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Do you tie your own leaders?

Forrest Miller

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So, I was wondering how many of you tie your own leaders? I am thinking about putting one of the Umpqua leader tying kits on my Christmas list. Do you find that making your own leaders gives you an advantage over buying them aside from the obvious cost savings?





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if you're speaking about fly fishing leaders, you might find a better response if posted in the Bassbuggers section. But yes, I do tie my own leaders, because I enjoy the process, allows me to experiment, is far cheaper when you foul up so many with wind knots, tossed into trees, break offs, etc. (not that I do any of that mind you :) At Lefty's advice you can buy up spools of Berkley Big Game line for your leader making and follow or create your own leader formulations. Much cheaper than buying small spools or the leader tying kits which may not have in abundance the size you need for the leaders you tie most.

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I tie my own also, as it is less expensive. I am a master at putting my fly line in places it shouldn't be, and then bringing back only a portion of it. I am also very good at creating wind knots and not so good at getting them out. It is a good idea to know how anyway, just in case you are in a situation where you need to.

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Yep! I've been tying my own for a few year now and been doing them without the lead kit. Perfection loop knot and blood knot are the only 2 you need to know. There are a lot of formular out there, but this is what I've been using: 4.5' of 40lbs, 2.5' of 30lbs, 1.5' of 20lbs, and 1.5' of 15lbs (or 12lbs). Granted, this is not a dry fly leader formular.

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Yep, it'll save you a bit of money, and make you better with knots. I just stocked up on leader spools from 40lb on down, I like the maxima clear material, and then whatever your preferred fluoro tippet is. I also really like the maxima chameleon for the dark stained waters of the northwoods. I tie something similar to Toms as my bass leader, and the best thing is, I just tie them as needed, depending on the species. Do yourself a favor and just stock up, and you can tie for driftless trout to musky. Again, like Tom said, nothing but perfection loops and blood knots! Ryan

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Me too. I wrote about it in the BB Bulletin. I favor the design I call Lefty's big butt leader. The formula uses one ratio, 1/2, two times. Starting from the butt the length ratios are 4/2/1 and the ratios for line test are the same. So my base leader for an 8 wt line is 4 feet of 40#, 2 feet of 20# and 1 foot of 10# plus 2 feet of tippet. The heavy butt section 1/2 the length of the leader is the secret. The first time I use a "big butt," I was pleasantly surprised with the way it turned over a bulky fly. I tie up a 30/20/10 for my 6/7 weight rod. (OK I cheat a little and use 12# instead of the 10# mostly because I have a lot of 12# around.)


The cost of 10 cents per leader compares favorably with the 10 dollars one might pay for a furled leader. A while back I posted that the tiny fishing section at my local Ace stocks 1/4 lb bulk spools of Big Game in a full array of weights from 50# down to 8# at $7.99 per. Lefty sez that you should use the same brand of mono for each section. But so far I got by mixing what I had. It is hard to pull the knots tight in the heavy mono segments. Unless you have Florida Saltwater Guide hands, you will need something to wrap the line around when you snug the knots. I use two 8" pieces cut from an old broom handle. To snug the butt loop knot I use a hook from a broken coat hanger.


One of the regions had leader tying party last year.

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The emphasis on what in relative terms amounts to pennies by tying one's own leaders reminds me of how Alaskan guides get a kick out of those clients who after spending thousands of $ on the trip skimp on the amount of tippet material they use. A leader should last for many outtings the only thing needing frequent replacement being the tippet regardless of the type of leader. As for wind knots they mostly occur in the tippet section one of the reasons tippets need frequent attention.The ones occurring in the stronger sections of the leader can be ignored since a failure will always occur in the tippet & almost always if not always at the fly knot or sometimes at the tippet knot itself.Rarely if ever at the wind knot in my experience.

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One of the regions had leader tying party last year.


Dat be us.


Forrest, if you make it down our way on January 26th for our next fly tying gathering in Bloomington, I'll have all the Berkley Big Game line in just about every pound test that you could desire and you can tie a bunch up and see if you like them without any investment on your part. Of course that goes for anyone. That's the Sunday of the Pro Bowl game which I don't consider real football so it's a good day to tie up some flies and leaders.

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You're only 30. How can that be an elder?


I am glad you can take Rob up on his offer. Being a tyer you know how great it is to catch fish on your own ties. It may be cheaper to buy flies from a shop when you consider the manhours in your flies. That's not the point. Then it just gets better if you use a leader that you made yourself. And then a rod you built yourself...

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here's the info on the upcoming event. Btw, a lot of us will go out and grab a bite near by if we don't order in pizza. We generally have a great time and we all learn from one another.

Central Illinois BassBuggers Fly Tying Gathering

January 26th, Sunday 1 PM - 4 PM

Bloomington, IL

Bloomington Fire Station #2 on Hamilton Dr.

We will be tying several new smallmouth patterns along with some old favorite top water patterns as well.

You do not have to be a member of the ISA to attend these gatherings and beginners are welcome.

Contact Rob G here at the ISA forums for further information

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Buy the big spools and tie your own, if your feeling adventurous try spinning up some furled leaders, it's winter now what else ya gonna do right.

fish until the river is completely frozen for smallmouth

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