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Terry Dodge

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Posts posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Wow! Thanks so much for the kind words. Good to hear and good to know. Wasn’t sure how well the new version of the Bronzeback Bulletin was going over. I do really enjoy working on it and love the challenge of trying to improve on it with each edition. We ain’t at the top yet with this thing and I’m excited to keep climbing and reaching higher. The print version set a pretty high bar. Be sure to let me know if I start slipping.

    1 hour ago, John Gillio said:

    Who’s artwork is on the cover of the new issue?

    That would be Mr. Fill Turd Image. I try to stay away from him. Just trying to mix things up. I need to take more pictures!

    Thanks again!


  2. 2 hours ago, Joe R said:

    Those funny ford transit vans with 4cyl motors and little tires are kinda the rage now in diy conversions. Of course those delivery vans have various sizes some big enough put that yak rught in.

    You know, I do have portage wheels and I was thinking if I bought anoth…. Who needs a van, right?

  3. Ended up with 4 of us all together, myself, Gene, and a father and son team of Stewart and Ian Anderson (I’m so bad with names. Sorry if I got ‘em wrong). Gene and I took the south branch and I gave some tips and instructions to the Anderson’s and sent them up the north branch.  Not sure what happened with Gene? He was there and then he was gone. Hope everything is fine? Anyway, I continued on upstream to what what turned into a smallie dink fest of 6. After getting out I ran into the Anderson’s loading up to grab a bite to eat and then continue to fish the Kish. I recommended a stretch for after they eat that I hope put them onto some good fish. They did mention that they were having a pretty good day with I believe both saying they were already into double digits at the break. Hope their day continued to be on track with the first leg.

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