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Dec. 1 NW Region

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I see the amateurs, Where are the experts?


How many other beginners are going to be there? I will prepare to guide you through a Woolly Bugger and a Clouser-two fairly easy ones. Anything else you are looking for? As a special treat, could rich and Jude demo some of their contest winners?

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I'll be there. Went to the Early Show this weekend and had a great time. In fact it inspired me to go out and get a vise, tools, and some materials yesterday. Early Christmas present from my wife:)

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Rich, are you the guy referenced in a video on Fly Fish Ohio that is credited with the "Shannon's Streamer"?


Not only credited with, he is the "Creator Of." The Streamer took first place in the annual ISA fly contest, when we used to have a contest. On FFO he is known as the stylist.




The meeting is our chance to sit at the feet of the master. (I will bring the Tenactin.)


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Man, Swami...you have some skills! Nice promos! Just wondering what kind of attendance we can expect. So far, Tim's the only guy that's chimed in. I know JimR has expressed some interest in tying. You out there Jim?


Even if you're not a fly guy, this could get you into jigs of FnF flies. Or just come for the BSing. That's half the fun.


I think I'll tie an Elk Hair Caddis, which is blast to catch spring bluegills on.

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Not sure on the attendance. I'm hoping for a good turnout.

I plan on sending out emails to all the NW guys on the meeting Saturday. I would think Jim S. and Josh K. would be interested in the big tie show also.

Should also state that a couple of our featured tiers have offered to bring extra vises so people can participate.

A BIG THANKS to you three (Jude, Mike, rich) for doing this.

Come on NW Region guys, lets have a good turn out

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Even if you're not a fly guy, this could get you into jigs of FnF flies. Or just come for the BSing. That's half the fun.



Good point. I will bring some small jigs in case anyone wants to see that. Any other requests?

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All NW Region members have been notified by email or ISA Forums PM of this event.

Had 3 emails returned do to bad email addresses. Will try by way of ISA Forums PM.

I have a total of 29 NW Region members on my list so deducting the 3 returns leaves 25 that have been notified.

(PaulT can inform his father and that would take the count back up to the rightful 26 if you're doing the math)

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