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Everything posted by SmallieJonze

  1. I'm also surprised by the Clinton lake smallie!!!! I didn't think they were in there. Good for you, Matt.
  2. A couple days ago I did some fly fishing...um ...er...I mean it sort of resembled fly fishing anyways. I've been practicing casting in my backyard and thought it was time to give it a try on the water. I did ok casting with a jude bug. Even got a strike or two in "slider mode" but I kept trying to set the hook like I do with spinning gear ( d'oh!!!). Then I tied on a clouser minnow and that's when it became an ugly affair. I couldn't get my casts going. I mean I couldn't control my loops. I actually took a couple hard whacks to the back of the head. Called it a day after that. I'll keep practicing, though. BTW...any one got a leader recommendation for a 6wt? Right now I have a 6' tapered bass leader (10lb I think).
  3. Welcome, Matt. Good to have you here with the rest of the smallie junkies. Those N. Wisconsin waters probably have you spoiled, eh?
  4. I was introduced to the advantages of using the third grip just recently and I'll tell you this: It really comes in handy when the topwater bite is on. When they're smacking your buzzbait or popper or whatever, but not hooking up you better have some sort of subsurface lure ready to go because that fish is hot now and you almost have a sure thing when you can get another offering like a fluke or senko in there quickly. Even if the topwater bite is not on, you can always have something like a a crankbait on one rod and a jig on the other. Having a second rod helps you fish a spot more effectively. I'd rather have another bait ready to go than waste time tying something else on. Anytime I'm fishing on foot, I'll be sure to have that rod holster on with a backup bait at the ready.......I would recommend it to anyone.
  5. You could remove the rear treble and increase the size of the belly treble...or make the rear treble barbless...or go completely barbless. This will at least cut down on the injuries caused during hook removal. ***((brainstorm!!))*** What about removing the rear treble on some baits and replacing it with some sort of a large (barbless) streamer fly or bunny strip??? *** I just thought of that...gotta try it! Anybody ever done it ?? I have had fatalities because of the same thing. Breaks my heart to have it happen....sorry Ron. At least you feel the way you do. Some don't feel anything about killing fish. I remember seeing an article for a tool called a D-Barb somewhere...maybe the RS board? It was designed to cut the hook inhalf on a deep hooked fish that would otherwise die from the injury of removing the hooks. There is a magnet in it to save the barbed part which you cut off.
  6. I just sent you a PM without lokoing at this first. Thanks! I could spend anywhere from 4 hours to a whole day depending on the day. I prefer weekdays. My wife and I are expecting our second baby so I don't have much free time on my hands. Definately not enough to spend a weekend. Maybe next year, though.
  7. I'm thinking about going out to "fish the kish" sometime within the next couple weeks. Could you guys help me out with some info on the river....like put-ins and take-outs, good areas to fish, directions and parking, etc... I've never been on it and would greatly appreciate some help. Send PM's if you have to. Actually, I've got room in the canoe for one more if anyone's interested in going. Let me know... I'm closer to the northern section, but I'm not opposed to going towards Dekalb. Thanks in advance! JS
  8. WOW!!! It's a shame that it got to the point that they had to do that but, on the flipside it's really cool that they're rehabbing it. Is it going to be a long time before the fishery becomes a good one? They will most likely be running some sort of stocking program, right?
  9. Picked some up a couple weeks ago and got to use them once with no luck. Although, I threw the bait shop at 'em that day, too. Nice swimming action on these babies. Hope to catch a few on 'em.
  10. Get in line!!! That's a monster...Yikes!!!
  11. If she gets on my nerves....I could always come back alone
  12. In reference to Man Law #26...which I am in favor of (including wives). What should the automatic handicap be if you agree to take (gasp) your mother-in-law fishing?
  13. Eat a couple bowls of chili in the morning and by mid-afternoon you'll have your very own hot air balloon to get you from stream to stream
  14. I'd like to post some right in the middle of some "buckethead" spots. East side of the Cville dam (Fox) is another area. There's also an island near me with easy access (old RR bridge) maybe one or two at the access point there. I've seen some trails that lead quite a ways into the woods and end at a few well used fishing holes...how about in there? How about a sign that reads: "Clean up your garbage, you bums!" in english, spanish, and polish. Seriously, wherever it's legal to post them, I'll put them
  15. Nice setups, rick. I'm an Okuma fan thanks to your recommendation on the Alumina. I also picked up an Inspira (next up the line). Super nice reels. However, I have to disagree with you on the Stradic issue. I know, I know...there are plenty of people here who hate them (please don't drag this out, everyone), but I haven't had any problems with mine and it has seen its fair share of waterin many forms. Who knows...maybe I just got lucky. If I ever have a problem with it, I'm taking it to kend at GAT to have it fixed. Shimano, apparently, has one of the best warranty/service plans in the industry. That and a little yearly service/cleaning should keep it working great. If anyone out there doesn't want theirs, I'll take it. Just had to put in my two bits in defense of the stradic.....so far, my "go-to" reel.
  16. Speaking of unseen elements underwater...I've bumped into things such as rear quarterpanels, bicycles, buckets, bowling balls, and the ever famous car tire (rims too). We all know my answer to the survey. Now, how 'bout everyone else?
  17. Yes, I can effortlessly cast just about anything a mile and it has done battle (and won) with two 10+ lb. carp...plus some respectable smallies, as of friday. Not to mention other uses and abuses. Definately a tough rod! Teamed up with the Stradic (yea, I said Stradic) and the Masterbraid......she floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, and can pull a horse through a brick wall!!!
  18. From kend: You "wet wade"? Hope you only wet wade where it's "totally safe". That got my attention, but now I'm confused Is wet wading not safe? I've only been wearing my waders when the water is too cold. I've been wet wading the last two or three summers, sometimes in a group (all waderless), and have seen plenty of people wet wade in the Fox. I haven't heard any warnings on wet wading either, but I sure don't want to be risking my health or my safety. What's the general consensus here? Is it safe? Or am I putting my health at risk?
  19. This may be a little late, but I have the 6'3" Avid (AS63MXF) and I can't seem to keep my hands off it. My other rods are jealous.
  20. I'm going to keep this thread in mind when I decide to buy a pair of "good" waders. For now it's neoprene. For wet wading I have Keen's Newport H2 sandal with a neoprene sock to keep the junk out. Works great for me. It's a wading shoe then it's a hiking sandal.
  21. I've got some rabbit hair jigs. They work just fine, too. Are they the best thing since sliced bread?... No. But, I've caught fish on them. Check out Jensen Jigs: http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/jighead/frame.html and Furry Fish Baits: http://www.furryfishbaits.com/ ...or make your own
  22. Done deal! We agreed on a price and I'm making arrangements to pick up the boat soon. Thanks John!
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