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John Gillio

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Everything posted by John Gillio

  1. It was a pretty morning on the river today. A fog was just lifting. This was followed by one of the many hatches that take place along the river. These are some kind of small mayfly. Often times they are much thicker right around dark, to the point of being annoying. A biologist told me it is too bad this isn't a cold water stream, because it has all the bugs to be a fine trout stream.
  2. I would guess the clarity anywhere on the Vermilion would be good at this point.
  3. As always: If you cast it they will come.
  4. Thanks Sam, the body is made from 2 mm craft foam from Hobby Lobby.
  5. Yes, I have been fishing it all my life. One reason for being somewhat grim. Another reason being the former owners hated to see it go. It has been in the family for as far back as I remember. He is has been an avid fly fisherman, and there are many family memories there. A daughter just got married on the grounds a couple years back. It was a beautiful event. The kids didn't want to see it go either, but they are no longer in the area and upkeep is getting to to a hassle. Too much work for us older folk. I am glad they were able to sell it though and not have to worry about upkeep of the grounds any longer.
  6. Sold............................. . Can't decide how I feel about that.
  7. Great photos Tim. Fine publication!
  8. Thanks guys. Getting them in front of some fish is the next challenge.
  9. I don't tie much, only enough to keep a couple friends and myself in supply for the season. I usually stick to a few proven patterns. I have seen some really nice flies on this forum and have been inspired over the past couple of years to try a few new patterns. Rob G. got me interested in trying some crease flies last year. They have been very productive the few times I have been able to use them. The other flies were tied more recently and haven't been fished yet. They include my first attempts at a jointed streamer ( my version of one Rob posted on another thread). It moves great in the water. I watched Tom L. do one of his foxy jigs at the Early Show. I gave it a try and can't wait to get it on the water. The others are my first attempts at a fly with packed deer hair ( not tightly packed ), and a gurgler.
  10. Ron, please explain the ladder. Water too high? Don't want to get the new waders wet? Bull sharks invade Nevada waters? I am curious.
  11. Nice garden Dick. My garden is doing well too. I haven't had to water it since the seeds sprouted. A lawn and garden forum on a fishing site could work. Fish guts do make their way into my garden on occasion. The veggies seem to like them. On another note: I have noticed that my smileys and whatnot are not showing up. How can I correct this problem? They are on the screen but appear dim and cannot be pulled up.
  12. I do remember. Some of my favorite creeks were dry as a bone. Some have never fully recovered. I imagine the extreme high waters can also be quite stressful. It does move the fish around though, and yes the lawns look great. The Vermilion just jumped up 8 ft.and went from 300CFS to 6000CFS. It will be a while before I see a fishable bank in this stretch of river.
  13. Just about ready to get out and nasty rains mess with us again....... Arg!
  14. Manny, I was just thinking about trying to get in touch with you. The same thing was on my mind. I guess all fishermen think alike. The river here is all backed up by the high levels of the Illinois. I imagine it should be getting much closer to fishable upstream by you. Keep in touch and let me know when you would like to give it a try. I am itching to get back out on the river. Glad to hear from you.
  15. RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER MY NOSE?............ Right after I asked if it was an Illinois fish, I saw on your next post it was from the Middle fork of your V. R. Nice homegrown fish. Btw, I believe I recognize your rod, but is that a shiny new reel?
  16. Well done Rob, and a fine photo taken.
  17. Congrats Rob. If I had a 20+ inch fish my ugly mug would be in the picture with it (Didn't I hear this line before?). I think I'll head to the tying table and whip up a couple of those.
  18. Wow! Nothing needs fixing there. An Illinois fish Rob?
  19. Thanks Tom. Looked like a jighead.
  20. Tom, nice fligs! Are those jigheads almost standup? maybe 45 degree angle? If so what kind are they and where did you find them?
  21. Great looking mouse. Never tried it Phil. Keep us posted.
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