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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Saturday, August 9 - Kishwaukee River Wade Outing. (host Terry) We will meet at Ojeda's in New Milford, IL. at 8am. for some smancy-fancy, good food breakfast. This is normally a very popular outing, so we will break into how ever many groups we may need and hit the north, south and main branches of the Kishwaukee River. Ojeda's Steakhouse & Bar (https://www.facebook...493003977481397) Who's in?
  2. Jim had a good day on the fly rod, but that's his story to tell.
  3. A BIG THANKS to Pat, Jude, Jim, Josh, Tim and Paul for making this happen. July 26, 2014; A River Within "Get Outside!" is a Summer program thru Winnebago County Forest Preserve District (WCFPD) whereas participants participate in many programs throughout the Summer and receive a stamp with the completion of each program to earn points towards winning prizes. I was contacted a few months ago (sometime before Summer of course) about the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance (ISA) hosting one of the programs. I talked with other ISA members about putting together some type of unique program. We decided that sticking along the lines of education had more to offer people than just having them toss a worm & bobber in some water and hope a fish comes by and eats it. We decided to have participants get their feet wet and do some hands on river seining so that they can learn of what types of creatures live within a river that fish like to feed on. After completion of the seining, I thought it would be cool if the participants could go on a horse drawn wagon ride along the trails of Deer Run F.P., Jamie at WCFPD also liked the idea and set this up. The day started off with ISA members meeting at the Cherry Valley Cafe in Cherry Valley, Illinois, at 7:30am for some good chow and of course talk on how what a terrible year this has been from the high waters keeping us out of our rivers. After breakfast it was off to Deer Run Forest Preserve to set up base camp and do some pre-seining so that we could display some creatures in a tank for people to view while waiting for the program to begin. A few minnows, a couple clames and a couple big tadpoles filled the tank. Bottom L-R: Terry, Jude, Josh. Top L-R: Pat, Paul, Tim, Jim. The program was limited to 30 people, and was full, but only 17 of the 30 showed. Everybody seemed to enjoy the program and had a good time running the seine nets up and down the river to see what they might pull up. There's not much more to report other than I think a few of the kids will remember this day for quite sometime. I leave you with pictures of the day...... A short wade to the seine area. Let the seine begin Insanity seine Minnow in a bottle Honey Comb & Honey Do Wagon Chief Gary Wagon Driver Dakota
  4. I would like to think that everyone's fishing gear is already in their cars.
  5. (3.04 - DEK12) (6.12 - PRY12) Things to bring: Terry - Canopy, signage, table, stamp, camera Paul - seine net, posters, tank, literature (?), camera Tim - seine net, camera Jude - seine net (?), camera Pat - self, camera (?) Jim - Brandy, camera Josh - self, camera (?)
  6. Also.... Bring cameras, take pictures when you can.
  7. Pat - Thanks! Josh - Thanks! Jim - Thanks! We'll meet at Cherry Valley Cafe for some morning choke, we will leave from there to be at Deer Run F.P. about 9:30am. I'm thinking meet at the cafe at 7:30am. After the event (10am to 12pm) we can break into groups (if needed) and do a bit of wade fishing.
  8. Thanks Jude! Can you bring your seine net? If not I think we'll still be okay.
  9. Change of plans: 7/20/14 (DEK12 - 3.30) (PRY12 - 6.48) I went out today and scouted the area and the area I had picked out is no longer going to work. A river changes every year and this year all the sand and gravel in the area has been washed-out. I scouted another area that could work but decided against it after returning to the canoe launch at Deer Run F.P. Just upstream (50yd wade) of the canoe launch is a shallow area with ankle high water surrounding it. I think this area will be best. The wagon chief says his wagon can only carry 15 at a time , so 15 go for a ride while the other 15 seine, and visa versa. It should workout fine. Then we can "all" go on a wade outing......or float. Which ever. Any of you "all" like to help out?
  10. A River Within! River Study (and horse drawn wagon ride!) Saturday, July 26th 10:00 - 12:00 Deer Run Forest Preserve 5691 River Road, Cherry Valley, IL 61016 Strap on your river shoes and be prepared to get your feet wet as you participate in some hands-on river seining with members of the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance (ISA). Your adventure will begin with a horse drawn wagon ride along the equestrian trails of the beautiful Deer Run Forest Preserve to a remote area along the Kishwaukee River where you will then depart, step foot in water, and learn what lives within a river and what kind of things the fishies like to snack on. Limit 30. Registration is required. 815-877-6100. Please let me know if you can help out with this event. I suppose the plan will be to put kayaks in at Deer Run F.P., float and fish to the spot of the event, do our seining thing and then float and fish to where we decide we would like to take out. We can use all the help we can get. The event is full.
  11. Apple River Fishing Outing (host Paul T) Saturday, July 19 @ apple River Canyon State Park - Paul will host a wade-fishing outing. Due to the size of the water this will be an RSVP trip. We typically break up into groups of 4 or less and explore different areas. this driftless area of Illinois offers unique terrain and beauty. Watch the Forums or contact Paul for a starting time and/or meeting place. Contact Paul Trybul (815) 703-2651 to RSVP. Paul will make the call on the water level. http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?app=calendar&module=calendar&section=view&do=showevent&event_id=659
  12. I understand that and agree, but you got the first part right. I'm not allowed to drive very far so I'm all local.
  13. I knew "Naked" would catch your eye. I'm looking to purchase a roof rack for my naked car roof. After doing some searching, I find that these are pretty costly. I'm cheap and have no interest in spend $350.00 to $400.00 for a rack system. Would anybody know if there is something a bit cheaper on the market that I'm not seeing? Appreciate any help.
  14. Bart - Are you keeping a list and pics of the 2014 Illinois "20 for 20" people? It would be good to show the members and their catches at the next Blowout.
  15. internet, not "interweb". Who taught you how to talk?
  16. There is no fly worth more than $3.50.
  17. I would use extreme caution with boys that age. The Apple is very, very, rocky. One fall will be painful. Other than that, have a great time.
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