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Sgt. Tommy's Kids Fishing Day 2024

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This Annual Fishing day will be held at Herrick Lake in Wheaton, IL on June 15th @ 9AM. As always, the participation of ISA volunteers is greatly appreciated by all.....especially the kids. 

Please respond if you have a few hours to lend for this amazing event! 

Set-up will begin at 8 a.m.

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sgt tommys #18 is over. wonderful weather with alot of smiles. pat, , mike, kevin, eugene ,,tony and i  were able to handle it.   i noticed many more young girls learning to cast, even more moms  giving it a try. it was  a well run event that im glad to be a part of. 

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We were plenty busy throughout the earlier part of the morning. Snapped a couple pics to show layout once things slowed. This has become one of my favorites to attend/work. So rewarding to see the kids figure out casting.

sgt tommys061524.jpg

sgt tommys 061524-1.jpg

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