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ISA Officer
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Everything posted by Kev-mo

  1. Let us know how/if we can help other than signing petitions or being responsible and respectful when on the water
  2. Tried it a little bit on a couple outings, no takers. While I have had success with it it's not a huge confidence technique for me yet.
  3. Oh it's a thing. I made the investment earlier this year. I caught the trout bug a few years ago after visiting my oldest at school in CO. All my ultralight or light stuff was broken or uber old. Picked up a good rod for like $80 from Ali. The reel was a bit more......but I made an investment in a good reel and spool after doing some research. This lets the reel function for both smallies or bfs trout depending on the spool I pop in. If I do invest more it'll probably be another rod, something ultralight for small streams. Sometimes the JDM market can be cheaper than the USDM depending on the product. The one thing that did change in the last year was shipping. It can be a bit ridiculous now due covid. That JDM stuff is shiny and pretty, it's like shoes and jewelry for fisherman lol! Seriously tho, some good finds can be had if that's your thing.
  4. The only person I knew who fished low gear was Norm. I think he had something in the 4's that he used now and again. Could probably go back in his posts to find the ratio and reel, which I might do. With my crush on crankbaits I can totally understand the reasoning in cold water. Does anyone even make anything in the 4's these days? Seems like everything is just getting faster, 9's and I think even 10's. It's more about inches per turn than gear ration. Spool size, amount of line on spool etc. all play a part. Lowest I have is 6 something on a 50 and 70 size reels. Seem to do okay with those.
  5. You planning on living in a van down by the river!?
  6. I've seen those signs also, didn't investigate tho. Mixed feelings on that one. Is there an asian carp presence below the dam? If so is the dam helping to keep them from moving upstream?
  7. Will county says the river is navigable. Hopefully the state agrees. You should have an update if you signed the petition. Now if we could only get people to stop being so lazy and trashy while enjoying the outdoors we might have something....
  8. Oh good, it's officially open. Was down for a peek last week but didn't linger.
  9. Wow that was quick!! Wanted to see the stages, oh well. Thanks for the update and pics Gene
  10. In the venerable words of Kozmo‘I’m out!’ I needed a jump to get to and from work today. Probably just the battery but since starter was changed several weeks ago would rather have my mechanic look at it to make sure nothing else is going on
  11. Agreed on the 'too hot for waders". So no wet wading? By wet wading I mean long nylon pants. Kish is decently clean.
  12. Pair of size 13 patagonia boots. Used for about 6 months last fall through spring. Nothing wrong with them, just too small. Really should have sized up. These would be good for someone who is shoe size 11.5 or 12. Love the tractor grip!! I got them for half price so you get them for quarter price, $80. Not sure why the photo loaded upside down….?
  13. At these water levels and current flow the whole thing is pretty wadeable except for the dam areas and a few deep holes/areas which are fairly obvious. Just google the state park and look on the PDF map on the DNR site. Plenty of spots to access.
  14. This actually made the 9pm channel 9 news last night.
  15. Planning to attend, will let you know if anything changes
  16. https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2306063871987/could-public-access-to-the-dupage-river-be-coming-to-an-end here's the other one. had to use edge cause chrome is acting goofy
  17. Couldn't view that one w/out signing up tot trib. Tried to post a different one but it didn't want to post. Hopefully no one closes anything and people stop being so trashy!
  18. Not sure if this is stilled planned but my saturday changed so i can't attend
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