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    danville, illinois
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    fly fishing & tying. making bamboo fly rods.

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  1. http://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu44/apjarvis/Milkweed%20Fly%20031410/MilkweedFly312.jpg
  2. somewhere i read an article about milkweed flies, some time ago. i have used it as wings on mayflys. timothy
  3. yeh, the tfo is a good medium action rod and woud be easier to get onto than some. timothy
  4. i would be nice to read the article without having to pay to see it.
  5. whitlock's squirrel tail nymph with some rubberband legs is a good choice.
  6. about 23yrs ago if it is the same guy. they were lovely to look at. i recall noth ing beyond that. timothy
  7. i have a couple of spooked intermediate lines. i have used them in shallower water, under 3', with streamers. it seems to me the streamer follows the line. if your line is floating it is easier to pull the streamer to the surface. with a line under the water the fly seems to be pulled down to the level of the line. so, the posible advantage would be putting the fly st s different level. timothy
  8. maybe injured or sick? timothy
  9. wading staffs can be handy and can save you falls in some places. i have used several but the one i like the best is a cross-country ski pole i adapted with a cork grip and tether. also i needed to put some silicone in the small end to keep the water out so it does not sink and get heavy. some of the collapsible staffs do the same. this one floats. i have found this to be an advantage once i got use to it. timothy
  10. I suggest you get the vise you want. the tools are cheap. then make a list of materials needed for the flies she plans to tye. I suggest a Thompson AA, inexpensive and dependable, as a starter. if you get 50 responses you will have 50 different opinions. I think the orvis kits are the best but the vise isn't very handy. get her involved in scrounging for materials and searching ebay for a deal on a vise. I have seen a few. she will become an enthusiast. good luck! timothy
  11. there is a cord attached to my wading staff with asnap on the other end of the cord which I snap to a ring on the bottom of my vest. timothy
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