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Kankakee River This Sunday

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The Kankakee River "Feed Bag" Outing is our last official outing on this watershed for 2009.

We're anticipating the smallies will be putting on the feed bag for the winter and will be chasing our baits with reckless abandon.


A Full Moon should add to the excitement!


We'll meet at the Kankakee River State Park concession building at 8 a.m.



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Trying to get there...

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Yep.... happens everytime I get out of my chair and try to do something constructive. :rolleyes:


Back pain sucks. It's like a giant tooth ache. I hope you feel better.


wading in the Kank aggravates my back pain. I always try to find smoother stretches (not hard considering all the sand filling the whole damn river in).

vitamin I in large doses works too.

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I have not had the opportunity to get out to check river levels personally, but I will be rigged up with a jig 'n pig in the morning and waders at the waiting.

If the State Park isn't conducive for suitable fishing, I can point the way to other locations on this river that should give up the almighty smallmouth.

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Dress warmly, gentlemen. Low of 45 tonight.


See you tomorrow.

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Where are all the reports, surely someone else got some fish.


Mixed bag, walleye, channel cat, rock bass, crappie and smallies. A pair of 19 inch smallies and a 31 inch channel cat were the highlights. Mostly crankbait, couple on sticks and rattlebaits.

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I got 16 smallies ranging from 5"-14", most of them were inbetween those inches! :lol:

Riffles were the ticket.


All were caught on a Mepps. Thank you Scott F for bringing those back into my arsenal this spring. I didn't have a sniff until I switched over yesterday.

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Dress warmly, gentlemen. Low of 45 tonight.


See you tomorrow.


I'll never understand why the outtings are always at the same time no matter the time of year. In spring /fall wouldn't it be better to meet around 11? The guys could sleep in (as the fish are likely doing when the overnight temps get that cold)& could even meet for a late breakfast/early lunch instead.Few guys want to fish all day.After 4-5 hrs fishing they'd be back home for supper.

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When you work at 3PM an 8 AM start is just fine. If you wait until 11 there will be guys on a lot of the spots already.


Start at 8 and fish for 4 or 5 hours still leaves time to do something with the family as well.

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When you work at 3PM an 8 AM start is just fine. If you wait until 11 there will be guys on a lot of the spots already.


Start at 8 and fish for 4 or 5 hours still leaves time to do something with the family as well.

Work schedules are what they are.We only have a few outtings a year. Plenty of other days for family things.Besides most guys getting up at 6am after working all week to make the 8am start & than fishing for 4-5hrs would be dragging butt by the time they got home to the family.Rivers like the Kank/Fox are big enuf to accommodate some other fishermen & on weekends they'll already be some out by 8am who'd be quitting about the time we'd be starting at 11am.At this time of year fishing pressure is less with guys turning to thoughts of hunting.In the future we should try a later start in the fall.

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I caught 15 fish, 5 different species all by 1130 AM so the fish were active before 11AM.


How about doing outings with two start times 8AM and 11AM, that way the early birds and the sleep ins could both enjoy the camraderie of other ISA members.

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I caught 15 fish, 5 different species all by 1130 AM so the fish were active before 11AM.


How about doing outings with two start times 8AM and 11AM, that way the early birds and the sleep ins could both enjoy the camraderie of other ISA members.

Only if the 8am guys promised to get out when the 11am guys showed up.Maybe the 11am guys could be given whistles with the ISA logo to blow as a signal for the 8am guys. :D

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We have in fact scheduled later starts in the past during the fall.

I scheduled this outing as a result of somebody asking why we didn't have more outings in Oct.

It dawned on me later that I probably should have made it a mid-morning start instead.


Personally, I'm up at 4:30 every morning regardless, and for one event I did attend that started later I was already looking at nap-time. Didn't like the fact it left me no time to do anything else worthwhile the rest of the day.

But hey, that's just me!


We should examine some different start times.

What about a few Saturday late afternoon-"evening bite" outings as well to shake things up in the summer?

Myself and others that work Saturdays are limited by the morning starts.

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The current water temps are 55.6 degrees no where near cold water. I don't consider the cold water period to start until it's under 45 degrees.


I fished all day today, started with a knit hat and hooded sweatshirt, which I took off about 930 AM and finished the day in shirtsleeves. The action was fairly consistent throughout the day.


The original breakfast club was 4 guys, later joined by a 5th. We fished in coldwater and it got the breakfast club moniker account we meet at a local resturaunt cuz it was too cold to sit around the parking lot. We generally hit the water about 830 to 9 AM and generally got some fish.


There is some benefit to having the sun warm the water for a few hours when the temps are in the 30's but not absolutely necessary.

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