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Hi everyone.


New to ISA and the board...Sorta new to smallie fishing. Got a couple years under my belt now.


How things have changed since the first time I wet a line in the Fox river!

Before we bought the house up here, I had only done some basic fishing as a kid and later on, with my brother, got a little more involved. Really didn't know what the heck I was doing. Now at 30 I find myself obsessing over that 20 incher, learning all I can about stream smallie fishing, and spending lots of time and money on all things fishing.


My first year (2005) fishing for smallmouth was not very productive for me. I broke rods, dumped a tacklebox, hung lots of ornaments in the trees, and caught very few dinks. 2006 was a bit different. I still hung some ornaments, but started catching more fish...bigger fish. None over 16" but still better. I improved my gear( vest, waders, upgraded rod/reel etc...) and my knowledge. The internet was a huge help! I'm looking forward to getting out there this year and hittin it hard!


I went to the smallmouth seminar at the Arlington show which, for me, was great. Took notes, learned alot, and got to meet some other smallie junkies. I'm definately going to do a couple guided trips this year. After hearing John speak so enthusiastically about smallmouth fishing, I thought to myself "I've got to fish with that guy!".


This year is going to be better than ever. Although I'm still learning my stretch of the fox, the kankakee and vermillion, among others, are on my list of streams to explore.


Well, so much for a quick intro...


I'm looking forward to meeting (and fishing with) some of you out there!!




John Sullivan

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Welcome! As for your recently acquired addiction, you have my condolences. I don't think there's a cure. If there is a cure, I've done a good job of avoiding it.

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John, you sound like me about six or seven years ago, smallmouth fishing can just get into some peoples blood. You should check out one of the up coming meetings or get-togethers, I think there is a breakfast club meeting coming up next week, for sure come to the "Blowout". Welcome to the group!

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Thanks for joining and checking in.


Don't forget to check out the articles on the website, they have some great information. http://www.illinoissmallmouthalliance.com/education.html


Come to the Blowout and hear a great presentation and meet a lot of fellow anglers.


And last but not least, come to some fishing outings, meetings and conservation events.


The more you participate the more you learn (especially about stream smallmouth)

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Welcome to the ISA John! You are where a lot of us were not to many years ago. I moved from Illinois and Wading for Smallies to Missouri and going after them in a Bass Boat. I am starting all over again learning when, where, how and with what. The Breakfast Clubs that Don R is having are a great way to meet fellow anglers and to pick there brains for ideas and methods. You can get with Don who fishes year round and follow him around a little. It is all fun and the Rivers in Illinois are loaded with Smallmouths.

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Welcome to the ISA John.

Look forward to seeing you at some of the many, many functions we offer throughout the year.

Pay special attention to the Calendar link in the top right corner of the forums to see what you may be interested in attending in any given week.

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John, now that you've registered on the forums, we hope you'll consider becoming a full ISA member. Dues are only $25 a year. You get 6 issues of our 20 page newsletter and you are invited to join us on outings which are open to paid members only. Your dues also show you are commited to helping us work to improve smallmouth habitat across the state of Illinois.

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John, now that you've registered on the forums, we hope you'll consider becoming a full ISA member. Dues are only $25 a year. You get 6 issues of our 20 page newsletter and you are invited to join us on outings which are open to paid members only. Your dues also show you are commited to helping us work to improve smallmouth habitat across the state of Illinois.



Yes, I am a full member as of yesterday. Dues paid.

Unfortunately, I cannot make the blowout. I work on the weekends...afternoon shift 3-11 pm...crappy. There is an upside, though. I can go fishing when everyone else is at work. Besides trying to wade my stretch of the Fox on a saturday is dangerous....gotta dodge lots of cannonballs.


Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. Good to be here.

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