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Mike G

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Everything posted by Mike G

  1. Thanks Rich. I have to start looking a chubs though I was hoping you would call for a Wacky Worm. Speaking of Blowout contests, I believe I have seen the winning "Shannon Minnow." Do we have any information or pictures on the other 2010 entries-especially the ones that made it to the tank testing? Getting to the final four aint bad.
  2. Ben, Without a picture, I am having a hard time visualizing what you are trying to do. The stuff I am using now is called "Clear Weld Two Ton Epoxy." I got it at Ace. For the record I use it for the following applications: Fix moma's figurines Coat jig heads and fly heads Coat foam head bugs Glue cork rings together for reel seats Finish guide windings on new and repaired rods And anything else that needs fixing I appreciate your concern about the kids. But I do not think epoxy, which has been around for a long time, will send then to an early grave. By now the lawyers would be in tht hunt. Sorry I cannot give more insight.
  3. Ben, Epoxies are all two part-resin and catalyst. After mixing usually 50-50, cure times vary from fast (5 minutes) to overnight (8-12 Hours). A draw back with some formulations is yellowing over time, which is fine, if you are using it as an adhesive, and not fine if you are using it as a coating. Though it cures slowly, Flex-Coat, a product designed for rod building, is formulated to avoid yellowing. Bob clouser recommends it in his book. For a perfectly smooth finish a drying wheel is also recommended. That being said, I do not worry about the yellowing. I buy a medium fast curing two part from the hardware store. It comes in a container that looks like two syringes stuck together which makes it easy to dole out. I mix two equal globs on a scrap of aluminum foil. I try to apply a smooth coat with a camel hair brush and skip the drying wheel. Since I am not selling the flies, I am not worried about the dreaded "runs." Laquer thinner or rubbing alcohol cleans up the brush as long as you get to it before it hardens. What are you using it for anyway?
  4. This creates a dilemma for me because in the minds of many Federal, AKA big brother, intervention is a no-no while individual, AKA private, control is preferred. On the other hand, in the minds of others, individual, AKA private, control fails to consider the rights of all citizens and requires federal intervention to set things right.
  5. Kevin, If shots automatically meant jobs, a lot of folks want to know where to get them. Seriously, I am sorry I missed a chance to meet you though I think you took the better path. This should catch you up on what happened at the meeting in terms of tying. The flies in order of appearance: The Shannon Minnow by rich is thought to be the winner of the 2010 blowout contest. Gabe Jr. by me has a lot of bells and whistles. The Wonder Worm by rich is close to becoming a classic. This one was not tied at the event. I got it in a swap a while back. Looking foreward to meeting you.
  6. Jim B, Here's the good news: Of all the municipalities that drain into the DuPage system, Naperville is going after the problem. Is anyone else? So it seems in line to support their effort and the efforts of any other communities. As Jim sugggests member residents of Naperville, especially, should register their opinion with the community leaders. Salt runoff, fertilizers, and poor shoreline landscaping are universal problems in the DuPage system. Now it is nice to see a town like Naperville (over 100,000 strong) take up the issue. It has a lot of paid manpower to go after the problems. BTW these are universal problems. Out in the boonies this is the time of year the farmers are spraying their fields with liquid fertilizer and weed killers in preparation for spring planting. Atrazine is still a favorite. So I know our feeder creeks are putting more than just water into the lake. That is my challenge, I suppose. I just have to figure out where to send my letter.
  7. Thanks Jonn, There is a lot to digest there. Like you I am interested in what goes in Illinois because we seem to have midieval laws here when it comes to access. The test case in the burbs would be trying to canoe or kayak down the East Branch of the DuPage through the Morton Arboratum at mid-day. You can place side bets on how many Security vehicles and County Sherrif's cars show up to stop you and ticket you.
  8. Needles to say, I liked it. To practice what I preach about tying nights, I will put up some pictures of the products soon. BTW my worm looks like a frog, I hope. Though I brought a camera, I got so caught up in the tying that I did not get it out before the manager was announcing closing time. Then it was too late. More to come.
  9. Give'm hell, Jim! I hope those elves in the workshop do more than pound their hammers and saw wood. But you can stay on top of them to make sure.
  10. Eric, Thanks for the link to the old page. I can't count how many times I opened on that page and then segued to one of the linked sites. For a long time that was my route to the ISA forum. That picture, Sunlight on Bronze, has to carry a lot of brand identity to this very day.
  11. Rich better show us the prize winning fluke while I hope Jude will show us the one that should have won. My tiger weave is part of a frog that cudda won last year. The tiger is not related to Tiger.
  12. Thanks, Mike. And thanks to whoever replaced my amateur label with a nice professional job. Best of all, it looks like a good home.
  13. Rich, Congrats on your winning fly and on your first post with a picture. Many more of both!
  14. Rich, Thanks. I am glad to hear they survived the US Mail arriving in good shape. Do you know who won them? I want them to have a good home
  15. Thanks, Rich. Unless I missed something, Bill K is also in the mix for Saturday AM. Then, assuming Terry is in for the day, two of us have to hand off to the PM shift. Seems like some cell phone contacting would work.
  16. Rich, Our minds are on the same track. No self respecting Illinois Bass would not want to tee off on this one. I can't wait to see the popper.
  17. "Hey! HeY! Holy Mackerel! The Chicago Clousers are on their way..." I mailed them to the raffle man on Monday. Here's what they looked like before I turned them over to the USPS hoping they survive. Last thought. These might not work in local waters because of the deep respect our bass have for our teams. For example, da Bear will get mugged on the first cast in Wisconsin while it will go all day without a touch in NE Illinois.
  18. It is good to see the discussion that has sprung up here. Right now job 1 is the Blowout for many. So we can return to the discussion with less distractions later. I also put the National SA in my bucket list with two important conditions here's my statement with emphasis added: "Within the next five years: "Without adding to the burden on the ISA officers, I would like to do what I can to see ISA play a leading role in reconstituting the National Smallmouth Alliance." Our officers already have a full plates and there are waiters standing behind them with more platefuls for when they finish. So for this to work a lot more folks will have to step up. More after the Blowout.
  19. What magazine or paper put Rockford 14th? Was it the same one that put Cleveland 1st? I am not sure how they score the cities. On the other end of the scale about 20 years ago Money magazine named Cincinatti as the number one best place to live. Go figure.
  20. Kevin, Welcome home. I am glad to see your heat on the topic. I live in northwestern Winnebago Co. You are talking about us.
  21. Now Sunday AM doesn't look good for me. To take the abuse off of Terry could you switch me to the Saturday AM position. I would appreciate that. Are we roughly splitting the session? That is Sat AM is 10:00 to 2:00, and PM is 2:00 to 6:00 with some overlap before and after. Thanks
  22. You picked the right fish. Good Luck! PS, it is not too early to send us information on how to join.
  23. Ben, Thanks again for this one. I am going to make some craws based on your design using furry foam instead of the straw and some of Terry Dodge's copper flashy stuff instead of the hen hackle. I have a question about those mono legs. Between them and the dumbell eyes, does the craw maintain that nice standing position in the water? I have another idea how to get the effect by tying the mono like sled runners.
  24. As noted in the other thread, this is a five year project; it seems a bit early to start looking for officers. The first thing is to get the history straight. An American philosopher said, "If you don't learn the lessons of history. you will be doomed to repeat it's mistakes." I hope we can do a lot of work via the web to keep the investigation efficient. Since the national web site was up till recently, I figured that some skelital organization was still there. Reviving it would beat reinventing the wheel. Who would know about that? Though that trail actually may be getting cold, it is worth checking. But even now I am getting ahead of myself. First, I should be asking if anyone wants to join an informal comittee to look into the National ISA. Then we would submit our plan to the ISA officers for approval. Then we could proceed with caution reporting regularly as we go. This is important to keep the ducks in a row and keep the waters smooth. It will do most of its work via the net I hope. So, first, is there anyone interested in being on the committee?
  25. Mike Clifford, Thanks for leading the way. Just dealing with a statement that starts off “before I die” is a challenge let alone putting the answer up here. As I said, here is my 5 year bucket. That will bring me to age 73, God willing. I will reassess things once I get to that point. I am limiting it mostly to specific things I wan to do in regards to fishing though I am starting off with a goal in literature. I will spare you things like trips to places like Niagara Falls and Disneyland. Within the next five years: 1. In War and Peace near the end, Pierre says something like, “Knowing the truth is only half of life. Sharing it with others is the other half.” I want to find out, chapter and verse, where that quotation is. 2. I want to catch a five pound Smallmouth Bass on a fly. 3. I want to catch an eight pound Largemouth Bass on a fly. 4. I want to catch a legal Musky hook and line. 5. I want to get an article in the Bronzeback Bulletin. 6. I want to get a fly in Fly Tyer. 7. Without adding to the burden on the ISA officers, I would like to do what I can to see ISA play a leading role in reconstituting the National Smallmouth Alliance. I will hold further comments on this one for another thread if the interest is there.
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