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Mike G

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Everything posted by Mike G

  1. 30. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and Fishing. Thomas Jefferson
  2. 29 Unpacking # 28 Fishing is the horizon of being. A heavy or dense statement like this has to be unpacked and spread out so we can see everything that is being said. Just as one unpacks a moving van from the back, we begin at the end of the sentence. Being refers to human existence. It is not the kind of life one would choose. One is thrown into existence and constantly surrounded by threats the foremost being death. Worry and anxiety are constants. For contrast compare that with divine existence-perfect and unchanging. How do we deal with the threats of human existence without going crazy? Next consider horizon. As one who suffered a lot from motion sickness, I have a deep appreciation of the horizon. I could not control the motion of a car or boat as it rose, twisted, and lurched. I could not control my body’s primal reaction. Many a fine breakfast went out the car window or over the rails. My body could not deal with the sensory overload. Then I learned the value of the horizon for a traveler. By keeping my eye on the horizon or referring to it frequently, I could travel without getting sick. The horizon provided stability within the turmoil of other sensations. Now we can lay out the analogy. Just as the horizon provides stability amidst the chaos of sensations that cause motion sickness, fishing provides stability amidst the chaos of threats and worries that cause lunacy. Fishing is the horizon of being.
  3. 28. Fishing is the horizon of Being. Martin Heidegger Editor's note: German philosophers go down deep and stay down long. Pro philosophers call this a dense proposition that needs to be "unpacked.". Take a shot at it. In Part Deux next week, I will take my shot.
  4. Thanks rich. Delevan is a great story. Ages ago the Southwest Suburban Boyscout Council had a "wilderness" camp om Delevan. Their most popular site was the Lone Pine site because it was farthest into the woods. That all changed when K-Mart cleared the adjoining woods and built a store giving the site a clear view of a parking lot and K-Mart. I understand the council quit using the camp some time ago.
  5. It almost has everything. But it needs a weapon. A tripod mounted AR15, AK-47, or at least an SKS would make it unstopable.
  6. Mike G

    Ascend FS10

    Wicked looking craft! Easy on your wallet too.
  7. There are more fish in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Shakespeare, Hamlet
  8. Am I right to assume that you have to have tail lights, stop lights, and turn Signals for this trailer? Then, in IL do you have to have plates on it?
  9. There was a time when I did not fish. But I do not remember it. Ted Leeson
  10. Anybody ever hear of Kevlar. When I used to do a lot of portaging, we paid attention to weight. That 75# kayak weighs about the same as the old 16-17 ft Grumman Standard canoes. That weight was easy to move to racks on top of a car. But the extra height of an SUV makes it a challenge. Enter Kevlar. My 15 ft Wenonah UL canoe weighs 35#. There are 14 ft Kevlar Kayaks that weigh the same. Kevlar might not be as rugged as plastic but sure is easier on you. Agreed the Kevlar models cost about twice as much as the Cudas at $1200. That is hard to swallow until you consider that the 70-75# craft may force you into purchasing custom loading or trailering equipment. Now on a good day, I can carry the 35# Wenonah with one hand. It is simple to load on the Blazer's standard roof racks with two hands. Even in Kevlar, canoes and Kayaks are way less expensive that a small boat, motor and trailer outfit. So consider spending a little more to get a craft that is easy to transport. You will use it more. Also, there is Mikes rule,"Once you pass 50 years, never consider a kayak or canoe over 50 pounds." That is, if you want a true "lifetime" craft.
  11. Mike G

    spanish fly show

    Thanks for the notice, Rich. Jose Wejebe always had great shows. If you miss the ODN tribute on TV, there is this. The Outdoor Channel will be airing a special episode of Spanish Fly : A Tribute to Jose Wejebe this weekend. You don't want to miss this powerful and moving tribute to Jose's life and legend. The show will also be available to view here on SpanishFlyTV.com on Monday, April 16th. http://www.spanishflytv.com/article/celebration_of_life/
  12. Don't ever say I'll drive. Not only must you drive to be true to your word; you will wind up paying for the initial fillup of gas. That could be the equivalent of 1-2 cases of beer. If you run down to empty, you will be lucky if "your buddy" goes 50-50 on a fillup. More than likely he will be "a little short on cash." So you will wind up paying for a second fillup (=2 more cases) and another six-twelve pack to help you forget the experience. Law of Nature! Corollary: Don't leave home before you agree who buys the beer and who buys the gas. Ideally the budget $$ for beer and the budget $$ for gass should be equal. If the gas budget $$ exceeds the beer $$, shorten the trip. Law of Nature!
  13. Fishing is the highest passion in a human being. Many in every generation may not come that far, but none comes further. Soren Kierkegaard
  14. Rapala has a cupon offer to get one free. The nice thing is that you can collect individual purchases up till the middle of Sept to get the lure. http://demandware.edgesuite.net/aagv_prd/on/demandware.static/Sites-rapala-Site/Sites-rapala-Library/default/v1328805399184/downloads/get_dt_trolls-to_free.pdf?id=1 That reminds me that I am dusting off my craw finish lures. Water temps around 50 F signal that the crawfish spawn is on. The mud bugs come out of their holes searching for love; and oportunistic bass chow down on them. Try a craw pattern and let me know.
  15. WD 40 It does everything else; so it should work.
  16. Terry, I feel your itch as on who used to get it all the time. I do not get it as much since I wash up after being in the brush and shed any clothes I was wearing. That won't help you now that you got it.. My second trick to kill the itch is using Solarcain sunburn spray or Americain ointment. Benadryl and Cortizone creams will help too.
  17. 23 Hier fische ich, ich kann nicht anders. (Here I fish. I cannot do anything else.) -Martin Luther
  18. Here's the old hipshooter himself on the topic dear to us all. He favors lots of drain holes cut in a sideslung wastebasket. http://books.google.com/books?id=naXkqG4wq-UC&pg=PA156&lpg=PA156&dq=Lefty+Kreh+Stripping+Basket&source=bl&ots=5HlIpQNqd9&sig=e5IDZ4B1TjaN9zkCyOvqmRPKId0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bZN5T-qwFsyEtgf9oeXaDg&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
  19. In the old days the Bohemians of Berwyn were notorious mushroom hunters and even celebrated the Hobie Festival each year. The one who always bought drinks was known as a "fungi to be with."
  20. Since you liked the first one, here's one more. Notadeceiver. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8NBayu7_Gk
  21. Ryan, 'That is an impressive fly you have tied. I volunteer to Beta test.. Three inches is wimpy considering the size of stripers. Given the benefit of the doubt, he guide's preference for 3" could be based on the local hatch. Here's the master tying the deciever.
  22. You sound confused. I will be writing an article for the next ISA Bulletin about brush guards. That will include diameters and banjo string equivalents.
  23. THE LINE OF LIGHT Titus said that in China there had been simple fishermen who, because of this Equilibrium, could catch enormous fish using cane-poles and a single strand of silk. "A line breaks” Titus said, "at a stress point. But if the fisherman experiences no stress and if he transmits this experience through his hands to his pole, to his line, to his hook, then there will be no stress point, therefore no point at which the strand can break." By virtue of this principle, he said, fishermen could hook the biggest fish that swam and still coax them at last into their waiting hands.... David James Duncan, The River Why, p.274 Note: This is the first quotation that is unaltered from the author's original. The River Why is a philosophy of phishing.
  24. You got it Rich. It is best to know the right name. I can answer the original question also. The Funky Chicken is a diver with a natural deer hair head and a black marabou tail. Two for one thanks.
  25. Go for it. In the house, 6 on a 5 wt is overlining or outside the box. Flash, dude! 4 on a 5 wt rod is underlining or outside the box. Flash, dude! WHAT THE HECK! Try that 6 on the 5 wt. If you feel the difference, buy the 5 wt line. Send the 6 line to me and I will find it a good home.
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