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Everything posted by ronk

  1. Due to felt's better grip studs are really necessary only in slippery conditions usually caused by algae on the streambed For example.a river like the Fox is free of that kind of algae making studs unnecessary with felt.Rubber soles regardless of the type do not grip as well & should always include studs with which they will provide good traction in slippery conditions not quite as good as felt soles with studs but better than studless felt. Studs also help getting in/out of rivers with steep banks like the Dupe.I'm very happy with my Orvis Ultralight boots with studded rubber soles that I've had for a cupl years.
  2. I wish the Driftless had hatches like that.
  3. You can't catch 'em if there not there.And as i've maintained before in the last 4 or 5 yrs they simply haven't been there like before from the upper stretch of the Main Branch all the way to Channahon which with the exception of the short stretch from Channahon is virtually the entire river.Last year just about the only good action came in that short stretch which is best floated due to deeper water & private property.Until a few yrs ago the river produced good #s of 16-19+ smallies thruout its length and was the best big smallie river in Ill.But every year the algae growth and the intense weed growth became worse.Silt also got much worse in the slower near shore water where spawning would take place. Like the song says "...more people more scars upon the land". For most of the year the streambed couldn't even be seen covered as it was by algae,weed or silt. I believe these factors combined with excessive rainfall every year during spawning time resulted in multi year poor spawns.When those big old bass died off they left little behind.That's the long & short of it as far as I can see.For the better part of 10 yrs I had pretty consistent good fishing in the Dupe.These days after early spring I don't much bother with it anymore.
  4. Not to belabor the point but the main branch at 135th in P'field is several miles downstream of the west branch in N'ville.The main branch has a lot more "push" than the west branch.But you're right about the river being in good shape for your float especially since today's forecast is for less rain over the weekend than previously predicted. Mike Dandy smallie. Sneaky Pete strikes again.
  5. ????? The Dupe reading at the Plainfield site is at 246,the Shorewood reading which is probably the more relevant to your float plans is at a brisk 530cfs.if there were no rain forecast the readings would be lower of course by Saturday.But Accweather shows almost an inch Friday thru Saturday.
  6. Brian Too bad Jude didn't tell you his story about eagles killing wolves.He even has photo shopped pics to prove it.
  7. You can always stop by the shop & buy a little something if it makes you feel better about asking for the info.It's always nice to visit a flyshop whatever the reason
  8. Sevaral monthesago Blackwater FFing did a presentation for the ISA.They're in Stevens Pt & can be reached at 715-572-3225 or 715-340-6873
  9. I'm coming & will try to remember to bring my waders this time
  10. ronk

    furled leaders

    I don't think that either hand tied or furled leaders are worth the bother especially given their downsides. Commercially made tapered leaders that match the fly being fished are used exclusively by almost all ffers and should cast just fine. If not the fault most often lies with the caster not the leader as in "it's not the arrow,it's the Indian."But for anyone wanting to try one Feathercraft makes them with a handy little o ring for attaching the tippet.They also sell just the orings to extend the life of any leader's butt section.
  11. Every year I come to the planting I forget to bring gloves and my hands suffer for it.This year I made sure to have them along.Trouble is when I pulled in and saw all you guys wearing them I realized that this time I forgot the waders So I headed to Lombard to help out with the Orvis store's ffing class instead.
  12. Ffing for lahontan cutthroat in Nevada's Pyaramid Lake.
  13. How was the fishing? Those heavy overcast muggy days with rain threatening usually turn 'em on especially lmb.
  14. As Andy says a sb could be an aid fishing from a boat replete with electronic gear(seldom needed stream fishing & often not in stillwater either) But even than hand holding the line while casting standing up would at least in most instances be a good alternative.It may be easier to rely on an artificial aid but learning this technique will make any ffer a more complete & proficient caster.Next to the dubl haul it's the most important casting technique I know especially in streams where the vast majority of ffing is done as well as from shorelines with tall thick cover like many of the Driftless streams where a sb would only be a hindrance thruout the summer months
  15. My guess is that the boat will primarily be used to access spots which will than be waded? Scott Only for guys who keep a cluttered boat.Ffing guides don't.So the sb is the floor of the boat.
  16. ronk

    furled leaders

    I've never used one.I imagine they would turn over better but also might slow a fly's sink rate.
  17. ronk

    jim velguth

    I always admired Jim for the way he didn't let his handicap impede him either physically or emotionally.
  18. ronk

    Fair price?

    If it doesn't dive it's not a good gerbubble bug.
  19. I think you just want the river all to yourself.Rumor has it that the smallies are concentrated in back of a Kmart where the dumpsters create a current seam.
  20. That's a rod Lee Wulff would've approved of. He favored short rods with a good backbone. As a 6wt it should handle bigger smb as weii as smaller ones,
  21. Among its efforts Prairie Rivers Network is also working against the hog farm.
  22. ronk

    Fair price?

    A diver not a popper.Poppers stay on the surface.
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