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Mike G

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Everything posted by Mike G

  1. With a new season coming on, this always helps me get focused. "The ancients wrote of three ages of man; I propose to write of the three ages of the fisherman. When he wants to catch all the fish he can. When he strives to catch the largest fish. When he studies to catch the most difficult fish he can find, requiring the greatest skill and most refined tackle, caring more for the sport than the fish. The first age is always true of the beginner, the second during the most vigorous part of his life, while the third occurs in the more mature years. The pleasures derived at this later age may be even greater than during earlier life. Unfortunately few fish long enough to reach and enjoy this last age. ..." Title : A Trout and Salmon Fisherman for Seventy-Five Years. Author : Edward R. Hewitt
  2. Great minds run on the same track, I have heard. This confirms it. First there was Dave promoting this simple tie. http://www.warmwaterflyfisher.com/flymonth/FOTM012005.htm Then there was Bob's floating minnow. And we have Swami. Maybe this is a good as it gets!
  3. Actually Terry is not in trouble yet though in time this guy may rival the master. As far as I can tell he cannot sing or dance yet.
  4. Good to see you back at the bench ,Terry. Those look like they will catch both fishermen and fish. Hah! Rob, those aren't any old cylinders. They're earplugs. Best for stealth poppers that you can't hear. Thanks for thinking of me.
  5. I fixed the pictures in the previous post. Since I am here, I have a thought for Tim. I will give you a temporary pass, grasshopper. But let this be advanced notice for you to get ready to step up. Rich is getting old
  6. Czech or European nymphing is very similar except that the flies also serve as weights . I could easily see a rig with a jig on the end of the line and one or more flies on the line above it. Depending on the weight of the jig, you could use it with fly, spinning, or baitcast gear.
  7. I came across this ODL article about "fishing" movies. The author uses a broad definition. For what is worth. http://www.outdoorlife.com/photos/gallery/fishing/2012/05/15-best-fishing-movies-and-3-suck Sorry this is too late to help you through the cold nights earlier this winter. A few might of helped- just a few. IMHO There are more than three suckers on the list.
  8. Back to the show. Here's Bill K chatting them up. At his booth rich introduced his second generation worm. He applies floatant to it to make it stand up. Another thing I got at the show was the latest flu. I am coming back after two days of fever and chills.
  9. It was good seeing you there Tim. Paddle and Trail, ISA, and rich's flies made a one, two, three punch in the same aisle. But I agree that there were fewer exhibitors and a smaller crowd than last year. We had to squeeze the turnip hard to get three new members and one renewal at the ISA booth. I even had to tell my story about watching the Chicago Cardinals at Soldier Field when it was their home field arounf 1960. So now you know the right way to tie a Clouser and you can show us at the next Tye-in, right? That Muskie flie looks like a 1/2 and 1/2 kinda like the one they tie here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8NBayu7_Gk Anyway, you can show us that one too, right?
  10. You think of Easter; you think of bonnets. Some fishing hats are practical some are more for style. Here's one that could double as a burqa. Show or describe your favorite. I will add mine later.
  11. Ron, I think this will help. It is over. You did not loose, but you did not win. Why? This was not a contest, a debate, a game, or a tournament. There was no final score, no judges' ruling, no better team, and no weigh in. It was a discussion. Opinions were stated. It did not change my mind. It didn't change your mind. Tim can speak for himself.
  12. It is good to see that Sparkle Fur working so well. I get 20% on every free swatch and donate half to the ISA
  13. Welcome Sam. Get the most out of the ISA by becoming a member if you are not a member already. http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/html/membership.html.
  14. "i think we agree that a shorter rod( a 7' being about as short as it gets)demands more of a caster." Huh? I don't agree with your major assumption Ron. More what? It depends too much on the caster. You misrepresent me to a tee. But the fight is over. So I will not say anything more.
  15. When Scott posted this, the bell rang and the fight was over. The rods were bought. Some of us including myself continued to slug it out like prize fighters who didn't hear the bell. A ref usually separates them in the ring. Sometimes he is aided by the fighters' managers. Being grown men I'd say we should head for the locker rooms on our own. What Scott can draw from this is a win-win. The rods he picked are in tune with the opinion of many. On the other hand, Scott probably has a 9 ft 5 or 6 wt that the kids can try out and see if the other many are also correct. The rest is academic. Tim made some good points in his well thought out essay. But things are not going to change-fight is over.
  16. Ron, Leave the TU guys alone they are on the path of light. It's TFO, Orvis, Reddington, and Ross that need to be straightened out. Or you just might let another opinion exist. Your choice. I did not go the Cast and Compares when they were right across the street from me at Hidden Lake FP because I was not in the market for rod. Now that I live 120 miles away from there and am still not in the market for a rod, well, it is not likely either. Just the way things are.
  17. Ron. Why didn't you say that in the first place? But we should not waste time on this any further because you have a larger issue to deal with. I checked TFO, Orvis, Reddington, and Ross and found they all sell youth model rods. The rods range from 3 wt to 6 wt and are seven to eight feet long. If what you are saying is true these companies are giving us a bum steer. It is best they hear it right from you. So you better get cuttin' and confront these well intentioned but misguided companies. Let us know how they respond to your criticism.
  18. And there's more! Bob, Spence, and rich all in the same place for the first time in the 21st Century. Don't miss this rare alignment of the stars.
  19. Very nice indeed! Perhaps too good to use. (Zern's first law: The probability of loosing a fly in a tree top increases exponentially with its beauty.)
  20. The book subtitle says How to Add 10 Feet or more to Your Cast. Scouts are usually 13 or older a lot of growing has taken place since they were 10. I agree with Bob Long Jr on the short rods. Besides weight there is leverage which can be something when the stick is close to 30% longer. Good choice on the 7' rods.
  21. Tim, Lefty would be proud of you. that reminds me: Scott, If you are into books, Lefty's book, Longer Fly Casting, covers accelerate and stop and many other key concepts. It is worth it just to get his explanation of how to grip a rod. (Like a proper golf grip, it feels funny till you get used to it.) He points out that using his method even a child or a puny old man like himself can cast tight loops all day without getting tired. Ask the kids to get it for you for your birthday Edited for Book title
  22. Where is Bob Long Jr. now. He is a member though we do not hear as much from him as we used to. For many years he ran kid's fishing programs for the Chicago Park District. Some programs were aimed at flty fishing for girls and boys that age. I appreciate your concern with trying to catch their wave of interest and yet avoid frustration. Bob always recommended small scale rods and reels that kids are strong enough to handle. My one thought is think of dabbling, Czech nymphing, and Tenkara presentations. These are short line presentations that we all should use more often. Steer the kids into catching fish - not casting into the backing. Spring is a good time to do this on Crappie and Bluegill beds. Here's the outfit I'll be using. 7.5 ft Shakespeare Wonderod, Martin "Soupcan" Reel, 6wt level line, 6 ft 6# leader, strike indicator (an ice fishing bobber) set at 1-2 ft, 1/16 or 1/32 oz. jig with 1.5" chartreuse tube. Short casts, slow or no retrieve. Bob sez there is no such thing as a bad fish. Young kids loose interest fast; so plan the day around them and fight off your urge to just try a little longer once they hit the wall. Hope this helps and some others chime in.
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