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Gary L

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Everything posted by Gary L

  1. I know what you mean about stuck in a twilight zone. One of the guides that post on the web site down this way said he was out over the weekend and the water was 38.1 degrees and the warmest he could find was 39.1. This time last year it was 50 degrees and the Smallmouths were hitting Stick baits cranked down and left to rest then twitched. Those Jigs look really good but I need them in 1/2 and 3/4 ounce for this deep old lake. That Bluegill one may catch a few and that Shad one sure enough would. Here is the site I frequent down here. Illinois should have information like this. Note the Table Rock Lake forum and the article Table Rock Bass Smallmouth Spring Primer. Also at the top of the page click on the picture and see the articles from this months e-mail. www.ozarkanglers.com/ Enjoy life Spring is just around the corner. I know cause I will be on Lake Fork the 14th and 15th of March and Lake Grenada at the end of March or beginning of April for Monster Crappie's and Pickwick Lake at the end of April for some fun and Smallmouth chasing.
  2. Retirement, you got to love retirement and being able to do whatever you want when you want. I have been retired since 2005 and love it to pieces. Good luck and enjoy your new found freedom.
  3. Mark, How about something like this. It appears to be compact and could be stacked I would imagine. http://www.flyhatch.com/xq/ASP.product/p.P...FEC/product.htm You also could look at some of these storage methods for Boats. No reason they wouldn't work in a home. http://www.easyviewtackle.com/
  4. Well I have know you for a good number of years and I vote for, "Persistent and patient", over anything else. You go out fishing to be with nature and to catch some fish and your knowledge tells you that, "Persistence and patience", will pay off with fish being caught. Then again your wife is a great cook so maybe Stubborn and Hardheaded isn't so bad a choice either.
  5. This is a great day for the Art of Fishing, for the State of Illinois, and for every kid who decides that he want to get involved in the outdoors and fishing in particular. I hope this spreads across the country into a national event like some of the other Sports they are now involved in. I am sure that one school down state will have an outstanding instructor if he so chooses to do so. What do you think Jonn are you up to instructing your schools Fishing Team?
  6. Mark Miller great letter from Lt Governor Pat Quinn, I see that if they took out the Animal Waste Lagoon it may fly. Is this a good idea. Would a proper waste disposal system make this a viable operation or would it still pose a threat?
  7. That is a new method in the developing stages. I guess it will be called Dead Frogging for Smallmouths. May just be the hottest new technique to come about in the last 20 years. We sure have a thinking fisherman in the making. Bring this thread back in 20 years and lets see what the now ISA President has to say about his Frog Technique. We always look for new members and the youngsters are our greatest asset for the future of Smallmouth Bass across the country. Welcome aboard young man, welcome aboard.
  8. It has been a long hard road but the accomplishments have been many and the people we have met on the way have been to numerous to count. I look back on my part of the ISA and see the great things that were done and the things that were not great but still brought people together and got them talking about the ISA and its Conservation, Education, and Socialization platform. The Bronzeback Bulletin has evolved into a sort of Bible of Smallmouth Fishing for Small Streams and Big Rivers. Where else can you pay $25.00 a Year and get such an enormous benefit from your investment in the future. You get to meet a bunch of guys and gals that share your passion and enthusiasm for the Smallmouth Bass. You get to learn different Smallmouth fishing tactics and techniques from some of the finest Smallmouth fisherman in the State of Illinois. You get to fish some of the greatest Smallmouth waters in the United States and it is your money that helped make it all possible. Granted I don't live in Illinois anymore but I still believe in the ISA and what they are doing so I keep sending in my share so that when I come back for a visit I have some Smallmouths to catch. The Bronzeback Bulletin is the icing on the cake, so to say, for your donation to the environment of the Smallmouth Bass and it tells you how to catch these beautiful fish. Thank You to the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance for teaching me about Illinois Smallmouths and how to catch them. Thank you also for the friends I have acquired as a member they are the best part of the ISA because they are the ISA.
  9. Good move Scott! It never hurts to advertise yourself a little. They could get a great publication for a small price.
  10. Just thinking as I read your topic about how to take and ordinary jig and make it special. What if you take and attach a Colorado Leaf to a swivel with a split ring then with a somewhat larger split ring slip it over the jig hook and on to the head before you slide on the trailer. This would allow you to add a spinner and you could make it as large or small as you like and use whatever spinner you would like. Just a thought about how it could be done with a standard jig. I hope at least one person follows me on this.
  11. Ken unless you are in top physical condition do not fish with Phil. He tried to drown me twice on the Kankakee fishing fast water smallies. Hi Phil been a long time since we have talked.
  12. I remember that incident. It was just after I took a break for some grub. My luck! However, I did have a chance to write him a letter a few years later and was surprised to receive a personal phone call from him to discuss my question on push water. Very nice man and a pleasure to talk fishing with.
  13. Send them down here Norm and I will use them in the 50' range and see how long they can hold there breath. If they look better then the pictures then they must be magnificent.
  14. What could be more important then supporting kids and getting them out fishing.
  15. I think that my most memorable ISA moment was getting together with all my ISA friends, having breakfast and great conversation on then getting in some fishing. I sure thank all those that came out to be with me.
  16. Merry Christmas to all my friends back in Illinois. I do hope your next year is the one you catch that 20" Smallmouth.
  17. To use Fluorocarbon line when fishing for Deep Water Smallies and Kentuckies.
  18. Those are really nice Jonn! You are getting pretty good at this Jig making could this be your next career!
  19. That was a very nice Smallmouth and that kid was all smiles!
  20. I watched that game and I think the real Chicago bears came by and stopped for about what maybe 6 min. total time and won the game for those guys out there that should be wearing skirts if they gonna play like girls they should look the part.
  21. Here is one I liked real well and I also enjoyed these outings. This is the Fox River Sunrise while out with friend at Oswego. Thanks for the memories guys.
  22. Well I think I came pretty close to what it actually was.
  23. I guess I can give this a shot. He never know if you know if you never try. 1. Smallmouth Bass 2. Smallmouth Bass 3. Spotted Bass 4. Spotted Bass 5. Smallmouth Bass 6. Spotted Bass 7. Spotted Bass 8. Largemouth Bass 9. Spotted Bass
  24. You will be okay if you leave the Buck Scent off. I hear they don't like other bucks in after there does.
  25. The Big Bass looks to be about 21.25" Long with a width of about 13.75" and a weight of about 5.022lbs.
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