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Best Fly Tying Kit for Beginners?

Mike G

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46135061505_16c5254560_z.jpgKatie Tying by Michael Gerharz, on Flickr

Katie is still at it.  I need some recommendations on a good beginner's fly tying kit. I would appreciate hearing your recommendations and experiences, Lots out there from $30 to $200.  Your answer will do double duty, helping me and helping all the other readers thinking about taking the plunge into tying.


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I suggest you get the vise you want. the tools are cheap. then make a list of materials needed for the flies she plans to tye.  I suggest a Thompson AA, inexpensive and dependable, as a starter.  if you get 50 responses you will have 50 different opinions.  I think the orvis kits are the best but the vise isn't very handy. get her involved in scrounging for materials and searching ebay for a deal on a vise. I have seen a few. she will become an enthusiast.  good luck!  timothy

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Thanks for the replies. Here is the rest of the story. It is over 60 years ago now that my father gave me a kit from Tackle-Tyers, Evanston IL. It got me started and served me well. I am still using the bobin. Despite the negativity on kits I went with one.


I chose it because the vise was better than others in the price range. It had a materials clip. It was also had a hair stacker. To suppliment the limited materials I added a shoe box full ofstuff. Grandaughter loves it.


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