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Bronzeback Bulletin??


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The Bronzeback Bulletin is a benefit given to members of the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance did you just join or have you been sending in dues money all along. Could be they had a wrong address for you and someone else has been enjoying your issue. I am sure Scott will have an answer on this soon.

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No, I joined about four years ago. I didn't get the magazine at first for some reason, so I emailed one of the board members (can't recall exactly who). I wound up getting two or three issues, and they stopped again. I just gave up on it, but then this one showed up. I've even moved since I got the last issue a few years ago... I have no idea how this one got to me.

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Sometimes wires get crossed and it may have looked like you hadn't paid your dues over those years and now you have so the Bulletin started up again. If you don't get the next issue or any after this and you are paying your membership dues then get in touch with the person in charge and let them know so they can fix the problem. I get the Sun Times delivered down here and they have a section called the Fixer. This would make a nice read for me. Just kidding don't go that far. I hope they have it corrected now and you will get your issues.


I see Rich is aware of it and since he is part of the Executive Board he will I would think look into it and see what happen.

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99% of the time, if a paid member is not getting his newsletters, it's a problem with the post office. We have them mailed bulk rate which saves the ISA thousands of dollars a year in postage. The downside is that the post office gives them low priority and can deliver them late or even not at all.

If at any time you don't get your newsletter within a couple of weeks of when everyone else does, contact me, and I'll get another one to you.

Scott Ferguson, email, isalliance@sbcglobal.net

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Being in the mailing business, I can shed some light on this. First, while the post office is capable of loosing mail it is extremely rare. The fact that ISA had been sending issues over 3 years (18 or so issues) and that you'd received none means we need to look at addressing issues and not blame the PO. Second, I notice we do not use what's called an Ancillary Endorsement on the bulletin such as "Address Service Requested". With such an endorsement, any undeliverable mail is either forwarded (if the party moved and filled out a change of address at their local PO) or is returned to sender. In either case, the piece is NOT thrown away. However, without such an endorsement, if the PO cannot deliver the piece (mailed at bulk rates) it is disposed of. Note to Scott, there are modest fees when this happens but it's money well spent to keep up with people when they move.


Less than a year ago, the PO forced mailers to do what they call Move Update effectively matching your address list against the National Change of Address (NCOA) database and updating the senders's database PRIOR TO MAILING. The fact that you received an issue soon after moving leads me to the conclusion that ISA had a faulty and undeliverable address (or that you weren't on the list) for those many years. A simple entry error or hard to read hand writing when you signed up could have caused this quite easily- again- without the "Address Service Endorsement" ISA would never know the copies are being thrown away. My guess is that you are now on the list after renewing membership and that we found your NEW and correct address through this NCOA process.


I recommend you PM Scott F and have him verify your address is in the list and is CORRECT including every element (street number, directional, street suffix, etc).- Ron P


For a variety of reasons, 4% of the population thinks their address is something different than it actually is per the PO.

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got my issue this weekend great cover shot! rich


Already read mine (good stuff) and I agree a great shot! I'm also going through a lot of my tackle and weeding out a lot of stuff this year (for different reasons than Rich) although I did enjoy that read.

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Kid was cute on the cover, not so sure about that old guy with him.

It's that guy on the back that just got his first Illinois smallie in three years, that had to be photoshopped to take the rain and clouds out, blue sky my aching ***.

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