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John Gillio

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Everything posted by John Gillio

  1. I took a couple walks along the Illinois and Michigan canal the past few weeks covering the stretch of canal between Utica and LaSalle. It saddened me to see how little water is left in the canal due to breaches in it's structure. Out of about six miles of canal only about two areas of about 100 yds each and about a quarter of a mile by LaSalle had water over a couple inches deep. Much of the canal is completely dry.It is a shame that what was once about 12 miles of easily accessible fishable shoreline is now defunct due to a lack of state funding. It's also a shame that such an important piece of our history has fallen into such disrepair. I took a drive, and as far as I can tell there is little water in the canal all the way to Morris. I'm not sure what is beyond. The tow path is still in good shape between Utica and LaSalle and is still used by hikers and bicyclists, but is surely a less interesting trip without the water and all the wildlife that goes along with it. Utica and LaSalle both depend on the canal to some extent because of the tourists it attracts. I am sure the lack of water, fish, and wildlife will mean fewer tourists. The canal boat at LaSalle will be of little interest if that section goes dry. I have no ideas as to how this problem can be solved. I know that getting water back into the canal is a top priority for the Village of Utica. I would guess it is important to LaSalle also. It would seem that now would be a good time to do some dredging and possibly use the dredged material to help patch the breaches and to shore up the walls of the canal, but with the lack of funding I'm afraid this is just wishful thinking. The fishing was never fantastic, but I can recall a day not too long ago, when you could walk or bike the entire six miles and be able to catch bluegill, crappie, and an occasional bass all along the way. This is what most of the canal looks like. There should be water from the treeline to the tow path. The metal structure is a spillway. This is a small stretch holding water. It should all look like this.
  2. There is no access to the Vermilion river from the north side of the bridge on the Ed Hand Hwy also known as E651st Rd, Highway 23, or the Oglesby shortcut. The bridge is being rebuilt and will most likely be closed all year. Access can be gained by going through Oglesby and approaching from the south. Work is in progress.
  3. Nice William, thanks for sharing.
  4. Does anyone know anything about the rod pictured. It is a Wright & McGill casting rod numbered 156MS. I cannot make out the rod name. The handle seems to be oak. At first glance I thought it was split cane, but on further inspection it appears to be fiberglass with a wood grain finish. It also looks to be missing the rod butt.
  5. What Rob said, plus use a spinner bait with a hammered Colorado blade and a trailer like a double twister tail. Both will help throw more vibration and allow for a slower retrieve. The hammered blade will reflect more light.
  6. Sorry about your loss Terry. I think about my dad every time I'm on the Vermilion. Nice photo.
  7. Spinning: Twisters Cranks Poppers Paddle Tails Zonker Strip Jigs Flies: Clousers Crawfish Patterns Seaducers Poppers Foxy Craw
  8. We have quite a variety here. JJ's glass switch rod sounds like a fun approach. A big bass on Timothy's 6 wt bamboo would surely be a blast. While bass fishing my 7 wt has of late been reserved for times when I am targeting big fish while throwing big flies or on windy days. Like Rob, my 5 wt holds a 6 wt line and can handle most things I throw at a bass. It's also more fun landing the average fish with the 5 wt. My very favorite rod is a 3 wt but it is seldom used on the river because it doesn't handle a heavy fly well, which is often needed in faster flows. I love it on small creeks with low water conditions and no wind. It handles a large fish fairly well and the much more frequent 9 inchers are a blast. Thank you all for the input. Anyone else is welcome to share their ideas on this.
  9. To all bass fishermen using the fly rod: what weight is your most often used rod while fishing for green or bronze bass in the lakes or rivers of Illinois? I used to use a 9' seven weight most often but now find myself preferring a 9' 5 weight. Just wondering what other members are using.
  10. From shore the fishing has been hit and miss the past two weeks. The boat guys may be doing better as they can fish the deep pools when the fish drop back off the shore. When they are on, most are running from 14"-20". Even had some males in the 18"-19"range. Seem to be more walleye in the river too. Maybe one out of every 10 fish or so. Haven't seen any eyes over the 20" mark. Water has risen and dirtied some with the recent rain but is still in good condition. Showers and maybe severe weather predicted for Tuesday. Glad you guys enjoyed the sunsets. They have been exceptional as of late.
  11. Nice looking worm. A worm with some bling is sure to tempt some bass.
  12. Thanks guys, I missed a great shot of about 9 geese in V formation flying in low between the trees. It's still a vivid picture in my mind. I also missed a large flock of pelicans circling above the river. They drifted off before I could dig out the camera. At one time there were about ten vultures circling also. Lots of gulls flying buy, and a couple of kingfishers too. Didn't see an eagle. That is unusual for this spot. They are usually around. Rob, I believe it was Bucky Beaver. There was a large beaver swimming around upstream not long before I took this shot downstream. The mammal in the photo was way to big to be a 'skrat.
  13. Very nice green Rob. Were you getting those in the river?
  14. Thank you Mike, for the very informative post. Being that I am amused by both you and the Robster, I myself mustn't be inflicted with the Witzelsucht disorder. And, being that a few extra cotter pins in the boat could well be a pro for the use of this fly, I will give Rob the benefit of the doubt and consider his case short of full blown.
  15. The fishing was fair tonight. The sunset was fantastic.
  16. May I ask, what would be the benefit of using a cotter pin?
  17. Way cool spun deer hair flies. Nicely done!
  18. Old lure retied feathers? I retie some of mine.
  19. Thanks Rob. Those I've seen in the river have run 2"-3" in length. Many times when you disturb them they ball up and roll downstream. I haven't looked for them for some years now, but in the Vermilion I remember them as being the colors you described.
  20. Rob, what size hook did you use on the hellgrammites. They are fairly common in the Vermilion. I may give your pattern a try. I have only fished hellgrammite patterns a few times, having luck catching a few channel cats. I know the real thing works great for smallies and cats. Drifting a hellgrammite pattern through some of the deeper holes may just help me pull a bruiser out of it's lair.
  21. I like the hellgies too. Did you just tie a bugger then trim it ?
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