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Seaducer Video

Mike G

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I tied several red + white Seaducers last year and proceeded to catch four very nice largemouth bass from by boat on the Chain. Have yet to catch a smallie with this pattern tho. Yes . . . one can fly fish for bass from a walleye boat.

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Thanks for posting Mike.


Over the last few seasons, I've done very well with both largemouth and smallmouth with this fly. I like it because it provides a large profile and lots of movement but yet doesn't weigh much so I can toss it comfortably with my 5 weight. I also tie this by wrapping some .025 or .030 lead wire around the shank in the beginning so as to get it down deeper. I've tried several other color combinations which to my eye looked great but the classic red and white was hands down the most productive for bass (black with chartreuse collar also effective). Also a dynamite pike fly in shallow reeds and weed beds, tied in bright yellow, chartreuse, or classic red & white, since again, big profile fly. Do tie more than one though because the pike's teeth will definitely take their toll.

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This passed season, I tied up some of these Red/White hackle flies and used them several times for river smallies, but had not catch any on them yet. I've been hearing good things about this fly and the same with the Murdich, but have not been able to seduce any smallies yet. Got to keep on trying. Thanks for sharing.

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Let me add one more comment about my experiences with this fly and then I'll shudd up. If you get one of those days where all the smallies want to do is follow and hit short, this is not your fly. I've seen too many occasions where they will lip this fly or take in just a small length of those hackles and blow.


BTW, not sure what is an excellent fly on those days but this isn't it.

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Let me add one more comment about my experiences with this fly and then I'll shudd up. If you get one of those days where all the smallies want to do is follow and hit short, this is not your fly. I've seen too many occasions where they will lip this fly or take in just a small length of those hackles and blow.


BTW, not sure what is an excellent fly on those days but this isn't it.

On larger flies add a stinger hook for the short strikers.

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Personally I really am amazed at Lefty's technique for bundling hackles for the wings. We also saw it in his demos of the Deceiver and 1/2 and 1/2. In the past, I have spent a lot of time matching feathers for flaired and knife blade effects which I am sure really appeal to fishermen. Now I wonder if the fish care, I have got to see how these bundled wings produce.

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