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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. COOL! Congrats on your 5 minutes. Good question.
  2. Nice report. You're one of those tough guys. A 6hr. float, really? That's nuts! I'll bet I don't even spend 6hrs outside all winter long. North or south?
  3. Keep a close eye (camera) on them bastages. They can still be beat.
  4. You know it's all good fun. You should be happy, I believe I have now exhausted all uses for that pic.
  5. I've only been a member for about 5 years, but one thing I do remember form when I first joined, was having to take a vacation day from work (2nd shift guy) to go to my first ISA NW Region meeting. I was excited! I got all dressed up in some fishy looking clothes, put my fly covered fishing cap upon my head, walked into the meeting all ready to meet my new buddies. Rich Mc was there and said as he was glancing at my hat.... I had a great time, even with my hat on. I also got to meet my bestest buddy of all, Jude. I think we should work him in to the Emotion Code Faces....
  6. I'm always (about once a week) trying to put new info on the Facebook Page for this event so visit the page every now and then to see what's new.
  7. Thank you Mr. Mike! I've got your name down and will let you know more as things come together.
  8. I check the gages for the Kish all year round and have never seen that. And who the heck uses the word "tidbit"?
  9. It's very too often a person can find Jude on the south branch. He really shouldn't be there without my knowing.
  10. Once again the ISA NW Region has teamed up with Ken-Rock Community Center to offer a FREE fishing show to the Rockford area public. This years show is going to be bigger with Forest Preserves of Winnebago County, Rocktown Adventures, Friends of the Kishwaukee River, and more joining in on the show. This years show (2015) will have Joshua Glovinsky as the featured speaker and Rich Mc as the featured tier. We are planning to offer basic tying and casting lessons also. I know it's early notice, but I wanted to set up a Facebook Page and an Advertising Blog for the event. https://www.facebook.com/isakenrock/timeline?ref=page_internal http://isakenrockfishing.blogspot.com/?zx=cfcf71c12ffb9909 I plan to really start pushing this event after the first of the year. I imagine we could use all the help we can get, so look it over, think about it, and let me know if you can help. Thanks! ~Terry
  11. Enjoy your week-after Bronze Friday pizza party. I would call and wish you all well, but I'll be at work making hammers and hatchets and it's kind of too loud to use a phone. Have a good time.
  12. Ouch! I poked myself in my eyes. (nuk, nuk)
  13. I count by using the fingers on my hands. How many hands, and how many fingers on each, days away is that?
  14. It was nice to sit and eat with some of the regions smallmouth nuts. At the table was myself, Pat M, Jude, Jim S and his wife Adrineh. We also received a wish (by way of Jude's Star Trek communicator) for a Happy Bronze Friday from the great Chicago Region Officer Mr. Ed B. After chow I followed Jim and his wife to the Kish to watch Jim make a few casts.
  15. Safe fishing and good luck to anyone who happens to brave the elements on this day.
  16. I shall not cast another line until Paul gives the go ahead.
  17. Pay no attention to the above post.
  18. Doesn't work in this area. Water is way too cold.
  19. Our waters here in the NW Region are much colder than any of the other water ways in the state. Smallmouth fishing is over for the NW Region.
  20. I Talked With Paul T. today on the telly-phone, and he said...... "Now that the polar vortex has moved into the area, smallmouth fishing is done for the year." Just thought some of you might like to know so you can get on with your holiday shopping, family events, watching football (Da Bears don't count), fly tying and cookie baking, and other such things. Jude - You may commence your knitting. Keep warm Everyone.
  21. That's the smallest I can go. S - 16:9 @ 3345 FRAMES Whatever the heck that means.
  22. Still bigger than I would like. I'll see if I can reset for smaller. (Eric is probably sitting back laughing at my dumbness)
  23. I had the same problem with the picture being bigger than I would like for viewing. I changed the settings on my camera to a smaller size. Not sure if I have posted a pic since making the change. Let's see what happens....
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