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fly fishing


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The easiest way to start. Buy a couple of good quality bass leaders and some tippet from just about any fishing store. The heavier the butt section on the leader the easier it will be to turn over the flies. Try to learn loop to loop connections and knots for flyline to leader and leader to tippet it will make life much easier. Bass aren't very leader shy so don't worry to much about tippet size heavy is fine. In the beginning a weight forward floating line with weighted flies ( clousers, wooly buggers ) will catch fish. Fly selection isn't to important a good crayfish imitation a bait fish imitation and a popper for topwater. Anything subsurface keep as close to the bottom as possible. If your snagging flies a lot your fishing it right. Eventually you can try a weighted leader for swinging flies. If you have any specific questions later feel free to pm I'll be glad to help. By the way if you get the chance get out and practice casting as soon as possible don't wait for spring. You don't have to cast far. If your in a boat or wading most of your casts will usually be 40' or less.

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I'll add some length ideas. I run a nine foot leader with about a 30" tippet most of the season. This may be long for some folks, but it handles all kinds of water. The tipped need only be 10 -12# test. I like Maxima clear as it is relatively stiff and turns over well.


Make sure to spend a little time perfecting two kinds of knots:

  1. Terminal connection knot, like the Clinch or (my favorite) the Swisher knot:
  2. Loop knot:
    . These are especially good for poppers and other free moving flies.

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I use a 9' tapered mono Bass leader with loop to loop connections. Once I use a certain amount (18") of the smallend of

the leader, I then tie a loop knot at the end of the leader and connect 6# - 8# tippet with a loop knot.

Have never used dry flies for smallmouth. Have never seen a need to.

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I have a place on a river in northern WI. I want to start fly fishing the trophy smallies that we've been getting on spinning gear. is there a universal leader that can be used for dry and wet flies or do you have to switch every time you use one or the other?

Your question indicates that you have little if any flyfishing knowledge.The best thing to do is going online to obtain written or video instructive material including casting instruction.In order to fully benefit from casting practice you must first learn the things to do that make for a good cast.

Re bob g's last sentence of his post I cringe everytime I hear the "40' or less" mantra as it may dissuade learning how to cast for distance which is essential to becoming as good a flyfisherman as you can be.To use a golfing analogy good putting/chip shots aren't enuf.You must also be able to drive the ball far & straight down the fairway.While you can get by with short casts much of the time there will be many times requiring 60'+ casts.And being able to make such casts will improve your accuracy at all distances, enable you to deal better with adverse conditions such as wind,and simply make flyfishing more fun.

1x or 2x tapered leaders are best for bass.While 7.5' leaders are a little easier to cast the bigger bass flies & are fine for surface fishing I use only 9'-10'leaders as the xtra length will allow a wet fly to be fished a little deeper on a floating flyline.

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Besides leaders there is more on the table - like flies, lines, backing, reels, and rods for a beginner at Smallmouth fishing in lakes. That is a big bite to tackle here. There is an ISA fly show coming up soon where you can get a lot of questions answered. BTW join ISA if you are not a member. If you are a member, there is a terrific article on tying Bass leaders in a recent edition of the bulletin.

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