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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. There is an on going private discussion and taking place. If you are interested in taking part, let me know and I will add you to the discussion.
  2. I believe I have added everyone to the private discussion group. If you have not received the PM or would like to join in, please let me know.
  3. Saturday the 25th, Forest Preserves of Winnebago County's "Get Outside" program. Before I get into a report of how this "A River Within 2015" event went. I would like to apologize to any members that might think they missed this event. With the water levels being so high, I was not even sure if this event would take place. Things didn't look good last weekend, and we had rain in the forecast for the following week. I talked with the folks at FPWC and decided that we would still hold the event even if the water level were too high, but maybe give a clinic on river safety just to do something so as we could put a stamp in participants book that they take to each event to win prizes when the "Get Outside!" program wraps up in August. Also the fact that our NW Region outings have been cancelled back to back to back so far this year, it just didn't seem right to ask members to come out and work this and then not even be able to go out on a "thanks for helping_ wade outing afterwords as the Kish is still running too high to wade. Any hoot, it was my call so be mad at me if you must. I hope you understand. The River Within seining event went off pretty good. One of my concerns was mosquitoes, which ended up not being a problem at all. The water level was up higher than I would have liked it and there was a pretty good stain to the water which made things a little bit tough. Sometimes, when you're over the age of 50, you forget that kids really don't care about level, stain, silt build up, and other such things. You put a kid in water and they just seem to have a good time. Thanks to Paul and Tim for helping out. We had about 20 people show up (kids and parents) with the kids being the only ones to step foot in water. I saw a few familiar faces from last years seining and also heard a couple of the returning kids tell other kids how much fun it was last year. The kids were concerned about keeping the minnows, mussels, and crawdads out of the water too long and I took this opportunity to explain how the ISA works and how we practice Catch & Release so that when they are older they can catch the same smallmouth bass that Tim does, only their's will be much bigger and stronger. The event would have been much better with a little less stain and a little less water, but it seemed that all (kids and parents) had a good time. The kids really seem to like this event and I would like to see it get bigger and better every year we do it. I'm going to have to have a sit-down with the River Gods and see if we can't come to some type of agreement with the water levels for next year. Again, sorry if anyone feels left out, but with the last minute decision with the levels and all, I just felt it best to go the way we did. We will probably be doing it again next year.
  4. Seems like it's only 2 more days to me. In another day I'll be able to stop using my toe to keep count.
  5. Interested: Terry, Ed, joe, Jim, Eric. Not Sure If They Are Interested Or Not?: Ben, Jude. Anyone else? I plan to move this to a private discussion in the next week or so. Let me know.
  6. Lake Le-Aqua-Na http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/Landmgt/parks/r1/LLAN/LLAN_TrailMap.pdf
  7. Good question. I have to look in to that. I was wondering also. The 1st site belongs to Rockford Park District and the park gate gets locked at night. Not sure if they will let us keep a car in there. I'll have to look into it.
  8. So you think that I am morer dumm than Mr. Ed thinks?
  9. Here is a link to sunrise/sunset times for the month of September. We would want to be at the camp site at what time? > http://www.timeanddate.com/sun/usa/rockford?month=9&year=2015 (Note: Eligible Saturdays fall on Sept. 12th, 19th, and 26th.) (we have an outing scheduled for the 5th.) (Another Note: I am also open to any days, not just weekends. Depends on the what the group wants to do.)
  10. I'm sure you could find vessel to use. If not I have a personal pontoon you're more than welcomed to use.
  11. And I was shooting extremely dumb. Damn it!
  12. This is just getting silly. With the rivers running extremely high, I decided to get out and try Jude's favorite method for smallmouth fishing, fishing from a bridge. It's gonna take some practice (and maybe some extra line), but I do see how this method can work. I gotta work on my casting.
  13. I have no experience doing such a thing, that's why I would like all interested to share their input. What is a good distance to cover on the first leg? Is 8 miles too much or too little? What about 14 miles, too much?
  14. Sorry gents, but this outing is...... CANCELLED!!! We got dumped on pretty good Thursday night.
  15. I feel terrible having to have canceled some of our northwest region outings this year due to high waters. In an attemp to make it up to you, here is what I propose..... I have thought for a few years that I would like to try and put together an overnight float trip on the Kishwaukee River and maybe even flowing onto the Rock River for the 2nd leg of the outing. This outing would happen in September after Labor Day weekend. I will call this post the "1st stage" for planning for this overnight trip. In this 1st stage I am just looking for interest. If there are enough of you interested in doing something like this, I will then set up a discussion group, for all interested, to discuss and plan this outing together. You can post here if you are interested of shoot me a PM. There are two sites available for camping and both are free. Which site we use would be determined during the discussing group by the distance we would decide on covering. I can only hope and pray that the rivers would be down to their normal flow for that time of year. Let me know what you think. ~Terry
  16. I shared this info with Jude a couple weeks ago, and figured with all this rain we're getting, I'd go ahead and share it with all of you. I'm lost. What kind of man have I become?
  17. Just so you know...... Things ARE NOT looking all that good for the 18th.
  18. http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/aurora-beacon-news/lifestyles/ct-abn-bass-fishing-st-0713-20150711-story.html
  19. Great report, Eric. I really enjoyed keeping tabs on you guys via the internet, that was cool. So cool that I've got to get in it next year and give you and grant a run for the money. I noticed in one of your picks you and the info badge on the top of your hand. Did you run the wristband idea by the tourney folks? Congrats to you and Grant.
  20. Congrats to Eric and Grant, and also Mark. That was pretty cool! Enjoyed it so much I had to get out and wet a line.
  21. I have FAILED as a commentator.
  22. My bad. I only got the one eye, so I guess I didn't read it correctly.
  23. Grant pops a 13.5" and climes in the standings!
  24. ISA Member Kip Olson is also in at. Sorry if I have not yet noticed any other members namses. It's not easy being the commentary.
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