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Tom L

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Everything posted by Tom L

  1. The up & down jigging motions of the Clouse is tantalizing to the fish; and its effectiveness is undeniable; but the bucktail hairs tend to tangle up after the fly has been fished awhile and causes the fly to swim untrue to its nature. I had tried substituting the bucktail with marabou and craft fur which work well for both, but the tangling problems still persist. After 2 shots of Balvenie Doublewood last night, I got this idea. Cheer!
  2. Thanks Ryan. That reminds me of another egg pattern called Nuke Egg.
  3. Yep! It's time to let your imagination runs wild.
  4. Thanks guys. Amazing how a little touch of marker can do. Jonn, the eyes are coated with CCG. It is a 3 steps process. First, apply a small amount CCG thick onto the deer hair head, affix the eyes, then zap them with UV light to lock them in place. Second, apply a generous amount of CCG thick around and over the eyes (you can also coat the entire head), then zap them with UV light. Third, apply a thin coat of CCG hydro over the eyes, then zap them again with UV light.
  5. The Gurglers should do also with 2 hands strip. See Rob G's post. http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=11379
  6. These are my attempts to imitate the Rapala Shad Rap (Fire Tiger maybe?).
  7. Ha a very creative way of tying a greenrock larva. Yep, it should works for both steelhead and trout.
  8. My personal favorite, craft-fur or sparkle-fur. This fly should be deadly. I was at Cabela's today, just browsing around. The Rapala Shad Rap and the Berkley Flicker Shad have some nice color patterns that caught my eyes. I think I'll try to imitate some of these patterns over the winter with my CF Muddler.
  9. That is a very nicely tied. Read in the Fly Fisherman Mag a few years back that the Alaskan Leopard Rainbows love this mouse.
  10. Nice. Interesting way of using heart bead (or heart beat?).
  11. Bart and I had tried Silicon Lubricant Spray on our steelhead outing. That didn't work. Worst, I think it left residue on our flies and reduced our catch rate.
  12. That gave me some ideas for play with. Thx Rich.
  13. We had this discussion a while back. Here is an interesting read in the most recent issue of Fly Fishing the Salt: http://www.flyfishinsalt.com/species/conservation/when-fly-not-fly?cmpid=enews112613&spPodID=030&spMailingID=18213761&spUserID=NTE3OTEyMjA2OTAS1&spJobID=239248679&spReportId=MjM5MjQ4Njc5S0
  14. That was filmed in Fernie, BC. Looks like a nice vacation destination. The waters, the sceneries, and the trouts are mesmerizing. Of cause, Todd Moen had done a wonderful job with the camera and editing. Beckie Clarke is a guide. Here is her website: http://fernieflyfishing.com/ Catch Magazine got quite a few more videos on Youtube. I'm a big fan of Todd Moen. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=todd+moen+fly+fishing+videos&sm=1
  15. Ron, I love Bull Trout. hehehe... Nice to see more women get into the sport though.
  16. Yep! I've been tying my own for a few year now and been doing them without the lead kit. Perfection loop knot and blood knot are the only 2 you need to know. There are a lot of formular out there, but this is what I've been using: 4.5' of 40lbs, 2.5' of 30lbs, 1.5' of 20lbs, and 1.5' of 15lbs (or 12lbs). Granted, this is not a dry fly leader formular.
  17. I'm sure a lot of you are already subscribed to and familiar with Catch Magazine. This one is one of my all time favorite, recently uploaded.
  18. Tom L


    Glad to hear you and the family are OK, Jonn. I was in the city on Sunday afternoon. A lot of streets were flooded and had to turn the car around several times to avoid driving thru deep water.
  19. Thanks Ryan. Very good article. I've been beaching them all these years, but never beached them too shallow and avoided them from flopping onto rocks. I'll have to tail them in slightly deeper water from now on.
  20. For what's worth, this is a pic of the flies I was talking about. They are about 2.5" long and tied on #6 or #4 hooks. I've been using them to trail behind an egg or an egg-sucking-leech pattern.
  21. Nice work, Ryan. I've been using some thing similar (but with no tail, substituted wing instead in white, pink, orange, chart, purple, black, yellow) for steelhead and brown. They'll work for smb also.
  22. Tom L

    new members

    Welcome Forrest. Glad to have you on board. And have a first aide kit ready. But I have to admit, my best flies came after 3 shots.
  23. Nice tye and good collection of books, Ryan. Backcast by Lou Ureneck is a good read. I'd learned my lesson, "don't skim on the hook". You'll be spending a lot times and energies in chasing that ONE fish. Gamies are nice upgrades.
  24. Tom L

    Belize Bone

    From the album: 2013

  25. Tom L


    Smallies, Browns & Steelheads
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