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Mike Clifford

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Everything posted by Mike Clifford

  1. It's just a few weeks away. Saturday, June 3rd. Herrick Lake. We're set up for 350 kids, and just about to the waiting list. Who's going to join us once again for this amazing experience?? Hit me up with a comment, message or email. Hope to see you there!!
  2. When a democratic party is in office, natural resources tend to get a break. When a republican party is in office, they typically are not getting a break. 5 pages summed up in one sentence. This isn't news to anybody. Just the same with other issues people vote their party into. Partisan lines are pretty clear.
  3. So.....how was the Pappy Van Winkle whiskey?
  4. Forrest's wine is amazing. My wife and I enjoyed some the minute I got home.
  5. The room was buzzing like I haven't seen in years. Wait 'till next year. Already planning for it, and it is awesome.
  6. Don't be left out in the cold! Step inside where its warm for great fellowship, amazing speakers, incredible raffles and auctions..... and astounding BBQ!! Better hurry! http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/html/blowout.php?
  7. Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership is always at the forefront as well. No political affiliation, just grass-roots conservation on a grand scale.
  8. Prepare a list of questions ahead of time for Timmy during Q&A!! We're going to pick his brain on how he does it. Also, get your cameras ready for your "Meet and Greet" opportunity that will follow his presentation.
  9. The featured speaker at our banquet next Saturday leads by over 8lbs. going into the last day on Lake Okeechobee!! Pulling for Timmy Horton to take this win. The Q&A session and the meet/greet will be epic!! Tickets still available for this... http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/html/blowout.php
  10. Less than 2 weeks away!! Who's excited?? This Blowout promises some very cool surprises. Don't delay.... http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/html/blowout.php
  11. When the ISA comes to a stream or creek near you.......shit's about to get real. Great video, Terry.
  12. A very popular social event for the club. I'm thinking there might be a few hotspots for Spring smallies divulged over breakfast. Bring a pen and paper.....
  13. It really depends on how far a person cares to wade upstream in the political environment. Somebody still needs to guard these home waters, more than likely in spite of serious upstream concerns. The ISA doesn't change the world, but with the resources we're afforded to us, we sure do make a difference. I should probably mention the easiest way for our members and friends to do just that...... Bronzeback Blowout 2017. Guarding our home waters isn't free. Let's have some fun while we attempt to save the planet.... http://www.illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/html/blowout.php
  14. Introducing the amazing BBQ that will be served up at Bronzeback Blowout 2017! Who else is excited about this?!! https://youtu.be/KJz9jjk5fd8
  15. For those of you on Facebook, we ask that you help raise awareness of our annual party by clicking "Like" AND also "Share" the event to your wall. THANKS!! https://www.facebook.com/events/1411467688884310/?ti=cl
  16. I agree with Gordon that conservation is all about politics, but the way I have approached ISA conservation matters as the group's Conservation Director has never been from a partisan role. I can't stress enough how important it is to not only fight in the big arena, but save some of that energy to be involved in our local watersheds. "Be the change you'd like to see in the world" The ISA will afford you with all the opportunities you can stand to make that happen.
  17. The Waters of the US Rule is going away, as are other protections. Pick your battles.
  18. Will be looking for volunteers, as always.
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