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sport show calendar for 2011

Dan Burke

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Looking around it seems that there are only a few sport shows this year. Which shows will ISA attend?


I am hearing the Rosemont show is trying to improve. Lots of speakers.


Is the Great waters fly show no longer held?


Tinely Park show, Rockford Show and Bloomington Show are the only others I see.


What is everyone else hearing?

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Thanks Jim. I remember when they had at least two nice shows up there but were forced to combine them in order to keep it viable.


Indy has a one day fly show on January 8 where at 1:30-2:15 Tim Holschlag speaks: "Guide's Secrets for Better Smallmouth Fishing"


If there's any interest, could take a van full over to it.



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I'd be available to serve a few hours at each of the shows over the weekend. Cannot serve on weekdays now that I'm fully employed. Let me know you needs.



Fully Employed???? Didn't you just retire about this time last year?



I will be available on the Friday of the Rosemont show again this year. I can do the early or late shift with a little notice.

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