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Terry Dodge

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Everything posted by Terry Dodge

  1. Terry Dodge


    Anybody use them? I have a few yarn floats and a few foam floats. I'm not real happy with either one of them but knowing the way I am, if anyone can use a float the wrong way it's me. I've always been interested in nymphing for smallies during the cold water months. What kind of floats do people use? Or how do I make mine work?
  2. Terry Dodge


    Is that statement for real with all the climbing and repelling ?
  3. Here's a popper that I've been working on It's an ear-plug popper. I started messing around with them last year, trying differant types of ear-plugs and this one seemed to work the best. It has a thin plastic coating on it so it don't absorb water. All the other ones I've tried did.
  4. Andy C., How's the painting going? I have the same problem. Something I've always wanted to try but have not as of this time is food coloring dye, like in the same manor as Easter eggs. I have some coloring tablets that I purchased last year after Easter but have no popper bodies to try them on. Just a thought.
  5. Terri?! I can't let that go. We have a new member that I kind of know and if he ever starts posting and catches eye of that "i", then I'll never get the "y" back. It's with a "y" gentlemen. It's with a "y".
  6. Oh I know they're real. I just don't believe in having one because I feel they cause brain damage. I always see these guys walking around in a daze at the grocery store or the video rental place with a cell phone stuck to their ear and they're always asking a lot of questions.
  7. Ha! I do not believe in cell phones. So now what do we do Mr. Jude man? I'm sure we'll figure something out. Security can't be all that. I mean, if people can just walk in on a Presidential White House party I'm sure we can figure out how to get the PM guys in at the Rockford Fishing show. I'll check back here in the morning before I leave for the Metro Center on Harlem Rd.
  8. Metro Center on Norht Main in Rockford, IL. Gotcha! It's at the Indoor Sports place on Harlem right? Well where ever it is I know how to get there.
  9. How early should/can I arrive and where is the booth? According to my wife I can be an idiot at times so I need all the help I can get.
  10. Looking for some suggestions on my leaky neoprene waders. It's a small leak that really don't bother me too much. The waders do not fill with water but the main problem is, when I take me waders off, it appears that I have had a major accident in me pants. I have looked for holes and have been unable to find any. I think the leak is coming from the seam. Is there some kind of glue that I can spread on the seams?
  11. The list is from "Forbes" (?), who ever that is. It came out on Jan. 29th I believe. All I can say is - if this is what miserable is then miserable ain't so bad. Not as bad as I've always understood it to be. Have a miserable day.
  12. Really?! You do realize that the Rockford area is considered to be the 14th most miserable place in the Nation? Maybe things are looking up.
  13. I Googled "abuse" and this is what I came up with................... Abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia To save you the trouble, "over abuse" is not covered. Therefore there must not be such a thing. We're good.
  14. Let's see if you can figure this one out.................... I am happily sorry to inform you that I am now unavailable to lend a hand on Friday March 5. I have been on a 4 day work week since the beginning of the year and it was announced on Tuesday that I would be returning to a 5 day work week beginning March 1st. So just to be clear......... Can't do Friday. You can have me all day Saturday or Sunday. When ever you need me.
  15. Thanks for the replies gentlemen. Like the headline says, I was just concrned about the area after seeing the big change it has gone through the last couple of years. Thanks again.
  16. I've already informed Paul T. that I can do Saturday. If need be I may also be able to pull off Friday. Let me know what the schedule looks like.
  17. Wader Wipes: Help Wipe Out Invasives! This product is approved and used by the ISA.
  18. That's a good question. The first thing that comes to my mind are "wipes". Is there a wipe (the small sheets like Baby Wipes) out there that could possibly work? There are dozens of wipes on the market for all kinds of surfaces and materials. I have to wonder if taking a sheet of one of these and running it over wet waders would do the trick.
  19. Are you sure this is not a clone?
  20. Well thanks for the input. It sounds as if there is no need for me to be overly concerned at this point. Never hurts to ask for others opinions. I'll post updated pics once the weather warms up. It's kind of a hike to reach this area and I don't really want to try it until we melt about 8" of snow.
  21. It is rock............. Better? It just worries me becuase they ran some kind of gas pipe-line under the water. (see small rapids?) That use to be about 3.5 ft. in that area. I just can't believe what they did to the banks.
  22. There is some construction happening along a stretch of water that I have fished for years. I don't like it one bit at all. This stretch I believe is on private property but I have to wonder if the work that is being done is harmful. The banks along this stretch have always been natural and as you can see that has now changed. Being a new member I ask you, my fellow members, should I be concerned about this and if so what steps should I take now?
  23. Being a new guy I've already offered my services on March 6 at the Rockford Outdoor Sports Show, the same day as the Blow Out. I'll be at the Blow Out next year and am looking foreward to it. As far as the outings, I'll be PMing people about that. The float & fly thing on the Kish has my interest as I have never done this float & fly thing before. Looking foreward to good times.
  24. I got my first issue of the "Bronzeback Bulletin" and was very impressed! Then about two days after that I got my "New Member" package. WOW!! I feel a sense of pride being part of such a great group of people. It's one of the best things I've ever done. The real kicker is, now that I'm part of such a great group I plan on doing even better things in the days, months and years to come. I only have one question....... I work 2nd shift so I wont be able to attend all the meetings. At night I get home and the wife has my dinner all dished out for me on a plate and I warm it up in the microwave and sit alone eating, thinking the whole time about what stretch of river I'm going to fish, what fly am I going to use to land that big smallmouth, where is that big smallmouth hiding at and on and on. My question is.......Am I in the right spot? Loving the ISA Thanks! ~Terry
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