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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. I have to agree with Jude. 15# should be more than enough. I have also used a hand clamp attached to a cord to hold me in an area. Clamp it on to a tree branch, root, rock, or whatever. Not sure what people might think of the safety of that, but I have yet to see any problems with it.
  2. I like the idea of ISA Headquarters. I'm just worried about how much the cost might be to put a huge ISA sticker on that lower overhead door. And we'd have to hirer somebody ti level off that damn birdbath.
  3. Saturday, May 31 at 8am. (host Terry) Float Outing We'll start with breakfast at 8am. sharp at Cherry Valley Cafe, 216 E State St. Cherry Valley, IL. After breakfast we'll hit the Kishwaukee River from Belvidere to Cherry Valley. This is an all day float so you might want to pack a lunch or bring something to snack on. In the past we have had problems with the water levels this time of year. Keep an eye on the Forums. Please let me know as soon as possible if you plan to attend. If we have a large group, then we will split up and hit a different stretch. You might want to bring a ChugBug along. Let me know. I also need to reserve tables at the Cafe if we have a large group. Contact Terry for more info. http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?showuser=877
  4. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Just kind of seems odd to me. I live in Rockford, IL. We have no graduates.
  5. Illinois Free Fishing Days is June 6-9 of this 2014 year. I don't know, it just seems to me like the DNR should move these days to a time after June 15th. so it does not coincide with the smallmouth catch & release season. Just seems like there's a problem there.
  6. Winnebago County Forest Preserve District (WCFPD) is asking folks to "Get Outside!" this summer. The ISA NW Region has been invited to assist in this program and will be conducting a stream sampling clinic on July 26. The clinic is titled "A River Within" and participants will assist in some hands-on river seining to learn what kind of creatures live within the river and the kinds of creature that the smallmouth might like to snack on. We are going to need some help with this so anybody interested please pop me a PM. Sounds like the "Get Outside!" program will be some good family fun with nice prizes. Read more.... http://wcfpd.org/homepage-articles/get-outside-discover-nature-win-stuff/#more-6269
  7. ISA/KEN-ROCK RECAP This was our second year at Ken-Rock delivering a local smallmouth bass fishing seminar to the community. Numbers were not as good as last years but all that attended (17) seemed to be serious hard-core smallmouthers. I started off the program touching base on Catch & Release a spoke a tad about the ISA. Paul followed me with his presentation on the "Hows" and "whats" of smallmouth fishing. After Paul's performance. Tim took the stage and covered kayak smallmouth fishing. Mike G. set up a table to tie some flies and discuss fly fishing for smallies for those who might be interested. Closing out the program we handed out 5 door prizes of which the lucky ticket holders got to choose two (2) items from Paul's Box of Goodies, and then again we discussed the ISA, what we do, what we have done, and benefits of being an ISA member. We signed up 4 NEW MEMBERS. All in all it was a "HAIL" of time. A BIG THANKS to Mike G and ericg for helping out. Next will have to be bigger and better. ~Terry
  8. Sure does, eric. I plan to put in at Oak Ridge and paddle up stream a bit and then float back down past the put in, and then paddle back to the put in. I did it a couple time last year. Hows the shoulder?
  9. Let's skip breakfast as I am heading off to work and know body has said yes to it. Skip it. Mike - Yes all that show will receive a membership brochure and of course we will speak on what a great origination the ISA is. Tim - Might? Make a decision, Marine.
  10. It's this Saturday! Anybody up for breakfast beforehand, say at Ojeda's around 8:30ish? I'll probably be dropping my kayak in at Oak Ridge afterwards.
  11. Yeah! And Paul has already been catching smallmouth this year, so now what do you have to say Mr. Scott? Maybe we'll take our little seminar on tour and and show up in your area so that you can attend and start catching smallies like Paul is. Then again....Maybe we won't. HA! Good luck this year, Mr. Scott.
  12. Good one Scott. I got nothing. That's not to say that I won't at some point and time. We'll have to wait and see. I don't much care for those two fellows who commented with their "Zings" and "Ouches".
  13. Just received an email John @ Ken-Rock sent out to local TV stations and local news paper...... John Guth To joan_sage@cable.comcast.comlocal@rrstar.comsports@rrstar.comcommunityrelations@wifr.comnews@wifr.comnews@wrex.comnewsdesk@wtvo.comMe Today at 10:17 AM For Immediate Release For more information contact Ken-Rock Community Center at 398-8864. NEWS RELEASE/PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT What: Smallmouth bass fishing seminar. Who: The Illinois Smallmouth Alliance. Where: Ken-Rock Com. Center, 3218 11th St, Rockford, IL 61109 (815) 398-8864 When: Saturday April 12, 2014 @ 11am. Cost: FREE The Illinois Smallmouth Alliance (ISA) in conjunction with Ken-Rock Community Center presents "Backyard Bronzeback". A free fishing seminar about tactics for smallmouth bass on local creeks and rivers in northern Illinois. Learn from some of the best local smallmouth fishermen what type of baits work best, type of gear needed, locating, methods, proper catch & release tactics, and why to practice catch & release for smallmouth bass. ISA membership info will also be available. There is great smallmouth fishing just outside your backdoor. John K. Guth Executive Director Ken-Rock Community Center 3218 11th Street Rockford, IL 61109 815-398-8864 815-494-8007 Cell “There’s a neighborhood inside” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANKS JOHN!
  14. Mike, bring your vise and maybe tie a couple near the end of the program during social time. We have absolutely no idea of what kind of turnout we'll have. To be honest, I wouldn't expect the kind of turnout we had last year (50). I check with John at Ken-Rock yesterday and he said about 10 people have called asking about it. It looks as if Paul, Tim and myself are going to be doing all the presenting. I'll kick off the program with whatever words fall out of my mouth and then I'll go into a thing on the whys and hows of Catch & Release. Paul and his assistant Tim will do a power point presentation again like last years, followed by Tim doing a thing on kayaks and then we will end with social time. The seminar will take as long as it takes, but at a faster pace than last years. Would like to have a strong support showing of our members. Who else can make it? Ken-Rock Seminar http://isakenrockfishing.blogspot.com
  15. The gun has to come out of the holster at some point. The itch has been bothering many of us for some time now. If you must scratch, then scratch. Enjoy your time on the water and just look at it as a learning experience. Good luck!
  16. The 2014 NW Region Events from April thru the end of September are all loaded up on the Calendar. Start planning for an awesome 2014 smallmouth year. http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/forums/index.php?app=calendar&module=calendar&section=view&cal_id=1&m=04&y=2014 See you in or on the water. ~Terry
  17. September 27 - Autumn on the Kish Float. (Cherry Valley to Kish F.P.) (host Terry) Spouse appreciation day. That's right. Your spouse has put up with all your fishing crap throughout the year so now it's time to show your appreciation. With the Fall colors beginning to take over, a float down the Kishwaukee River this time of year is just about the best way to say thanks. We will meet at the Ojeda's Steakhouse & Bar at 8am. for some morning eats. We will then put-in at Baumann Park in Cherry Valley and float to Kishwaukee River F.P. Ojeda's Steakhouse & Bar (https://www.facebook...493003977481397)
  18. We are going to try this again. (the location that is in the Bronzeback Magazine has been changed to the location posted here. Same park, other side of river) September 6 - NW/Chic Region Breakfast Picnic (host Terry & Ed) Searching For Brutus Kick-off party. This is a NW Region and Chicago Region event. We will meet at Sleepy Hollow shelter house on the east side of Kishwaukee River Forest Preserve, 6303 Mulford Rd., Cherry Valley, IL. 61016. Breakfast will be served at 9am. with fishing to follow. Strap on your feed bag and come on out. This event will be an "Open", meaning.... wade, float or shore fish, how ever you want to do it, and what river levels will allow. This is an RSVP event. RSVP deadline is Sept. 3rd. Please contact Terry Dodge or Ed B http://wcfpd.org/preserves/kishwaukee-river/
  19. Saturday, August 9 - Kishwaukee River Wade Outing. (host Terry) We will meet at Ojeda's in New Milford, IL. at 8am. for some smancy-fancy, good food breakfast. This is normally a very popular outing, so we will break into how ever many groups we may need and hit the north, south and main branches of the Kishwaukee River. Ojeda's Steakhouse & Bar (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ojedas-Steak-House-Bar/493003977481397)
  20. July 26 - WCFPD "Get Outdoors" Program (host Terry) The ISA NW Region has been asked by Winnebago county Forest Preserve District (WCFPD) to conduct an educational family fishing clinic for a WCFPD summer program. Of course we accepted the challenge. More info to come as I get it.
  21. Apple River Fishing Outing (host Paul T) Saturday, July 19 @ apple River Canyon State Park - Paul will host a wade-fishing outing. Due to the size of the water this will be an RSVP trip. We typically break up into groups of 4 or less and explore different areas. this driftless area of Illinois offers unique terrain and beauty. Watch the Forums or contact Paul for a starting time and/or meeting place. Contact Paul Trybul (815) 703-2651 to RSVP.
  22. June 14 - B.Y.O.B. Kishwaukee River Sweep. (host Tim) B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Boat) Kishwaukee River Sweep on Saturday, June 14, 2014 we will be doing a river sweep on the Kishwaukee River from Cherry Valley to Kishwaukee Forest Preserve. Bring your kayak, canoe, or watercraft of choice. This is the most heavily trafficked stretch of the river. Be sure to bring some gloves. Bottles of water and garbage bags will be provided. We will meet for breakfast at the Cherry Valley Café at 7:00 am. Bring your camera, Mike Clifford needs pics.
  23. I can't count as good as Ed B. but I'm pretty sure this is like less than a month away. Mike the canoe is up to you. We still may need some help with this so if you can make yourself available it would be greatly appreciated. Learning from last years Ken-Rock Seminar, this years will be a bit more fast paced. We lost more than half of the crowd when we stopped to take a potty break half way through. No break this time. Click the link.... http://isakenrockfishing.blogspot.com
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