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John Gillio

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Everything posted by John Gillio

  1. Nice Mike! Rob, I will accept your explanation, but now I can't get that little jingle out of my head..As far as the Tupperware party goes, when my wife attends such things or when she has a baby shower to attend, the ladies all meet in the same place.I am quite sure this is not a random act. Nice bunch of fish by the way.
  2. A damselfly party. I believe they are laying eggs. What color do I see on the back of that fly? Could it be a shade of... Could the bass have seen...
  3. Use Yamamoto's 330, fish sure do think it's purty. (to be read with a southern drawl)
  4. You can't go wrong with a version of the holy Bible, the FLY Tiers Bible would come in handy, a book of short stories by sci fi writer Ray Bradbury (R is for Rocket is my bible of sci fi.), a history of the St. Louis Cardinals (if I cannot listen to the games on the radio, my need for America's favorite passtime may be satisfied with a history of my favorite team),I supose I should have a book on how to survive being trapped on a desert island.
  5. For a fly, I would go with a Clouser that I tie similar to Rob's. Second choice would be my gildaddy crawfish pattern. As far as with spin gear, I would go with a white twister on a Charlie Brewer slider jighead.
  6. Understood. Good luck with the catch up. Thanks again for the Tenkara info.
  7. Hope it's nothing too serious. Still a few months left of the season.
  8. Great report Mike. Hope you are feeling better and are out on the water again soon.
  9. It may call for a flyline basket. I wonder if it is offered as an option?.......
  10. As a friend of mine points out . It's usually not the bait you use it's how you use the bait. That said, most of my fish have come on 4" twisters and swimbaits in chartreuse, orange/yellow, and pearl. I would guess this is because I like to fish these baits for them. I usually fish them near bottom or along shallow shorelines at dusk. I suppose I miss a lot of suspended fish being I haven't fished for them. I would guess they may be suspended along that deep weed bed or the ledge below it.
  11. On a cloudy day orange bellied topwaters are my favorites. I landed 18 green bass late Tuesday morning with an orange bellied chug bug. The red bellied dace is common in some local creeks. I'm sure they are gobbled up by larger fish. They often have an orange tint to their underside.
  12. I guess I've been lucky with my pair. They are in about their 5th season of fairly heavy wet wade use. No problem with the fit though the soles started coming off last year. That was fixed with some shoe goo. At any rate the neoprene socks are a good bet. What I have also done in the past is to hit the shoe store's bargain shoes looking for hiking boots that drain fairly well, are mid high to the ankle, have a softer sole for gripping rocks, have a removable inner sole, and have a sole that has been sewn on instead of just glued. I never spent more than $15 and they usually give you a season or two of wear. A pair that fits you well along with neoprenes may serve you well. Shoes with sewn on soles are getting hard to find these days.
  13. Sounds like a good idea. I'll eat almost anything that is orange .
  14. Bart, If you are wet wading, Orivis may still carry a boot made just for that . It has a neoprene sock that comes with it. I have a pair and am very happy with them. The neoprene sock does a pretty good job of keeping sand and gravel away from your feet.
  15. I occasionally throw orange/white or orange/yellow Clousers. More often when the water is stained.
  16. Bart, I just saw the river and yesterday's rains muddied it again.
  17. Ryan, It looks and sounds deadly to me.
  18. Bart, I would love to join you, but I wouldn't be able get out until the first weekend in July or sometime after that. Lord knows what the river will look like then. Thanks for the invite anyway.
  19. After you get out, let me know how it went. Best of luck.
  20. Bart, the water looks great right now. Still high enough to not have to drag the yak. Still very high in the lowest reaches of the river, but nice and clean.
  21. I agree, eastern hognose. A nonpoisonous snake.
  22. Bart, it is still high but has cleared up nicely the past couple of days.
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