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John Gillio

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Everything posted by John Gillio

  1. Great photos! I read that they hope to be finished with the fix sometime in June.
  2. Bart, I have the new Hodgman boot that I use with my waders. They also have soles that are interchangeable. I believe one is offered with a Boa style lace system. I have only used them a half dozen times, but I can say that I find them very comfortable and they appear to be very well made. They would be worth looking into. I ordered the Soft Science Terrafin as a wet wade boot. They haven't been used yet, but they are the lightest boot I have ever seen. They do not have a bellowed tongue though. That concerns me a bit. I'll find out if I like them this summer.
  3. I've read that too. I do have a small popper that has just been a killer in the creeks. It too has the hook dead center. It has a cupped head. I'll try one of those tiny bugs with the hook up high just to see how it reacts. Thanks Mike.
  4. Nice tips Mike. Mark, I've noticed that with your flys, the hook eye is closer to the bottom of the head than the top. This is how I usually do a popper or floating bug, to allow for a wider gap for a hook set. In the videos in your post, the Tyer places the hook eye closer to the top of the bugs head. In the second video he points this out, but does not explain why. He does explain how he places the body on the hook so the taper of the body allows for a wider gap. I wonder why he places the hook eye so high. May it allow for a more aggressive popping sound, as he likes to work this fly more aggressively? Any ideas? I have never placed the eye so high.
  5. Nice bugs Mark. Looks like I may be tying those too.
  6. I read they were asking for emergency funding for a repair. I do not believe that any of the locks are workable. It is for recreational use only, biking, canoeing,, hiking, and fishing.
  7. That's a mess. Looks like the fish will have a new home in Bureau Creek.
  8. Thanks, nice to hear the good for a change.
  9. Yes, black legs and often without the collar. Black collar when it's on. Body and tail of marribou. I try to keep it simple. Usually on a size 8 or 10 hook. I go black because the carp are often kicking up silt and I figure they can more easily spot the black. In the river, with the harder bottom, I will often throw flies that are more crayfish like in shape and color.
  10. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.flytyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Fly6.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.flytyer.com/6-overlooked-dependable-carp-flies/&docid=pfdwdO_KSSZybM&tbnid=iW0I-jNyIkmRrM:&vet=1&w=800&h=590&hl=en-US&source=sh/x/im# The first fly shown here is almost identical to the fly I had been having luck with in the canal for common carp. Mine have black legs. I like small crayfish flies in the river such as those listed here. Ants produce well when they are surface feeding. Grass carp are a project of their own. They seem to be much more picky and usually key in on something very specific. You have to match the hatch, as a trout fisher would say.
  11. Oooo! Love at first sight. I wouldn't hesitate to throw that at drum either. I'll have to check those videos out.
  12. Thanks for popping that back up Rob. I forgot about the looping of the fibers.
  13. Rob, could you post a recipe for your rope flies. Something good for fish in the 2-3 ft range. What would your favorite rope be. Have you ever used craft cord??? It seems to hold on to all sorts of things such as bass teeth, rough skin when using it to tie, etc. A friend of mine wants to tie some so I thought I'd get a recipe from the master.
  14. It looks like you will have some help filling the fly box.
  15. Sharp looking fly. Never thought of tying a fire tiger fly.
  16. No lie, I'm somewhat retired and only live 10 min away and couldn't find time to see any of them before the thaw. Can't complain though. I'd rather be busy than not.
  17. Cool photo. With all the flow of water this winter I'm guessing all the falls froze over quite nicely.
  18. Thanks Rob, I haven't tied many articulated flies. The ones I have tied were somewhat like yours, though smaller. I used them with great success in similar situations. I think yours would be an upgrade though. I'll need to tie a few before spring.
  19. Rob, what size hook on your articulated flies? (When smallie fishing them)
  20. Thanks Mike, shanks can be expensive. I have been messing with faux Enrico Puglisi hair. It is unbraided craft cord brushed with a dog brush. Here is a Puglisi sunfish.
  21. Looks like a good gang. I sure hope I can make the next one. I feel like I'm sounding like the Cubs when I say that but they finally showed.
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