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For Those Who May Not Know........

Terry Dodge

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Thanks for the report Terry. A lot of guys do not give us water temps as accurate as that. You kept your instrument in the water long enough to get a true reading. Good work.


BTW, that chain link fence reminded me of an old trick for getting a supply of gear. Anchor a section of it in a good fishing hole on Friday afternoon. Return early on Monday with a grappling hook and haul it out. Over the weekend it should have collected a nice assortment of lures from unsuspecting weekend warriors. You have my permission to do a video on this one.

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I had no sleeve. It was pretty warm on that day and I only have neoprene waders. I make sure I only wear a shot-sleeved shirt and shorts this time of year when the air temp is much higher than the water temps. When I first posted the "River Dance" video someone on here brought up the question on whether or not I was breaking a "man law"? Maybe I am but I'm not silly in the head. If we ever get a day in the 90's this time of year, I'll probably be naked inside my neoprene's.

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I had no sleeve. It was pretty warm on that day and I only have neoprene waders. I make sure I only wear a shot-sleeved shirt and shorts this time of year when the air temp is much higher than the water temps. When I first posted the "River Dance" video someone on here brought up the question on whether or not I was breaking a "man law"? Maybe I am but I'm not silly in the head. If we ever get a day in the 90's this time of year, I'll probably be naked inside my neoprene's.

Can't you talk your wife into letting you buy a pair of breathables too? I don't understand why some of you guys insist on having just 1 pair of waders.

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ronk - I hate waders. I wet-wade over 90% of the time when I'm out so I see no use for anything else but neoprene's for the cold water months.

I'll be out of the neoprene's and wet wading by the end of April. Also........I don't talk to my wife, how do you think we're able to celebrate our 25th

later this year.

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I prefer wet wading too but only in high summer when both the air & water temps are equally warm.In spring I start with neos until the water gets into the upper 50s/low60s when I go to breathables

until it warms more for comfortable wet wading.Vice versa for the fall to winter seasons.

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