was tuff as nails. jmo's...
  16. What Eric said. I was out Sunday afternoon (only 5th time out this year) and blanked but I saw plenty of fish.
  17. I'll be in Michigan in a couple weeks; specifically at the Boy Scout Camp near Whitehall north of Muskegon. Looks like I am near a lot of water and a National Forest. Does anyone have any info they'd be willing to share regarding the rivers and any smallmouth in the area or within about an hours drive or so? I can sometimes get away for a day as my boys are plenty old enough and it'd be sweet to have the option to possibly fish. Thanks!
  18. You can copy and paste the pics but they will be too small to use at the blowout if that is the end goal. You'll want originals sized at maximum. Pehaps Eric can assist with this at the end of the year when he does the annual "send me your fish pics for the blowout".
  19. That was it! I remember it well as I was camping with my boys (8 & 9 at the time) and they were fascinated! The cicadas were deafening. I had my first encounter at about the same age as them over at Schiller Woods. When the 1990 brood emerged I started calculating how many 17 year cycles I might be able to witness. Kind of weird the stuff you think about and how things bunny trail in your head... "emergence" just got me thinking about The Matrix. The line is something like "calculating from the emergence of one integral anomoly to the next"
  20. You made me do a double take on this as we had the 17 year cicadas like 6 or so years ago up in this area and out towards Rockford. Must be different groups of them on alternate schedules. Don't recall what the effect on fishing was though. I'm sure somebody does.
  21. Currently have 12# McCoy. Was thinking about switching to braid but haven't done so due the possibibilty of having to go higher than I want to on pound size due diameter.
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