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Jim Wright

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Posts posted by Jim Wright

  1. The early show was an amazing event. These events take so much effort. Lining up guides, reps, vendors and food. Everyone appeared to have taken an engaging attitude. Supporting vendors, sitting at a fly tying table, etc.

    A warm thank you to all our key players. John L., Ed B., Spiz, Eugene C. To name a few. I know there are more. Please take no offense not to be mentioned.



    I am proud to be an ISA member.

  2. On NBC SPORTSNET channel 55 on Comcast digital. Caught the river smallmouth episode of Roland Martin show. I'm not a big fan of the "ooo son" stuff and what not. Yet he is a fine fisherman.

    Excellent info. Caught many in the 4 and 5# class. He talked about the need of catch and release of these fish. In between "oo sons" he mentions the age of a fine trophy smallie. Well done Ro.

  3. Apple river journal.


    I arrived at the state park at 830 pm. Was not planning to camp solo, but my buddy Mike had to cancel last minute due to his wife taking ill. After a trip to the ER and a round of medicine. She is doing much better. Although , Mike needed to stay behind and tend to her. So, here I am.

    The tent is cozy. But my cot barely fits in there. We would have had to sleep on the ground to allow the two of us shelter.

    The weather couldn't be nicer it's now 1030 pm and is a mild 65deg.

    I had two visitors this evening. My neighbors, who came by to shed light on my tent set up. And a giant raccoon that tried to steal food from the cooler! He actually opened the lid! Then looked at me like, "what!?" After enjoying a campfire, I retired to the tent. Tomorrow I meet my ISA brethren to share time and waters. The Apple river awaits.


    Saturday, it's almost 5am. Birds are singing. The twilight is peeking thru. A restful night. Yet I didn't sleep thru. The anticipation of the day and the sounds of wildlife kept waking me. Although I would fall back into sleep. The park is small but alive with woodland creatures. Along with the aforementioned raccoon, I heard a lot of coyote. They were calling to each other from what seemed like miles away.

    It's a bit chilly this morning, low 60's. I didn't bring a sweater but the sleeping bag is very comfy. Soon I will be making breakfast, eggs and bacon, coffee and juice. I need to carb up for my day of adventure.


    Met up with the club guys. Paul T. ,Paul T. Sr. , Terry D. and Dan G. I fished with Dan. He brought us to a great spot. A convergence of a creek into the Apple. The two water ways joined into a large pool, creating abundant eddies and seams. It was a great mix of water. We had great success there. I hooked into a large sucker or chub and lost it. Dan had a nice bass chase his lure, then turned away. Great to see as the waters are gin clear.

    I reached for my iPhone to take a photo, then realized that it had fallen out of my chest pack. So Dan and I spent a good two hours trying to find it. I recovered it in the grass back at the State Park! Because of shoddy cell phone coverage we could not re-establish contact with the other guys. Dan headed back home so, I went at it alone. Waded about a 3/4 mile stretch downstream from the state park. It was breathtaking, classic riffle-pool patterns along a sheer limestone wall carved out over ions. All in all caught over 30 fish. A green and white fox fur Clouser took all the fish. I look forward to returning to a return trip.

    Back at camp I fixed shish-kabobs,bread, suprasada, pickled veggies. Then had an apple and a payday bar for dessert. Sat in front of the campfire as if it were a television set.


    The day is done. The Adventure over. The apple is very pleasent. Beautiful limestone bluffs as old as time carved out by the river over the centuries. The clear water and swift currents bring you to another place and time.


    Sunday morning I made bacon, eggs, raisin bagels, coffee and oj. Broke camp. Headed out for one last fishing hole. Tied on an emerger pattern, a small offering, (#10 or 12 hook). I am not used to fishing such a small fly. I had a strike missed it and made 5 more casts with no bug tied on! I didn't realize the fish had bit it off. Caught three. And a creek chub! Met a nice fella, Cliff and his dog Missy. He is a fly fisher too. Gave me some nice advice; Use "Bang" crawdad smell on your flies. And use "Buggins" insect repellent. He was a pleasent man. Became a good friend for the moment.

    All in all it was a nice trip. I look forward to another visit here. I missed not having company at camp and I wished I could have reconnected with the club guys. I am grateful to Paul T. for organizing the outing. I wouldn't have gone otherwise. It was a great adventure.

  4. A proud daddy moment for me to have my teenaged daughter involved. (As she is very earth friendly). Also a proud ISA moment. I knew I could meet plenty of good people who share the same passion for the water. Events such as this one are truly a blessing. No better way to give back. Those little plants do way more than just create a great habitat. They help to bring the balance back to a fractured ecosystem.

    It is also great to meet the members who post on our forum page; Ed B. Eric Tom L. RonK John L.

    Tim U. Godspeed. Get yourself better. And thank you for planning a great event.

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